
The Coxville Curse Part 1: Chapter 3: Two Hot Blondes Bet on Big Black Cocks

3 Two Hot Blondes Bet on Big Black Cocks
The Coxville Curse Saga 
Copyright 2017 by Stormbringer 

The following is based on the comic “Two Hot Blondes Bet on Big Black Cocks” illustrated by the Pit and written by Stormbringer.  


September 25, 2009: The night after the shadow man came into the dreams of the sleeping women of Coxville. The day of the big game between the Coxville Cocks and the Bartown Beavers. The day that changed everything 


Jenny Summers woke with a start. She was panting heavily, lying on her back, nude. Her breasts were heaving and her nipples were as hard as they ever got. She was very wet between the legs. The dream had been one of the most vivid, dirtiest dreams of her life. She was hornier now then she had been last night when Harold left her hanging. She couldn’t remember the man she’d been with, he probably wasn’t even a real person, just a large dark shadowy bearded figure. She glanced over at her sleeping husband, but he wouldn’t be good for another round after last night nor could he live up to her dream lover’s skill. 

The light in the room felt weird as she climbed out of bed. She shivered as the room seemed damp and chilly. Jenny walked over to the window and glanced out. A wall of white greeted her. Fog was common this time of year, but she’d never seen one this thick before. She couldn’t make out anything through the window, not a tree in her neighbor’s backyard, nor looking down could she make out her large backyard pool. 

“What are you staring at?” groaned Harold, stretching in bed. 

“Fog as thick as pea soup, honey. I’ve never seen the like. If it doesn’t clear up, there won’t be any game tonight.” 

“Good,” said Harold. “We can get dinner and a movie early and it’ll save the Cocks the humiliation.” 

“Harold! The Cocks have a shot. Coach Black is still new and he seems to think he can turn the team around. “ 

“Well he better hurry it up then,” griped Harold. “Besides Todd doesn’t think they have a chance against the Beavers.” 

“You’re probably right,” she sighed. “Go back to sleep. I’m going to shower and I’ll make you some breakfast.” 

“Just do me one favor?” he asked. “Reach up and turn the ceiling fan off.” Harold watched his nude wife reach up for the fan chain. At 36, Jenny Summers was one of the hottest women in the county. She looked more like Kitty’s older sister then mother. Jenny was a natural blonde with blue eyes and a fit athletic body. At fourteen, Jenny’s breasts had been a large C cup, by seventeen an even bigger D cup and now her bras read 34G, her breasts swelling up when she became pregnant with Kitty and never shrinking back to normal. “Alright, hold it there,” he said as she was reaching up with her breasts thrust out.  “So hot. How did I get so lucky?” 

Jenny rolled her eyes, but smiled. She liked her husband’s compliments. Harold had his shortcomings, but under appreciating his wife’s beauty was not one of them. “Go to sleep, honey.” She winked at him. “You’ll see this again after our date night tonight.” At least she hoped he would. Harold wasn’t usually up for sex two nights in a row even when he was younger. Jenny spun around for her husband, grabbed her robe, and was pulling it on as she left the room. 

Jenny was still tightening her belt when she went to check on Kitty. She opened the door to Kitty’s room and sighed with relief when she saw her daughter sleeping in her bed. Kitty was restless in her sleep. She was moaning and moving around. The covers were thrown down revealing her Hello Kitty halter top. Jenny noticed Kitty’s nipples were hard as rocks underneath the top and for a moment wondered if her daughter was having a dream as dirty as she had. Jenny dismissed the thought, knowing that her virginal daughter was saving herself for Todd when they got married and probably didn’t know enough about sex to have dirty dreams. It was probably just the cold. 

Jenny entered the room, pulled the covers up over Kitty’s chest, and tucked her daughter in. She failed to notice Kitty’s hand moving between her legs, but she did frown when she thought she detected a slight hint of the smell of beer as she bent down to kiss her forehead. Jenny shrugged it off. Her daughter promised her she didn’t drink and someone had probably just spilled some on her at the party, but still it would be worth asking Kitty about it, but not until after tonight’s game. 

Jenny took a long shower in her bath, her skin tingling as she rubbed the soap all over her body. The dream had faded, but she still felt aroused and her nipples hadn’t gone down any. She left the shower, toweled her body dry, but left her hair dripping wet as she pulled her robe back on and went downstairs to cook breakfast. 


Not for the first time did Jenny think of her breasts as being a curse. She struggled to squeeze them into a sports bra. Any bigger and I’ll need Harold to hold them while she dressed, she thought. Not that he’d mind. “Aha, success,” she whispered as she fastened the bra. She pulled her white panties on before moving to her white skirt. Her skirt had a red C for Cocks on it and a slit up the sides, showing her thighs. After the skirt, came her red uniform top with a white color and a white C on her left breast. Her name was embroidered on her right breast. After dressing, she pulled her hair up in a ponytail and checked herself out in the mirror. 

