
Tears of Marriage Part 21 & 22

Author: Gregory Wanyonyi 

My heart was in my hand when the knob turned and the door opened. I came face to face with my wife. From the look on her face, I sensed danger. I had received her slap earlier and I didn't want to get a second one. I waited for her to usher me in or maybe burst out. She didn't, instead she stared at me with tears filled eyes. I didn't know why she was crying. I felt like hugging her and wipe away the tears that rolled down her cheeks but how could I start? How could I do it when I knew she was a good actress? " Greg, who bled in your car and why didn't you inform me that you had an accident?" She finally broke the silence. "Am sorry my love, I have not been involved in an accident. I helped my colleague to the hospital." I replied honestly. I didn't want to lie to her for I knew the truth would set me free. "Who was he if I may ask."  She asked stressing the he in her question. With that , I knew trouble was cooking if I ever mentioned a she as the person I took to the hospital. I went silent for some time giving her time to cool down. I wanted to know how she would react to the news that I took Chelagat to he hospital. "My dear she is my colleague at work." The moment I said this, her madness exploded. "Greg, don't tell me it was your harlot Chelagat because you will not like it in this house." She yelled. She was right. But how do I tell her that I took her to the hospital because she was bleeding from a miscarriage? Before I could explain to her, Chelagat called me. I looked at my phone then my wife. I picked the call and put her on loud speaker. "Hi my dear." She greeted me. My wife almost snatched my phone from me but I managed to keep her away. I just wanted her to know the truth so that she can stop thinking that I have an affair with Chelagat. "Hi too Chela, hope you are well." I replied. "Am better Greg, I swear Sharon is lucky to have such a caring husband." "Thank you for the compliment Chela. I thank God for everything." I replied.  "Thank you for saving my life Greg, your actions have made me love you more.... I wish..." She was still talking when I felt a sharp pain on my forehead. My wife hit me with a cooking stick. I didn't see her pick it up from the rack. My phone went off. " I knew it, I knew you have been sleeping around with that bitch. Today you will know me." She yelled. I just stood there and looked at her. Rage accumulating in my heart. For sure, I had never bleeped another woman since marrying her. I was getting fade up. This drama was too much. For once I felt like crying. I made a wrong choice. I could have listened to my sister but it's now too late. With two children, I cannot divorce her above all, I could not imagine living without her. I loved Sharon and she was my wife. Does she really love me? "Greg am tired of this marriage,  am tired of staying with a man who sleeps around with other women and can't even satisfy me in bed." Her statement touched my heart, I had never known that my wife isn't satisfied in bed. When I married her, she seemed comfortable with everything we did between the sheets. "Am sorry darling..." I tried to explain but she cut me short. "Sorry yourself and your women you sleep around with. But remember what a man can do a woman can do better." She said and left for the bedroom.  I stood there for almost twenty minutes thinking. What should I do? Accept Fidelis' proposal? Call her dad.....
I picked my phone and dialled my sister's number. I needed time to be away from my wife. Maybe I had become a boredom to her and she needed time to be alone. The stress I was going through was killing me. Slowly I was being poisoned. The poison that would kill me anytime soon. "Yes bro, how is your stubborn wife? Has she abused you today?" My sister said jokingly as usual. But today I was not in the mood to joke. I was not ready to stay here even for a single day. Maybe after things have cooled down. "Siz, am sorry for the late night call. Can you please accommodate me and my children for the next few days?" I asked her without answering her question. My children were already with her and I was the one to join them. "Oh bro, you are always welcomed here. You can stay as long as you want. That woman will kill you one day." She replied. "Thank you siz, we shall talk more when I reach there my dear." I told her before she could ask the reason why I wanted to to live in her house when I was a married man. 
  I know most of you will ask me why I was to stay with my sister. First my sister was my confidant. She was the only person I can tell my mind. Am sure when I cry she will wipe my tears dry. Two was because of her heart. My sister has the best heart. Very accommodating and always ready to help me whenever I needed her. Three was the fact that she was my elder sister. She was the motherly figure I held to. She has always been a role model not only to me but my entire family. I remember dad once told her to ensure non of us failed to go to school and to be honest, she became more strict about this more than dad himself. 
  I went to the bedroom and found Sharon busy doing her make up. She was dressed in a tight miniskirt with a bareback too that held her boobs tight. When she saw me, she took the pillow and tried to hit me with it but u dodged. It missed me and hit her mirror sending it down shattered. "You broke my mirror? Do you know how much it costs?" She shouted reaching for the lampstand. I knew want to expect next. She was going to hit me with it. I moved to the wall and waited for her to attack. She hurled it at me and I moved to miss it. The weight of the stand sent her on the floor. Unfortunately, she landed on the broken glasses that teared her flesh mercilessly. I knew she was in pain. She stayed on the ground longer than I had expected. She didn't cry neither did she move. My heart ran fast. The sight of blood oozing from her body touched my heart. I loved her and it was my duty to help her. I bent down and tried to raise her up. She could not stand, her eyes were closed. This is when I noticed a deep cut on her forehead from which blood was flowing. "Sharon my love, Sharon," i called shaking her violently. She remained silent. I quickly took out a bandage from the first aid kit in the house and wrapped it around the wound. I didn't want her to loose more blood. I then ran out of the house and opened my car, I then went back for her. I carried her to the hospital; the same hospital I had taken Chelagat in the morning. When the doctor saw me, he just shook his head as my wife was wheeled to the emergency ward. "Who is she?" The doctor asked. "My wife" I replied.

To be continued...

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  1. Please come and complete this very interesting story, thanks
