
10 Reasons why you are SINGLE up to now

You are over 18 years old and past the legal dating age according to your country's (most) constitution. However you are still single, probably searching for someone who you can mingle with. The society seems to have imposed upon our minds that there is a certain age where we are supposed to be independent in life, and if not married, be in a serious relationship that could lead to marriage. For men, biology favors them as it is very possible for a man past the age of 45 to procreate but for the ladies at this age, menopause is vigorously knocking and this could mean being unable to procreate. Generally, in our society, a lady past the age of 30 years old and a man past the age of 40 years old and still single is considered a little bit late in the dating life.

So from my independent observation, experience and interactions with people, I managed to come up with 10 major and good reasons why you might be single up to now, regardless of your age. Read on.

ONE: You are unrealistic with what you want in a man/woman

This is one of the most popular reasons for many being single. Trying to get that perfect partner with all the qualities we desire is not only an illusion butunrealistic. I often find a lady who wish to get that proverbial tall, dark, handsome, romantic, wealthy, heroic man and men who wish to get a lady who has a figure eight, independent, beautiful, humble, well-behaved, "virgin"… In our modern society, what is the probability of meeting such kind of people? Do you want to end your singlehood? Just be realistic while setting the standards of the kind of partner you wish to have. No one is perfect. But all the same be firm with what you want, this is your life. What about physical attributes that are not admirable?

TWO: Your characters are pathetic

I sometimes meet people who are proud, boisterous, and irresponsible in their words and actions, drunkards, lazy, pitifully immoral; their favorite hangouts are alcohol dens yet they dare claim that there are no women/men to love them! Others may be "extremely holy and saved" but are terrible hypocrites, womanizers, nymphomaniacs, people manipulators, love merchandisers aka gold diggers, yet they are still wondering why they are "so unattractive". An anti-social character will only push people away from you!

THREE: Your hygiene is pathetic

If you are the type who doesn't know how to take care of yourself, you will not attract a potential mate. Who is ready to put up with your awful body odors, unkempt beards, shaggy hair, scaly skin, rugged nails, smelly mouth and teeth, tattered clothes, rough and scattered house etc? Poor hygiene will only scare potential mates away and probably attract houseflies!

FOUR: You are a Selfish and Egocentric human being

If you are the type who just want everything to happen according to your desires and wants, to an extent you simply don't care about other people's feelings, people will run away from you and you will probably end up being single. What more can I say? No one wants to be with someone who does not care about his/her desires, feelings, wants and considerations.

FIVE: Your Sexual Performance is Pathetic

No matter how our preachers tell us pre-marital sex is wrong, truth is, it is a fact of life and many people before deciding whether to spend the rest of their lives together, they must test drive each other.

If your sexual performance is way below average due to various reasons like; poor hygiene, too little "Johnny", too watery or too dry "Love den", hormonal imbalance, drug and substance abuse, poor health, negative attitude towards sex, impotence (or super-potency)/infertility, pre-mature ejaculations, low libido, etc, you may end up being single as your partner moves on with his/her life in search of carnal fulfillment. 

SIX: You are just dull and Unromantic

Love relationships are kept aflame by romance. If you are not romantic enough e.g. no gifts, no flowers, nopoetry, no chocolates, no holding hands, no sweet/sexy talks, no horny phone calls, no candle lit dinne

rs, no outings together, no holidays taken, no thrill and adventure in your love life, etc, sooner or later you will end up being single as your partner gets enticed by a more romantic man/woman.

I am Single and Ready to Mingle.

Same as if you are not a good communicator with members of the opposite sex, then you and singlehood are compatible!

SEVEN: You have been meeting "The wrong People" all along

This is very traumatic, but you may just be the unlucky ones who only meet the wrong people as mates. The world and life in general is too complex some things and occurrences are simply beyond human comprehension. Often times, I have seen nice, beautiful, hardworking ladies fall into the hands of bad boys every time (And the opposite is true for men).

Other times, you may always meet the wrong people due to "Poor hunting grounds" e.g. clubs, bars, porn sites, etc I also tend to think we attract who we are, so before getting frustrated for attracting the wrong people every time, we ought to ask, are we worth the right people?

You may also be "the wrong person". How? If you claim you cannot get a good Kenyan man/woman, what is the probability that over 10 Million people are wrong and you are right? Wake up my dear because that dream is going to kill you in your singlehood!

EIGHT: You are too busy to fall in love

You are at the top of your career, social life, you have climbed the corporate ladder, and you feel you are at the top of the world. Your daily life is fully occupied with activities such that you simply have no time for anyone in your private and personal life. Time to you is never enough so how can you afford to "waste" your time with anyone? If that describes you, you are bound to remain single for a long time.

NINE: You are Broke

You are a man. You do not have money for yourself in your life, how does this damn world expect you to have money to entertain someone else in your life? To you, life is simply unfair.

TEN: You are Single by Choice

You have meditated about your choices of life, and you have decided to arrive to this golden decision; the power to choose for yourself what you want for yourself. You have your own reasons for arriving into that choice and I am not going to try to guess the reasons. It is between you and yourself. Congratulations for showing the whole world that you are able to stand firm for who you are and are ready to defend yourself as to why you choose what you choose, again I say, Congratulations!

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