Jenny left the bathroom. “Kitty, you ready?” she asked, knocking on Kitty’s door. 

“Yeah mom, let’s go,” said Kitty opening the door and walking out of her room. 

Jenny frowned. Kitty usually bounced out of the room, exuberant and cheerful. She remembered the smell of booze on her daughter’s breath and wondered again if Kitty had gotten a little drunk at the party last night. “You all right honey?” 

“Fine mom,” sighed Kitty. “Just a little tired.” Kitty was as nervous as she’d ever been. What the hell was I thinking making that bet? She thought. 

“Well no more late nights for a while, young lady,” said Jenny. “I need my squad well rested. GO COCKS!” 

Go Beavers, thought Kitty remembering her bet. “Go Cocks,” she mumbled. 



“That’s better.” Jenny looked at her daughter lovingly. Kitty looked good in the red uniform with the white trim and white C on the breast. She didn’t approve of the bare belly, but Principal Long had made the uniform decision and bare midriffs were an almost universal style now with cheerleaders. 

“Less material, less tax payer money,” the old black man had told her when she objected. 

“Let’s get going. You can help me get ready for the game. Our cheapskate principal hasn’t hired any extra help for the sports teams this year. “ 

“Alright mom,” replied Kitty, following Jenny down the stairs. 

“And after the game, stay away from the Bartown boys. You know they always wander over into our stands.” 

“That’s because Coxville’s women are better looking. Have you seen the Bartown girls? Yech!” 

Jenny chuckled. “No one holds a candle to the women of Coxville County,” said Jenny. “More beauty pageant winners have come from Coxville then anywhere else in the state and most likely the whole country.” 

“I know mom. You should have been Miss USA.” 

“The rules state you can’t be married or have kids. I was so in love with your father I couldn’t refuse marrying him. I got pregnant right away and I’ve never regretted having you over competing in a beauty pageant.” Jenny was lying about one thing. She got married because she 
was pregnant and was forced to step down as her state's representative. She would have preferred to delay her pregnancy a few years, but she had foolishly let Harold put his penis inside her just to see how it felt and he had lost control, ejaculating almost immediately. He had done the noble thing when they found out she was pregnant. 

The Summers' women arrived at the front door. “Are you coming to watch the game, Harold?” 

“No,” he replied from his chair in the living room. “I’m coming to watch you.” 

“You’re sweet,” said Jenny, running over to kiss her husband while Kitty rolled her eyes. 

“You can pick the movie if I can pick the restaurant,” said Harold already smacking his lips and rubbing his paunch. 

“Deal,” sighed Jenny. Harold’s favorite restaurant was Floyd’s barbecue. It was a popular tourist stop off I-69, South of Coxburg. He didn’t like that it was black owned, but black people sure knew barbecue and it was some of the best food in the county. At least there was a new romantic comedy playing at the theater that she could pick. 

Harold turned to Kitty. “You’ll be all right with Todd if we go out?” 

“Yeah daddy, we always go out after a game.” 

“Well not too late young lady, you’re as white as a ghost. You need your rest.” 

“Ok, daddy. Bye.” 

“See you at the game kitten and you to honey,” said Harold. 

It would be a long day and a late night, but Jenny was looking forward to it. It had been awhile since she had a date night with her husband. “Bye, love ya.” She opened the door. “Great! The fog is lifting,” she said before closing the door. 


Todd stepped back and raised his arm up to throw the football, but none of the black players on his team were where they should have been. Suddenly, Samson broke free and was clear. Todd threw the ball watching it reach the apex of its arc and glide perfectly into Samson’s arms. Then a Beaver was on him and Todd found himself staring at stars in the night sky. The crowd went crazy. He slowly climbed to his feet. At first, he was angry, that hadn’t been the play they were supposed to do. Samson was running along the sidelines to Coach Black. Todd watched, expecting the Coach to ream Samson out, but instead they high-fived each other. At first Todd was pissed and then it hit him. Samson had just won the game and earned Todd a blow job. The thought of Kitty’s lips wrapped around his dick cheered the Cocks’ quarterback up and he limped off the field. Samson was being hoisted onto the shoulders of two of their team members as the crowd in the stands went crazy. 
 Over the loudspeakers the announcer was saying, “The Coxville Cocks have come away with an upset victory over the Bartown Beaver team. Thanks in part to the outstanding performance by our MVP of the game, Samson West!” 

