
KEN THE PROTECTOR –CHP 24 – Global interests; historical interests

Alphas and Victor had one assignment: to keep driving their vehicles until something is done to ensure there was enough fuel for the rest of the vehicles. That meant one thing for them, they were to get even busier. They were briefed by the team thoroughly on their forthcoming roles with Alphas concentrating much on driving the bosses while during his free time to continue operating as a cab driver with the car while Victor was also to work on the same but with lesser roles.
When the team reviewed their roles, it was no longer necessary to keep the two great drivers in darkness. 
They were given all necessary information about the company and the exact reasons why it was in Kenya.
Florence held a brief meeting with the two drivers. By then, Evelyne had already gotten a better listening application to tap into their conversations. Kimberly, who had been like a mentor of all trainees in technology in the camp that was making killers had greatly enhanced Evelyne’s applications.
“So, as it is now, the two of you need to remain healthy, strong and alert. Your cars for now are the only two cars that are operating in the company. Until we get how to shut down the natural boosters that pump the first-grade fuel from Kenyan crust, we cannot get more fuel for the rest of the cars.” Florence told the two.
“You know, this is very weird. I never even thought of it.” Victor said, “So, you want to tell me that the world oil comes from Kenya?”
“Not really, but most of it comes from Kenya, I mean underground. There is one thing that the world would never let Kenya know, that this country is probably the richest country in the world given chance. 
Your leaders are so blinded about it. Corruption is breeding this country. And after we got to know about the oil, we set this facility here and hid it from the satellites and it is why virtually no one knows about our e xistence out here in the middle of nowhere.” Florence told the two.
“I have always thought about it. Right now, Kenya and Somalia are fighting over the control of some 
section of the sea which they believe has some oil under it.” Alphas said.
“True, you see, this has nothing to do with Somalia. It is Americans doing it. Americans know that Somalia is more of a broken country due to decades of interclan wars. They know if Somalia manages to wrestle that from Kenya, it will be easy to get it since they can simply destabilize the country in another war, send
their peace keeping forces there in pretense to keep peace and set up their oil refineries there.” Florence 
told Alphas.
“Why Somalia?” Victor asked.
“I can guess that.” Alphas said.
Florence smiled and said, “Ok, guess.”
“Because Somalia is already vulnerable due to decades of war and it is easy to destabilize the country. But 
Kenya it is not and making it suddenly unstable would raise global questions. Besides, I can see that suddenly Russians have a lot of interest in Kenya for who knows what and considering that Russia is another super power, it would not just watch as America destroys Kenya.” Alphas said.
“Oh! Boy!” Florence said with a wide smile, “I feel like riding your dick now!”
“Why?” Alphas asked.
“Sorry to victor I know you are a staunch believer but whenever I am excited, I get horny.” Florence said after noticing how Victor reacted to that statement. Victor had just to smile and nod.
“Not only Russia but China too. China is just alert waiting for America to try to make Kenya unstable. China has invested a lot in Kenya such that Kenya is now like a Chinese colony state. Americans are jealous about it but there is nothing they can do. In as much as America is stronger than China, they would never dare go for it since naturally that would be suicidal. 
Then again, China and Russia are friends, then add North Korea and India who are also closer to China in diplomatic relationships. Then add all Arabic countries since they all hate America and Saudi Arabia is such a huge economy to reckon with and no one really knows how strong it is. So, Americans have to just behave regardless of how strong they are.
However, there is only one country to worry about.” Florence said.
“What country?” Alphas and Victor wondered out loudly.
“Israel. It is such a small country you can literally run across it in two hours if you can run at the speed of Eliud Kipchoge. But as you can see, the country has managed to be where it is despite being surrounded by enemies. The only good thing is, Israel is not interested in any country’s resource. You will never find it bullying nations to make itself rich.” Florence said.
“I wish someone would be serious enough to study this tiny country. I mean, from a historical angle and religious angle because they say a lot about it in the Bible but in the modern world no one seems to recognize how powerful that country is.” Victor said.
“I also would wish to know more about it. In the mean time, GLOIL is trying to shut down the natural boosters that pump oil from African directing it to Arabic countries. How they work we do not know, worse, the rate is faster now since they have more oil refineries and we are trying to slow them down for a while.” Florence said.
