

"Sir..I can not find Miss Hayley! She just disappeared on me!" Louis the driver that had accompanied Hayley spoke on the phone.

Banging his hands on his desk, Adrian exploded, "What! How did she..Louis! You better come back with miss Archer or you will be in big trouble!" 

Cutting off the call, Adrian paced back and forth his office cursing in a low tone! Where could she be? Did she disappear on him? But she wouldn't leave her siblings behind! Then it had to be that crazy ex of hers! 

"Lincoln, do you remember the place you took miss Archer to deliver the packages?" Adrian spoke on the phone.

"Yes boss! At Andrews,"

"I want you to take some men with you! She must be there! The cousin took her!"

"Are you sure boss? And, do you think if he took her, he is stupid enough to take her there?"

"Yes! Let us take our chances! Go find out if he took her there? He is not clever like his cousin. Make sure Miss Archer is alright,"  

"Okay boss,"

He better not hurt her or he will get it from me! Adrian thought getting on another call.


"Andrew!" Hayley gasped.

Her dream had come to life! Or was she dreaming again? She pinched herself to confirm! It was the reality!

Walking towards her, Andrew took her hands in his, "It's good to see you again Angel," He said pecking her hands.

"You kidnapped me!" 

"Let us not let it seem that way! It sounds off better when you say I took what was mine back!" He grinned.

"I told you to give me a few more days! I was coming back to you!" She lied.

"I am not stupid Hayley!" He snapped at her his eyes glowing with Savage fire."You think I don't know that bastard you're living with is the reason! He thinks he owns everything he touches!"

"Adrian does not have control over me Andrew!" 

"Oh C'mon Sweetheart! I have known him way long before you did! So tell me? Has he fucked you like he does to every girl he meets?"

She shuddered at his question, "No!" 

To every girl he meets! Why did it feel so horrible! Did he use every girl he met? But why did it feel so right! He had once tried to lure her anyways! He always brought misstresses to his house! She couldn't deny the fact that she liked her boss. Wait, what? The fact that she could not forget about his touch! His contagious laugh which she had only experienced once. His marvelous smile! And now was the time she was realising that she liked him! In the hands of her crazy ex!

Running his hands through her hair, he whispered to her ear, "Are you thinking about him? Has he touched you? Has he ran his hands through you? Has he!" Andrew growled.

The fact that she had almost come back to Andrew out of her own will made her blood boil. She had been so stupid thinking he would change! He was still the same crazy man she had met! He could not change! It was in his blood! She had to think of a good plan to escape.

"Listen here hunny, no one is allowed to touch me apart from you, okay? I love you. Only you," She circled her hands around his neck. She had to be good at acting. Not unless she wanted to spend her next life with a crazy man.

"You do? Then why did you leave me? Why did you abandon me at the time I needed you most?" 

"You needed to go get medicated. I was here waiting for you. Just that I had a lot on my plate! You know, my little siblings. I'm hungry Hun. Can. We go get some food," Hayley said caressing his hair.

"Of course Angel. Follow me,"

He was falling for her trap. She knew she was his weakness and she needed to gain his trust. She just hoped he was not clever enough to discover her motives.

They ate in plain silence as she thought of a better plan. The house had a kitchen door. She would survey it later. Of course she could not use the main door since there were guards at standby. If she would get a room with a big window then that would be an option too. But hoping Andrew would not force her to share a room with him! But then the big problem was how she would pass the gate!

Heaving a sigh of extreme exhausion, She digged her fork on the steak and took one more bite.

"Andrew, I need to use the bathroom," Hayley said getting up from her stool.

"Lucas here will direct you," Andrew said directing to a very big guy that had been standing behind them all along! If she would be passing through such big bodies, she would have a very hard time.

Passing a wall clock on the corridor, Hayley noticed two hours had passed since her abduction if she would refer to it as that. Had Adrian noticed that she was missing? Would he come looking for her? But why would he care! A part of her hoped that he would. A part of her was not sure. She missed her siblings! She was nothing without them.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice talk at a distance. Who was Andrew talking to? The big guy covered her mouth before she could do anything stupid.

"Why would I have her?" She heard Andrew say.

"We will search the house then!" The person replied. It was Lincoln. She couldn't be wrong.

Her escape had been made easier! Adrian had come to save her! He had to be there! He was here for her! But why couldn't she hear his voice!

"You are not going anywhere you bastard!" She heard Andrew growl.

The big man lifted her up and pushed her inside the bathroom and locked it from outside.

"If you dare scream, I will rip your tongue out!" His deep scary voice exploded.

No way they were going without her! She had to think of a way! She was smarter than this. Searching for something she could open the lock with, she saw a string of wire on a corner. Picking it up, she started trying her luck hoping it would work. It always worked on movies!

The piece of wire got stuck on the lock! 

𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑡! Hayley cursed knocking the door angrily with her leg. She could here footsteps coming towards her.

All of a sudden someone pushed the door loudly making a loud bang, as she moved to a far corner to avoid getting hurt.


"Hayley. Let's go. You're lucky I heard you knock the door! We were almost leaving!" Russell said leading her out of the bathroom.

"Where do you think you're going?" Andrew blocked the way, a gun on his hand with two more men behind him. 

Lincoln and the others joined in. Adrian was not there! Of course he wouldn't waste his time.

"Let her go peacefully," Lincoln said.

"No way idiot!" 

"Then we will have to do this the hard way!" Lincoln said drawing his gun.

A gun fight again in her presence! 

Out of nowhere, the big man that had accompanied her, slammed Russell on the wall. The others started shooting as Hayley hid behind a couch as the gunshots ran through the stillness off the air. She could see Russell strangling the big man helplessly who was now reaching for his gun that had fell on a short distance. Russell could not outdo him. She had to save him. Standing up before she could take a few steps forward, She felt a sharp unfamiliar pain pierce her leg. 

Her vision blurred, as she looked down to witness the pool of blood that was gushing out of her leg copiously, as the sharp pain hit her hard.

To be continued...

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