

Coming home from work I didn't expect to find my husband already home and sitting at our dining room table, the scent of weed filling the air. He only used it occasionally so I wasn't going to complain even though I'd never developed a taste for it.

"Robert is everything alright? Did the doctor say anything during your appointment?"

"No love," the smile crossing his face didn't quite seem to reach his eyes, "The doctor just wanted to follow up on some test results from that incident last month." For some reason, I wasn't completely sure I believed him. "Let me guess, Alex, is still being his relentless self," as he realized I was dressed in just a well-filled sports bra and yoga shorts, "not that I can blame him. I'll say one thing, he's done wonders for making sure you stay in shape. Isn't that the same combo you wore when you dropped by my office to see if you could earn some extra credit in my class?"

Glancing down I realized he was indeed correct, it was the same outfit I wore when, as a struggling university junior, I paid my recently divorced and extremely good looking older professor an after-hours visit to discuss my grades. I hadn't been surprised to find myself naked on his oversized desk nor was I naive enough to believe I was the only coed who'd ever found herself on the receiving end of his magnificent cock. The real surprise was not in the sheer number of times he was able to make me orgasm or how well and truly fucked I was when he finally unloaded deep inside of me. No, truthfully the biggest surprise came when after we both caught our breath he asked if I would like to go out for coffee with him sometime.

We dated in secret for the rest of that year and then openly during my senior year as I was not in any of his classes. There was a lot of discussion around campus that year especially concerning our sixteen-year age difference and in truth, neither set of parents were particularly happy when we married not long after I graduated. His mother was at least hopeful for the possibility of him finally producing a grandchild while mine had difficulty with the idea of a son in law only a couple of years younger than themselves. With his tenure at the university firmly set, it made sense I try to find employment locally and with the help from a couple of friends of his I was able to land a job that not only paid fairly well but allowed me to make use of my degree. I've been with them for four years now and my only gripe began about three years ago when they brought in Alex and his incessant flirting.

"You know Nikki, part of me finds it funny that you go to the gym every time he frustrates you." Getting up from his chair and stepping close, he rested his hand on my bare stomach just above my shorts before pushing his fingers under the stretchy fabric and down through the sparse black hair until the tip of his middle finger was resting right on the hood of my clit. "I can't help but wonder if you're trying to work off some hidden desires." Moving his finger in small circles he was able to draw a moan as my pussy was flooded with my juices. "You haven't cheated have you?"

"No," I struggled to say, my voice ragged as his fingers dipped between my lips briefly before resuming their lazy circles around my clit. "I've been good I swear. You promised me a special surprise if I kept edging and I have but it's been two weeks already." My fingers clutched the edge of the dining room table as he quickly brought me right to the brink and held me there.

"You want to cum don't you?" he growled, "More than anything you just want to cum right now don't you?"


"Getting to cum is a privilege that you have to earn. Are you willing to do exactly what I tell you even if it's something you would otherwise never consider?"

"Yes." The desperation clear in my voice.

"Nikki, my wife the next time Alex asks you out I want you to say yes." Of all the things I suspected he would tell me to do that didn't even make the list.

"What? Nooo." My startled protest quickly dissolved into a moan as he skillfully manipulated me.

"Do you want to cum?"


"Will you do as I say?"


"Good. Now, what do you think of Alex?"

"I, I can't stand him." My brain was barely functioning as I struggled to say the words.

"Why not? Describe him to me."

"He's tall. Oh, fuck please just let me cum." I knew begging would be a fruitless endeavor but I had to try.

"He's tall," he said ignoring my request, "go on."

"He's tall," I repeated as flashes of Alex from last summers company pool party sped through my mind, my hips involuntarily trying to grind on his fingers, "really built, oh fuck good looking, and from the looks of things really hung. Most of the women in the office want him to fuck them and are jealous he keeps asking me out."

"Are you attracted to him?"