Todd was still a little shaken up by the tackle, but was recovering fast. He ran into Samson at the locker room. He was so looking forward to his blowjob that he wasn’t the least bit angry at Samson anymore. He just wanted to shower and meet Kitty as soon as possible. “Good game bro,” he told Samson. “You just won me a blowjob. I owe ya one.” 

Samson smirked back at him. “You’re a lucky guy, pencil dick. I wish I could get me some of dat.” 

“She’s all mine bro. She’s all mine.” Todd and the rest of the team hit the showers, but their MVP had disappeared. 


Kitty was sitting on the bench while her squad was still cheering on Samson and the Cocks. She stared in shock as the powerfully built black man was lifted onto his teammates shoulders. Samson glanced her way and gave her the thumbs up. 

“Kitty, are you ok? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Kitty! Kitty!” 

Kitty’s mother Jenny was leaning over her shoulder. “I just… I didn’t think we would win,” Kitty told her mom. “I don’t feel so good.” Kitty noticed her mother turning to greet her father as he approached. Her mother had left her keys sitting on the bench. She quickly snagged them and snuck off to meet Samson. 

“Jenny, darling, what an amazing game,” said Harold, putting an arm around his wife’s shoulder. “Are we keeping our plans for the night?” 

“Yes, I should be done here soon. Kitty’s not feeling well and we can go as soon as she gets back.” 

Harold suddenly found himself choking as a thick muscular arm wrapped around his neck. “Gimme all your money,” said a deep voice. 

“Don’t hurt me,” gasped Harold. 

Cocky jerk, thought Jenny staring at the enormous black man. “Don’t be such a wimp Harold, it’s only Coach Black.” 

Coach Black was a hugely muscled man who kept his head shaved and sported a devilish goatee. He was a graduate of Coxville High and had left the county to play professional football. He was just an average player and his career only lasted five years. He came back to town this past 
summer just as the old coach was retiring. Principal Long called up Black and offered him the job of football coach. He was an arrogant man, full of himself, but he was a good coach and he knew football. Jenny’s biggest problem with him was that he clearly favored Samson West over her daughter’s boyfriend Todd for quarterback. Though judging by tonight’s game, Coach Black may have been right. Samson was clearly the most motivated player on the field. 

“Sorry to break up the party, lovebirds, but it’s time to get this place cleaned up,” said Black. 

“But we have plans for tonight,” whined Harold, still trying to extricate himself from Black’s arm. 

“That’s not my job, Coach,” complained Jenny. 

“It is when we’re short staffed. You know Principal Long didn’t want to hire anyone else and I’m not about to have my team spoil their fun after their victory tonight.” 

Jenny looked around to get her cheerleaders to help, but they had already split to meet their boyfriends. “Fine,” she said, contritely. 

Harold finally slid out from under Black’s arm. “I guess I’ll see you at home, Jenny.” 

“I’ll try to hurry, Harold. Maybe we can salvage the movie at least and get barbecue another night.” 


Kitty sat on the bench in the girl’s locker room fidgeting nervously. I’m an idiot, she thought to herself. What was I thinking betting a blow job on a game’s outcome and with a black man? Mom and dad would kill me if they caught me with a black man. 

The door opened and Samson stepped into the room. He was still in his grass stained uniform pants, but had stripped down to a white tank top and his black skin had a sweaty sheen to it. The tank top tightly hugged Samson’s impressively muscular chest, more well defined then Todd's. “S’up Kitty, I see you’re ready to get them lips on my cock,” he said while squeezing an obscenely large bulge. 

Kitty gulped in horror. A part of her had expected he wouldn’t even show up. “No way, I made that bet when I was drunk. You can’t hold me to it. Come on Samson?” Kitty found her pleas were falling on deaf ears. “Todd is a friend of yours!” 

“And he’s always talking shit about what a great lay you are. We safe in here?” 

Kitty sighed. “I stole mom’s keys and she’s probably gone home with my dad. Come on let’s get this over with.” Kitty felt a little sick as Samson stepped in front of her. He wasn’t backing down. “This can’t get out, Samson. No one can know. This can’t get back to my mom or Todd. Do you understand?” He didn’t answer her, just stared down at her looking up at him. His crotch 
was even with her face. “Answer me or the deal’s off.” 

“I understand, Kitty. No pretty white girl gonna want anyone to know she sucked off some nigga from the Westside of town.” 

“Nothing personal, but the races don’t mingle much in Coxville. Go ahead and take it out.” 

Samson grinned down at her. “Nope. You take it out.” 