“But they aren’t stealing from anyone.” Victor said.
“But that is our oil in Kenya. Besides, if the mixture of it is what makes the fuel for our cars, I would wish someone stops them even now.” Alphas said.
“And how is that supposed to happen?” Victor asked.
“The old-fashioned way. Make them fight each other, send some lunatics to bomb their oil wells, that will slow down their activities and we shall have more of it here since it will slow down the Northward flow.” Florence said.
“And hence lose more lives, what a world!” Victor said.
“Fuck lives, I naturally hate Arabs these people are heartless. Abraham did a serious mistake.” Florence said.
“What mistake?” Victor asked.
“He fucked Haggar and got Ismael. Ismael is the father of modern Arabs according to the little history that 
I know. If Abraham did not, we could not be having Arabs now. You see, a small fucking mistake brought about the biggest menace in the world history. The Arabs.” Alphas said.
“How did you know that? Is that even true?” Florence asked.
“In the Bible, unless there is more history that was left from the Bible.” Alphas said.
“Talking of history that might have been left from the Bible, I know someone who can answer most of our 
questions, but…” Victor paused.
“But what?” Florence asked.
“I don’t know if she will agree to it, she is a former catholic nun and has studied a lot of history associated with the Bible. She probably knows more history than the pope himself.” Victor said.
“Is she in Kenya?” Florence asked.
“Yes.” Victor said.
“Arrange a meeting for us, I really would like to know more.” Florence said.
“Why would GLOIL want to know the history of the Bible?” Alphas asked.
“Because it is the history of mankind. If only we would know more about Arabs, we would know enough to stop them or slow them down. You cannot defeat someone who you do not know his background. Like, for example, if you are going against someone, you would wish to know more about them, what you are knowing happened in the past not in the present.” Florence said.
“Ok, if it helps you.” Alphas said. He was skeptical about knowing Arabs’ history. It did not make sense to 
As they were talking, Florence took out her phone and opened a channel of information network that only served GLOIL company. She proceeded to show Alphas and Victor.
What seemed like live updates was streaming on her phone. There were fires and intense bombings. 
“This is happening right now. Americans are attacking gulf oil fields. But not Americans. We have infiltrated the American government and one of us is in control of what is happening there right now. The attack is meant to slow them down so that we can have more of it down here.” Florence told the two drivers.
“Damn! What a loss!” Victor said looking at the screen. There were huge fires burning the oil fields.
“But won’t the fire draw out the oil and make the wells dry?” Alphas asked.
“The bombing is meant to collapse the wells so that no more of it will get out of there in the meantime. 
The fires will eventually burnout since the wells are collapsed.” Florence told Alphas.
“Do the Arabs know about the source of their oils?” Alphas asked.
“They probably do. But the map we have is superior so they do not know exactly where grade one of the products comes from. Let me tell you something,” Florence said and paused, “if we would extract the fuel,we use to fuel your cars in large scale, we would literally control the entire transport industry. Even aircrafts would soon begin using it and they would probably fly with great speeds.
Just like the human body, you feed it with super foods you become stronger. Same with machines, feed them with super fuel and you get a super car or a super aircraft.” 
“It is why I eat super foods, to remain strong.” Alphas said and smiled. Florence got the joke right and smiled too.
“Are you still strong? I need it like right now.” Florence said.
Just then, Alphas received a text which read: Hi, I wish to meet you again soon, my body is burning, what did you do to me? The text was from Karina.
Elsewhere, Evelyne was following entire conversation and even managed to trace the source of the text that got into Alphas’ phone.
Victor got busy scrolling his phone looking for his friend’s phone number, a lady who was once a nun.
“Her name is Sabina; I am sure she will give you all the history you want about Arabs and Israelites. I think she has access to some secret books that the rest of the world cannot access. Let me talk to her and give you some feedback.” Victor told Florence.
“Please do, in the meantime, let me go with Alphas, I need some private time with him. The meeting is over.” Florence said standing up. She adjusted her short skirt as if it was hindering her movements since it was tight. Alphas remained seated just looking at her.
“Hey, stand up, follow me.” Florence almost commanded Victor.
“At your service, Madam Boss…” Alphas replied.
Victor pretended to be so busy with his phone since he did not want the two amorous people to draw his 

>>The story continues>>

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