
Tears of Marriage Part 19 & 20

Author: Gregory Wanyonyi

"We are sorry sir," the doctor told me. I knew to what to expect. Tears started clouding in my ears. I didn't expect to lose Chelagat. She was my best friend in school. I respected her and her death was the the last news I had expected. I took out my handkerchief and wiped my tears not before blowing my nose. The doctor read my mind and decided to break the silence. "We tried our best but she lost the pregnancy." My heart skipped. I didn't know whether to jubilate or be sad. "What about her doctor?" I asked almost immediately. "She is out of danger, only that we don't know how she accessed the drugs for labour induction." He replied. "Those drugs can only be sold to a medical practioner." He added. My mind ran back to the dispensary; the private clinic I had seen someone like her enter yesterday. "I need to do something" I told myself. "When can she be discharged doctor?" I asked him after a deep thought. "Maybe today in the evening." "Thank you doctor, I'll be back for her." I said as I headed to my car. "Sir, the charges stands at ten thousand shillings." He reminded me. I didn't have any money at that time. Not because i don't earn but because we share a common account with my wife and I didn't leave with the ATM card. The card is always kept by my wife but am the one who knows the pin. We agreed on this arrangement sometimes back when she thought I was spending money on other women outside. What do I do? Do I call her and explain everything to her? Not, this is not the best idea considering she had been accusing me if having an affair with Chelagat. I was still in this quandary situation when Fidelis called me. "Greg are you in school?" She asked even before greeting me. "No, anything the matter?" I asked her after answering. "Not really but I think I have seen your wife with another man enter a guest house. Could you please hurry here." She explained. Honestly how did she expect me to know where she was by saying here? "Where are you Fidelis?" I asked. "Oooh, the same joint where we usually meet." She said and hanged. 
  My car was blood soaked. I could not drive it without taking it to the carwash. What do I do? I don't have money even to take a taxi. I only had two hundred shillings. Car washing was going to cost me one hundred and fifty. My hands were tied. "Kindly do you mind paying for my taxi." I texted Fidelis. Instead of replying, she send me twelve thousands. I didn't know whether to rejoice or reverse the transaction. Anyway I drove my car to the carwash and took a taxi to where Fidelis was. I was almost there when she sent me a text. "Greg, they just left." This broke me. I wanted to know who was this man playing around with my marriage. I wanted to know which kind of a man who was determined to tear what God had United? I didn't turn back but went ahead and met Fidelis. I wanted her to tell me what happened the previous night and why her husband called her at that time of the night and everything that happened. I was curious and I still
had her images in bed fresh in my mind. Infact the thought of seeing her naked made me hard. My manhood responded. For once I regretted why u didn't seize the opportunity and bleep her. I missed quality sex. I missed being intimate but there was one thing hindering me; my vows to remain faithful to my wife. When I arrived, Fidelis hugged me and planted a kiss on my lips. "Greg, I love you." She declared.
This was mind blowing. How can a married woman be in love with me? Cheating on my wife was the last thing I expected. In my heart I was suspecting my wife was cheating on me. In the beginning, I thought she was cheating on me with Henry; Fudelis' husband but today I have doubts. Fidelis had called me telling me my wife had entered the guest house in a company if a man. If it could have e been Henry, am sure she could not have called me because she knew my wife and her hubby were colleagues. My earlier guess had been disapproved. 
  For once, my heart was at peace with Henry but I didn't want to imagine that he might be the man behind Chelagat's pregnancy. This was so inhumane. Not imagining he could have had a hand in the abortion which could have killed Chelagat if I could not have gotten there in time. Anyway that aside. Fudelis'confession that sh loved me was the least I expected. Not the wife to a local church leader. ",Let's have a talk Greg." She said after she noticed that I was silent. "Why do you love me when you are married and am married too Fidelis?" I asked her. "Greg, am tired of begging for my husband's attention. I swear I loved this man but his negligence has pushed me to the wall. Greg, you are the only man who can save my marriage. Just love me back and I'll stay in the marriage or I'll divorce him." They things here affected me directly. One, I had never thought of having someone divorce their partners. I always believe in finding amicable solutions to all problems in a marriage. This means I was not ready to see Fidelis divorce. Two, I was a married man in a rocky marriage. Despite this, I was not ready to love another woman. I didn't know what to do but I had to act. Either love Fidelis or protect my family. "Let's talk about this some other time Fidelis. For now I have an emergency to attend to." I told her. "Greg, promise me you will keep this topic to yourself." Of course I was to keep it confidential. I could not imagine the drama my wife could have caused if she discovered I had such a talk with another woman. What if Henry? His reaction towards his wife was also a factor to be considered. I put people's happiness first. "It's ok Fidelis, this is between me and you." I replied. She held my hand and kissed it before we left. 
  After leaving the place, I went to the carwash to pick my car only to find my wife's car there. She had taken mine and according to the attendant, she picked it before it was washed. This was chaotic. "Here are the keys sir. Your wife said we give it to you." I keep what that meant. I was to drive the car. I went to the hospital and found Chelagat in the office. She had been discharged. I paid the bills and took her home. On the way, she asked me how she had gotten to the hospital. This confirmed my worries that she was unconscious when I took her there. I explained everything to her and she cried bitterly. "Henry, why did you do this to me?" She. Lamented. Finally I dropped her at her home and left. I didn't want to go to school though it was still early. I called the principal who gave me permission not to report to school. When I reached my home, I found my car parked in the parking lot. "Help me God." I said as I pressed the doorbell and Waited. I heard footsteps coming to he door from inside and I was sure it was my wife.

To be continued...

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