“Come here then.” Kitty waited until he took a step closer. Again, she noticed the bulge in his crotch. It was impressive, as if Samson had an unusually large cup under his uniform pants. Kitty pulled out the top off his uniform and for the first time felt a strange tingle of excitement run up her spine. It was the excitement one felt when doing something forbidden. Kitty reached in and grabbed the large tube that was rapidly hardening inside the pants. “What the fuck! No way that’s your dick!” Kitty couldn’t believe what she was feeling. She yanked his pants down while pulling his shaft out. “Jesus! That’s twice Todd’s size!” she exclaimed with amazement. Samson’s black dick completely dwarfed her boyfriend’s and to make matters worse, it was still growing. 

“Never seen a black cock before have ya,” laughed Samson, loving the look of awe on the pretty blonde’s face. He’d never seen a white hand holding his cock and he decided he liked the contrast. “’bout time the women around here found out what the black men are packing. Well get to work.” Samson reached down and pulled his shirt off and over his head. 

Kitty leaned forwards, but held back. “How about if I just jerk it off? It’s too big for my mouth anyway.” 

“No deal. A bet’s a bet, Kitty.” 

Kitty brought her face up just under the crown and let her tongue slide along his cock. Jerk didn’t even shower, she thought, but his body odor smelled very manly. She licked up to the crown and let her tongue encircle it before stretching her mouth wide open and letting the head slide inside her mouth. Soon she was sucking the tip of Samson’s foot long cock and trying to stop herself from enjoying this.  The big black cock was leaking voluminous amounts of precum and she couldn’t help thinking how good and salty it tasted. His precum was rivaling one of Todd’s entire orgasms, but she guessed a penis as big as Samson’s must require a lot of lubrication. 

“Your pretty pink lips look so good on my dick,” said Samson trying to rub it in. Seeing the stuck-up Kitty Summers with her lips wrapped around the end of his cock was a thrill he thought he’d never feel. Plus, the thought of Kitty subconsciously comparing Samson to Todd when she went back to her boyfriend was revenge for Todd stealing the quarterback position from him. It hadn’t occurred to him that Kitty might actually enjoy it. Hoping to humiliate her a little more, Samson said, “Get some more of this big dick. Open wide.” He grabbed the back of Kitty’s pony tailed blonde head and forced more of his cock down her throat. He could see her struggling not to gag and the strain showed on her pretty face. Finally, Kitty couldn’t take anymore. She yanked her head back until his black cock sprang free and she coughed trying to catch her breath. “I 
thought you were good at this,” said Samson. 

Kitty panted while holding the base of his cock and looking at it still slightly in awe at its size. “I’m not used to one this big!” 

“I know. I seen Todd’s little prick in the shower. Me and the other niggas call him pencil dick.” 

“That’s not nice,” said Kitty, sliding off the bench and onto her knees. She took Samson’s cock back in her mouth and began bobbing her head. 

“That’s better. Get down on your knees,” he said, enjoying the sensation of having the hottest girl in school kneeling before him while sucking his cock. Kitty had one hand on his hip. He watched her slide her hand along his stomach, feeling his hard muscles. He loved the contrast of her small white hand on his brown skin and she seemed just as fascinated.  “You know it’s true, Kitty. Todd has a little pencil dick compared to my big black cock. Next time you have his little dick in your mouth, I want you to remember what it was like having a real man’s cock shoved down your throat.” She was looking up at him, listening to his every word. “Suck that black cock. Tighten them lips up.” Kitty continued looking up at him as she obeyed his commands. Her lips closed harder around his cock as she began to suck faster, never breaking eye contact and it finally dawned on Samson, that she was no longer reluctant, but was loving sucking his dark meat. 

Kitty suddenly pulled back, breathing heavily. “I need to catch my breath,” she gasped. She never released his cock. In fact, she brought both hands over to it and gripped his shaft tightly while jerking him off. “It only takes one hand to jerk Todd off,” she said, staring at her hands sliding along his black shaft. Kitty suddenly grinned. “He never lasts this long.” 

A grin slowly spread across Samson’s face as he let the tough guy image drop and they two of them grinned at each other sheepishly all the while her hands continued jerking him off. “I gotta warn you. I cum buckets.” One of her hands released his cock and slid under it to heft his heavy balls, feeling how full they were. “You should take that uniform off or it’s gonna get messy,” he said. 

Kitty arched her back and quickly pulled her top off until her large breasts sprang free. “You just want to see my tits,” she said, smiling. 

Fuck yeah, thought Samson staring at her big white DD breasts. Fuck! She had pink nipples. He’d never believed he would ever have a big pair of white titties with pink nipples to play with. “Fuck yeh. I wanna see dem tits-wrapped around my cock.” Samson stooped slightly so that he could push his cock between her bosom. He squeezed her big beautiful breasts together and began titty fucking her. Kitty didn’t protest. Instead she bent her head down and took the thrusting tip of his cock back in her mouth. 