"What, no." It's sad when you're trying to be defiant and it only comes out as a whimper. "Dammit, you're not letting me think straight."

"I don't want you thinking straight Nikki if you're thinking straight you might try to lie to me and I want the truth. Are you attracted to Alex?"

"Yes, but I'd never."

"Never what?"

"Never do anything with him."

"Why so defensive? If I didn't know better I'd think you want him to fuck you too."

"No, not at all." Trying to plead your innocence when you're high strung and desperate to cum doesn't make the most convincing argument.

See Nikki we have a problem. I think you're lying to me and if you don't tell me the truth it will be weeks and weeks before you get to cum. You don't want that do you?"

"Please no."

"Do you want Alex to fuck you?"

A loud and emphatic no was raging through my mind, but I found myself stunned as I heard the whisper, "Yes."

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."


"Yes, what my wife?" His emphasis on the word wife caused me to flinch but his fingers continued their slow burn of my insides.

"Yes, I want him to fuck me!" I couldn't believe I'd said the words or that I actually meant them. I just told my husband I wanted another man to fuck me. "Please just let me cum now," I whimpered.

"Love, I've known you wanted to fuck him since you first started complaining about him and now would you like to hear what you have to do?"

"Will I get to cum after you tell me?" I asked although I was fairly certain I already knew the answer.

"Eventually. What are you going to tell Alex next time he asks you out?"

"I'm going to say yes."

"That's right and do you remember what you did for our anniversary last year?"

"Do you mean getting waxed or inviting my old roommate to join us?"

"I mean getting waxed." Robert smiled at the memory, "As soon as you arrange your date you're going to schedule an appointment to get waxed as well as getting your hair and nails done. I'm also going to arrange for you to get a sexy new dress and the lingerie to go with it."

"Why?" I was completely perplexed by my husband's demands.

"Because you've already admitted you're attracted to him and I want you to respond to him as a woman who is attracted to the man with her."

"You're joking." He'd kept me going in the past but how he could keep me on the edge for so long.

"No love I'm not joking."

"And if he tries to kiss me?"

"Then amaze him with how good of a kisser you are."

"And if."

"You're going to let him. You do want to cum don't you?" A slight twist of his fingers cut off my question and brought me right to the very precipice, just the tiniest bit more pressure and I'd be reduced to a shaking mass of orgasmic bliss on the floor and for a brief moment I thought he might do it. Instead, I felt my knees buckle and the floor come rushing up as he ripped his hand out from between my legs and I crashed to the floor, barely able to catch myself, my breath coming in gasps and heaves as if after an intense cardio workout. "The sooner you arrange for the date the sooner you get to have that orgasm you so desperately want my love." Kneeling next to me he ran his fingers through my hair and gently caressed my back. "Please don't think I'm being cruel by asking this of you. I have my reasons and I truly have your best interests at heart even if it doesn't seem like it at the moment."

After a few moments, I heard him stand up and then the slight squeak and click as he closed the door to his office. The small part of my brain that was able to rationalize understood that with it being finals season he had a vast number of papers to read and grade. Once I had sufficient control over my limbs I dragged myself into the shower before finally crawling into bed.

The next couple of days passed in what I could only describe as a state of depersonalization. I got up, took a shower, went to work, and did all the things a normal human being has to do to function, but ever since rising from the floor, I'd felt like I'm a passenger in my own body. It wasn't until the middle of our Thursday morning meeting that I snapped back into reality when Alex's name managed to seep through my consciousness.

"I'm sorry what was that?," I asked as everything popped back into focus. I was actually a little startled by the realization of where and when it was.

"I said Alex will be out until Monday." That was Luther, the vice president in charge of my department, "One of his clients had an unmitigated disaster of a system launch yesterday morning and he flew out last night to try and unfuck everything." Luther had been one of Robert's mentors when he was younger and his willingness to take a chance on me was crucial in helping me land my job.