The pair suddenly froze. Someone was checking the door. Finding it locked, the person moved on. Kitty went back to sucking Samson’s cock while he slid it between her breasts. This went on for several minutes, but Samson was starting to hurt while he squatted and Kitty’s back was 
aching while she arched it. Slowly, his cock straightened out until he wasn’t titty fucking her and she was just blowing him again. Something had changed though. Kitty was trying to take more of him down her throat. Samson noticed one of her hands had slipped between her legs under her skirt. The horny slut was fingering herself while she sucked him. It was too much for a young man like Samson. He couldn’t hold back any longer. “Fuck! Yes! I’m ‘bout to cum Kitty. Ready?” 

Kitty was already feeling the strain of taking nearly his entire cock down her throat. Sweat beaded her forehead and tears were running down her eyes. Not yet, your cock is in my throat! She thought. Kitty hadn’t planned on actually swallowing a black man’s sperm, but it was too late. His cock was jerking in her throat, she could feel it pumping as his semen flowed through it. 

“I’m cu-cumming,” groaned Samson. “Aargh! Fuck!” He was shooting the biggest load of his young life. 

Kitty felt her belly filling with his warm seed. He shot more sperm in one load then she’d seen Todd cum over their entire relationship. Suddenly her pussy started spasming around her fingers. Yes! She thought, wanting to scream in pleasure. I’m cumming too.” Kitty shuddered from the powerfully intense orgasm as Samson pulled his cock back until just the head was in her throat. Cum was still pouring forth from the head and she could taste him and it was better than anything she’d ever tasted before. She liked the taste of Todd’s semen, but there was so little of it. Samson’s filled her belly and her mouth several times over. Todd was a famine, but Samson, a feast and she now gulped it willingly. 

“Damn! You suck nigga dick like a fucking pro,” said Samson, a little jealous. Todd had been right about Kitty’s cock sucking skills. 

Kitty looked up at him while continuing to suck the head of his cock, wanting to drain it of every last drop of his tasty seed. I got to know, she thought. What have I been missing out on? Could I take something this big? Jesus! I want this big black cock in my pussy. Kitty finally fell back on her ass and his big cock plopped out of her mouth. 

“Fuck that was good.” Samson looked down at his cock, still big and hard, but it had lost some of its steel. 

Kitty was staring at it adoringly. “I can’t believe I came from giving you head.” 

Samson really liked the way she was staring at his cock. She suddenly turned over and got on all fours with her ass facing him. The next thing she said completely floored him and made his dick stand straight up again. “I want you to fuck me with that thing! Fuck me with your big black cock.” 

Samson reached over and pulled her panties down, while pushing her skirt up over her tight ass. “What about Todd?” 

“Forget Todd! I want to feel your big black cock inside me.” 

Jenny was feeling frustrated as hell. Where are my keys? Can’t drive home. Can’t get a shower. Hopefully, Kitty had them. Her key chain held her car keys, the gymnasiums, and girl’s locker room, as well as her home. Unless they turned up, she was stranded. It was beginning to look more and more like tonight’s date night was going to be a bust. She was hoping to shower first, but one of her girls must have locked the door to the locker room. Her change of clothes was locked in her car. Her cell phone was locked in her office. She was going to have to search the sidelines again. The parking lot was empty. Coach Black had been the last person she saw, but she hadn’t noticed his car in the parking lot. She wasn’t aware that he owned a motorcycle or that it was parked behind a tree. 

Jenny checked a wall clock. If she could shower, find her keys, and change within forty minutes, Harold could meet her at the movies and she might still enjoy her evening. Her wanderings had taken her past the door to the boy’s locker room. I guess I could use their shower. I bet they are all out celebrating their victory by now. The door would probably be locked, but when she tried the handle it opened right up. Finally, something was going her way. Jenny Summers stuck her head in the door. “Coach?” she yelled. “Coach are you here?” 

Jenny entered the locker room. It smelled sweaty and nasty like one would expect of a male locker room, but a shower was a shower. Coach’s office was located in the same location hers was in the girl‘s showers just everything was opposite. It provided a view of the showers and the lockers. The lights were off in his office. All was quiet. She turned around and locked the door so that she wouldn’t get caught should there be any stragglers. 

Jenny Summers walked over to a bench between the lockers and let her long blonde hair down while pulling up the top of her uniform. Great, he’s gone home, she thought. I hope no one catches me changing in here. I get so hot and sweaty out on that field. Jenny was a fastidious woman and a clean freak. She kept her home and body spotless. She showered and washed her hair every morning and if she exerted herself at all during the day, she showered again at night or enjoyed a long exfoliating session and soak in her tub. She worked the cleaning crew hard in the girl’s showers and it was clear that Coach Black wasn’t as fastidious as she was. The boy’s lockers were clean enough for boys, but not for her own standards. Wet towels and dirty jock straps were laying around, growing mold and mildew before they would be picked up tomorrow when the cleaning crew came. She vowed not to touch anything, but was still uncomfortable that her bare feet would be walking on the floor and the dirty shower. Jenny stripped down to her white bra and thong. She unhooked her bra releasing her giant breasts. It felt a little naughty changing in the boy’s locker room. She tossed her thong aside and walked into the shower thinking how good it was going to feel. 

In his dark office, Coach Black was sitting back in his chair meditating on tonight’s game and what he could have done better, how he best could have used his players, and most importantly, what they could do to keep winning games. It was a practice he had learned from his old coach and one he had decided to adopt. The quiet and the darkness allowed him to think more clearly. What didn’t allow him to think clearly was the site of a gorgeous white woman stripping just feet 
from his office. Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mrs. Summers, the cheerleading coach, he thought watching her strip. She hadn't interacted with him much since he arrived last summer, but then neither had most of the other white teachers outside of polite conversation. At first, he hadn’t noticed Jenny enter the lockers until she called his name. He almost answered her which would have spoiled his show. She didn’t appear to be looking for him and when she passed his office and started letting her hair down, he sat back in his chair and watched the show, feeling his meaty black cock starting to puff up as each article of clothing was pulled off her buxom body. The nude woman walked into the showers. Coach Black stripped off his white tee shirt and pants in his dark office and wrapped a towel around his waist. “I think I’ll join you, Mrs. Summers,” he said as he left his office and headed for the shower. 

Jenny closed her eyes and let the hot water run all over her body as she lathered her skin with soap. Her hands slid all over her body, covering her breasts with suds, coating her hips, running down her blonde pubic hair and between her thighs. Her skin tingled from her touch and she began to get aroused. Her hands pushed her breasts together and then one slid over her nipple and she pinched it, trying not to moan. She was more than aroused. She felt downright horny. Ever since her erotic dream last night, she’d been horny all day. She wished she could remember it because that must have been some dream. Either that or the thought of being nude in the boy’s shower was making her horny. She thought of all the young boys who stared wide eyed at her during class and she pictured them staring at her in the shower and somewhat guiltily, she imagined her daughter’s boyfriend Todd, so young, fit, and handsome staring at her. So different from her husband. He was nude too and slowly approaching her. Her thighs were growing damp and it wasn’t just from the shower. Jenny massaged her right breast while pulling on her left nipple. She slowly opened her eyes to see a dark figure wearing a white towel around his waist standing arms crossed just outside the shower’s range. 

Jenny instantly came alert. Her hand came down to enfold her blonde pubes. Her arm crossed her chest to cover her breasts, but they were too big and one slipped out under her arm while her other nipple slipped up just above her hand. “Coach Black! What are you doing here?” Jenny was horrified. Not only had a black man seen her nude, but he had caught her playing with her own nipples. Another minute or so and her hand might have slipped down between her legs, she was so lost in her fantasy about Todd. 

“This is the men’s shower,” said the Coach, matter-of-factually as he pulled his towel off. 

“Oh my god!” Jenny stared wide eyed and the fat slab of dark meat hanging between the coach’s legs. It was the longest, plumpest, penis she’d ever seen and it wasn’t even hard. The monster was already more than twice Harold’s size. 

“Never seen a black cock before, Mrs. Summers?” 

“Are they all this big?” she asked when he stepped up to her. She was so fascinated with it, that her hand came out to lightly stroke down the fat rod as it swelled even bigger and slowly began to rise. Jenny felt a wave of pleasure run through her body from simply touching his big penis, but realized that Coach Black had reached out and pinched one of her erect nipples. His black fingers gently pinched, tugged, and twirled her hard-pink nipple. She had to fight back a moan. 
 “Most aren’t as big as mine, but they’re always bigger then whitey’s.” Coach was considered something of a freak outside the county. While showering after a game, his huge cock dwarfed both his white and black teammate’s little penises. His sexual prowess became legendary and he never lacked for pussy. Even had some white pussy every now and then, but none looked as good as Mrs. Summers. Back in Coxville, he’d watch his boys shower after a game and he didn’t feel so special anymore. The black athletes all had big impressive cocks. It amused him watching the whites react to them. The showers were self-segregated, whites staying far away from the intimidating black cocks of their dark-skinned teammates. The whites would look uneasy and glance at the often-erect black cocks sticking out from the black players. Coach Black noticed a trend during gym class that lots of whites tried to get in or out of the showers as quick as possible to avoid the blacks. He instituted a mandatory showering time, ostensibly for cleanliness, but in reality, it made him feel good watching Coxville’s good ol’ boys squirm. Samson, LD, Max, Leroy, Deon, and fuck even nerdy Melvin all had black cocks that dwarfed the biggest white kid in school. The black jocks took to mocking the white boys. Samson openly called Todd a pencil dick. Others called the white students dick-less, noodle dicks, worm dick, or little white grubs and Coach Black did nothing to stop the humiliation. He looked down at his cock, not quite sticking straight out. Coach Summers was still running her fingers along his hard shaft. He’d seen the look of awe on her face before on other conquests and it never grew old. “It gets bigger,” he told her. “Why don’t you clean it for me?” 