"Well, fuck." Given the shocked looks and more than a few chuckles from everyone at the table that hadn't been said in my head as I intended. Given that it was well known I wasn't Alex's biggest fan no one would guess the real reason for it. "Sorry, there were some details on the Town Center West project that I need to go over with him and I'd hoped to have that all tied up before the weekend." There was a general sense of understanding as none of us like leaving projects until the last minute although I'm not sure everyone bought it.

"Nikki, there's something I need to discuss with you after meeting so please drop by my office when we wrap up here." I simply nodded and listened as Luther continued with the meeting.

"Luther, you wanted to see me?" Even though I was fairly certain I hadn't screwed anything up it always felt like going to see the principal as I entered his office a few minutes after the meeting ended.

"Please close the door and have a seat." Turning in his chair and grabbing a cup from his spares he gestured towards the machine. "Do you want some coffee?" Watching him grab the red cup he always gave me when I visited his office made me realize that if and when he ever retired I was going to want to snag that cup.

"Sure." Settling into the chair my eyes drifted to the picture of him and a twenty-year younger version of my husband. It was easy to imagine the coeds that must have been all but throwing themselves at him.

"Usual?" Luther asked as the machine brewed my cup.

"Of course." Luther and Robert both found it funny that in the world of Starbucks, Dutch Bros, and the 3.2 million types of flavoring available I steadfastly refused to add anything to my coffee. I also knew that until I'd taken a sip the real conversation wouldn't begin.

"I want to talk with you about Alex. I have to know if your issues with him are serious enough that I need to take it to human resources and look into removing him. I'd hate to lose either of you because when you do team up your results are always phenomenal, but if you're truly feeling harassed by him I want to know. I'm sorry, I know I should have acted on this sooner."

For a moment I had the temptation to laugh because just a few days I would have been ecstatic at the thought of him gone. Now I found myself wondering if my reaction to him was based on the attraction my husband so lovingly brought to my attention. "Luther, I think he and I just need to have a conversation away from work and iron a couple of things out." I had to pause as I decided how to verbalize it without just blurting out that I wanted to fuck him, "I had something rather startling pointed out to me a few days ago and it's been rather difficult to process so I apologize if I haven't been myself lately."

"Something you care to talk about?"

"No, I'll be alright. Was there anything else?"

"Yes actually while we're on the subject there is something I hope you'll be willing to help with. When Alex left he was forced to take an uber to get to the airport instead of driving himself," he explained seeing the puzzled look on my face since the company pays for parking at the airport, "There was some kind of incident at his neighbor's house and he was blocked in by a fire truck. Now as you know on Monday most of us will be tied up in meetings with the folks from Weyland, but since your counterpart was smart enough to handle everything via email you've got a get out of jail free card. So I was hoping you'd be willing to pick him up from the airport. I know it's a little old fashioned sending someone to get him, but he did the company a favor by dropping everything and flying out and I think someone taking their time to pick him up shows, at least in a small way, that we appreciate him."

"Yeah, I can do that," I said standing up, "just let me know what time he's due in and I suppose that would be as good a time as any for him and I to talk. Oh, I'm likely going to need next Friday off. I've got a few things I need to get taken care of."

"Sure thing. Just send me the request and I'll sign off on it and forward it to HR. Oh, and after you pick him up unless you need to there's no reason to come back to the office."

"Thanks, Luther, don't worry I promise we'll get this worked out one way or another." I wondered what the blowback was going to be if this worked out like Robert wanted it to.

Returning to my office I figured now was as good a time as any to make my appointments so if Robert asked he would see I was playing along. I realized that I hadn't even talked with Alex let alone arranged to go on a date with him but I couldn't see any reason for it not to be the following Friday. It felt strange that I wasn't making the appointment for my husband but putting it off wouldn't change anything. Fortunately, my favorite place had a cancellation on Saturday which meant plenty of time for my skin to recover before my date.