Jenny still had some soap on her hands. She began lathering the huge black shaft up, watching as it grew even bigger. The head came up to rest between her large breasts. “It’s twice as big as my husband’s,” she lied. It was probably closer to three times, but she didn’t want the arrogant coach to know how much bigger his penis… his big black cock was then her husband’s little penis. What the hell am I doing? She thought. I should stop this immediately, but she couldn’t let go of his cock. She'd never even touched a black man before outside of a handshake and here her hand was frozen to Coach Black's giant dark-skinned cock. She bent down to heft and lather up his heavy scrotum. It too dwarfed her husband’s. One of Coach Black’s testicles was bigger than Harold, penis and nut sack combined. Her other hand was still rubbing the Coach’s cock and it occurred to her that she wasn’t so much cleaning it anymore as that she was jerking it off. She should stop this immediately, but she couldn’t. 

Coach Black reached out to pinch her nipple again, but instead found his hand squeezing the entire soft fleshy pillow of her giant breast. He’d never seen tits this big on a woman this fit and that wasn’t a complaint. He released her breast and slid his hand along her wet back to her shoulder. He began to apply pressure, pushing her down. “Now that it’s clean, why don’t you suck it for me?” he asked. 

Jenny found herself on her knees looking up at the massively muscled black man with his cock sticking straight out over her face. If he thought she was going to suck his cock, he had another think coming. She rarely even did that for her puny dicked husband. The long pee slit brushed her lips and she stared cross eyed down the huge shaft. No way was she going to suck off the arrogant black man. “No way, I’m married,” she said as her tongue came out to lick under the black bulbous crown causing her entire body to shiver with excitement. A married white woman or an unmarried one for that matter would never put a black man’s penis in her mouth. 
 Coach Black pushed down on the base of his cock and pushed the head into Jenny’s mouth. “A blowjob isn’t cheating,” he said, staring down at her. Jenny surprised herself by not fighting it. Instead she wrapped her lips tightly around the tip of his cock. It felt so big in her mouth. It was hard not to gag. “Suck it hard just like that,” said Black, putting his hand on the back of her wet head and pulling her farther into his cock. 

It’s so thick, so much bigger then Harold’s. My husband’s never this hard either. The Coach’s cock is like steel. It may have been hard as steel, but that black steel shaft actually bent as Black tried to shove more of his cock in her mouth. “Get some more of this big black cock,” he said. “That’s it.” The big cock head worked its way down Jenny’s throat and she found herself sucking half the giant shaft. Just see how much you can swallow and then stop, she told herself. This is so wrong, but so... natural. 

Jenny bobbed her head rapidly, her lips tightly gripping the shaft sliding in and out of them. She looked down the six or seven inches of fat black meat sticking out of her mouth and let her eyes run up over the black man’s magnificently muscled body. Black was as near to physical perfection as a man could get. She looked at his face, rugged features, tough looking and a little mean, but cocky and handsome. Her eyes met his and they froze staring at each other. Strange thoughts began popping into her brain, thoughts completely foreign to her mindset. Thoughts she couldn’t have pictured herself having twenty minutes ago before she first set eyes on Coach Black’s cock. The first strange thought was that she wanted to swallow his entire shaft at some point. She wanted to swallow his cum. She wanted to please him. She wanted to know what it would be liked to be fucked by a cock this big and this black, fucked by a big black cock. 

The head pushed too deep. Jenny gagged and had to pull back to catch her breath. She broke eye contact and began nibbling all along his shaft letting her throat muscles take a break. Finally, there’s a real man in my life. No more limp dicked husband. I want it down my throat again, she thought, not wanting to wait any longer. Jenny took him back in her throat and slurped over the head while kneading Coach’s heavy sperm filled balls. She looked up into his eyes again. A real man doesn’t have a little white penis. A real man has a cock, a big black cock. This is a real man. Coach Black, I’m glad you don’t know what I’m thinking because it makes me feel slutty. You are a real man Coach Black and I love your big black cock. Jenny watched a conceited smirk appear on his face and for a moment she feared that he could read minds. 