Ever since he'd left me on the floor Monday night I'd seen little of Robert, in part because of my mental state and his responsibilities at the end of the school year it wasn't a particularly uncommon occurrence for him to work late hours so I was surprised to see his car sitting in the garage when I got home. "Robert?," I called out as I entered the house.

"On the porch love," I heard him say, his voice drifting in from the back yard.

Reaching the patio door I paused, taking in the sight of my husband sitting on our swing. Maybe it was the circumstances of the last few days, but it felt like I was seeing him clearly for the first time in a long time. He was in what he called his teachers casual; a light-colored polo, a comfy pair of jeans, and sandals, but looking past that I realized there was far more salt and a lot less pepper than I remembered and his face, always strong and handsome, seemed worn and gaunt. The faint smell of weed hung in the air.

"Robert, what's going on?" Spending time with him in the swing are some of my favorite memories.

"You want to narrow that down a bit, otherwise it might take a while." The fact that he was chuckling at least was a good sign.

I couldn't help but be concerned about these recent changes in his behavior. "Let's start with you, it's not like you to smoke more than once every few months and this is the second time I'm aware of in the last few days."

"It helps. It helps me to relax." I didn't like the pain that seemed to be resonating in his voice but I knew just what would help, for a little while at least.

"Love, if you need to relax all you have to do is ask. I'm always more than happy to help you out." We'd long since established that I felt the best way for my husband to relax was for me to suck the cum from his balls and as I rubbed my hand across the front of his jeans I could feel him beginning to swell.

"Have you set up your date with Alex yet?" Unzipping his jeans I slid my hand inside and fished out his cock.

"No." I never grow tired of hearing his soft moans as I run my tongue around the head and along his shaft. "He left to bail out a client and won't be back until Monday but Luther asked for me to pick him up from the airport and I thought we would talk about it then." Sliding my lips over the head I relished the feel of his quickly hardening cock and kept him in my mouth as I slipped out of the swing and onto my knees.

"Oooh fuck," were the only intelligible words he uttered as I worked over his cock for the next several minutes. I love the feel, the taste, and just the sensation of maleness from having a cock in my mouth and get completely turned on hearing the moans. I was sorely tempted to slip my hand between my legs, but I had no doubt Robert would ensure I ended up even more frustrated than I already was.

"That was evil," Robert groaned as I brought him to the edge and stopped, slowly stroking him as his body recovered.

"You're one to talk."

"Nikki, I need to be honest with you about something." Running his fingers through my hair I slowed my rhythm as I brought my eyes up to his. I had a fairly good idea of what he was about to finally tell me but it wasn't something I was unaware of. I knew a couple of people who had taken his classes after I graduated, including one girl who's attempt at rubbing it in my face ended quite badly for her. Seriously, don't assume everyone went to the same "We're just going to pull each other's hair" school of fighting that you did. While a lot of women would be outraged my parents were swingers while I was growing up and I was hardly an angel before we married and accepted it as just part of being married to the best-looking teacher on campus.

"Were they like me just giving up some pussy in search of a better grade or is this something else?" I found myself enjoying the look of shock on his face almost as much as all but hearing his eyes roll back into his head as I sucked his cock back into my mouth.

Having already brought him to the edge it wasn't long before I felt him ball my hair up in his fist and force my head down until his cock was lodged into my throat over and over. I'd love to say I was one of those imaginary women from the Literotica stories born without a gag reflex and he was able to fuck my throat without concern, that however is simply not the case, I gag every time but I know how just how much it turns him on. The sound of me being forced to choose between his cock and oxygen is nothing more than a complete power trip but one I don't mind him going on because it tells me just how close I am to getting my reward. However, even I was surprised when his grip tightened even more and he pulled my head down roughly, pressing my nose hard against his stomach, and several inches of his cock lodged deep in my throat. Several long eternities passed before he let out a loud, "FUCK," and I felt the violent pulse of his cock as his cum shot directly down my throat.

To be continued...

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