“I wanna fuck them titties,” said Coach Black, stooping down. Jenny fell to her back on the wet shower floor. Hot water slid under her body as the Coach kneeled over her and started sliding his big black cock between her large breasts. Jenny had let Harold do this to her several times when they were young and in their early twenties. She snickered at the memory. Her husband’s little white penis had disappeared entirely among the folds of her oversize GG bosom. The Coach’s black cock looked like a foot-long kielbasa sliding between a regular sized hot dog’s buns. It was so big she could still suck on the tip while he fucked her breasts and that was exactly what she did. 

Jenny squeezed her breasts tightly around his shaft while sucking the head of his cock. Black was on top of her, holding himself up like he was doing push-ups, pumping his hips so that his 
cock slid back and forth through her breasts, fucking them. His cock head popped out of her mouth. He was groaning and fucking her tits faster now. She struggled to recapture his cock head in her mouth, but it was too late. “I’m gonna CUMMM!” growled the coach and cum he did. 

Coach Black’s cock literally exploded its first wad shooting between her breasts and striking the bottom of her chin. He reared back, jerking his cock off furiously over her breasts. Long wads of semen shot out from the tip, covering her breasts, chest, and face. One long strand of sperm fell directly in her mouth and Jenny swirled it around, tasting it, and for the first time swallowing a man’s seed to show her respect for his prowess. Her upper torso was coated in semen. Black’s one load blew more sperm out then Harold’s penis had in nearly nineteen years of marriage. There’s so much cum for me, thought Jenny. She squeezed her breasts together and looked down at all the white pudding on her body. Thirty minutes ago, she hadn’t liked that her feet were touching the moldy floor of the boy’s shower, now she was lying on her back on the same shower floor, covered in a black man’s sperm and she’d never felt better. 

The Coach fell back to his knees, straddling her hot body and let his mighty cock fall back between her breasts. Jenny grabbed his shaft with both hands and stroked it forward while holding her tongue out, hoping to squeeze the last bits of ejaculate into her mouth so that she could taste him again. Her hands milked one last large wad of semen from his shaft and she promptly licked it up. Mmm, his cum tastes so good, she thought, looking him in the eyes again, the tip of his cock on her lips. 

Jenny was torn emotionally. This was just a strange situation two attractive people found themselves caught up in and wouldn't... couldn't happen again. She was a married mother, a school teacher, a churchgoer, a model citizen of Coxville. She couldn’t risk an affair. Yet deep down she knew that if Coach Black walked into her office and whipped his cock out, she’d be on her knees trying to suck it bone dry without him saying a word to her. Still, she could try to resist him, avoid being alone with him whenever possible. Jenny decided to make the most of it. “Listen up, this never happened, this isn't happening, and won't happen again.” She stared hard into Coach's eyes until he nodded his understanding. “Good. Then I want you to fuck me,” she told him, kissing his cock head. “But you can’t get me pregnant.” Maybe he had a condom in his office, she hoped. She didn’t trust him to pull out. 

“Don’t worry about that Jenny,” said Coach Black. “I’ve had a vasectomy,” he lied. Yeah right, he thought. Like I’d let a knife anywhere around my balls. 

“Then show me how a real man fucks, Coach. Show me what a big black cock can do. Fuck my white pussy.” 


Kitty Summers was on all fours on the tiled floor of the girl’s locker room, her legs were spread wide. Her arms rested on her elbows and her hands were clasped together as if she were praying. Samson was kneeling behind her, his cock once again erect, harder than ever and he aimed it at her pretty pink pussy. “Please be gentle,” she begged. “I’ve only had Todd and he doesn’t have a cock like yours.” 
 “Don’t worry girl. I’ll take it easy,” said Samson, rubbing his cock head up and down her glistening labia. Her pussy was soaked, her lips stuck out and her clitoris was hard and distended. Her pussy was begging for his cock, literally drooling for it. 

Kitty felt the knobby head exerting pressure on her pussy lips. Her labia slowly pushed in, opening for it and Samson’s cock slipped inside. Kitty scrunched up her face in concentration, sucking her lower lip into her mouth and tasting the sperm still covering her chin on it. Oh, it’s stretching me out so good, she thought. Samson felt so much bigger then Todd did when he was inside her. 

“There, finally got the tip in,” said Samson. “Damn girl, your pussy’s so tight.” The black teen gave a short thrust. Her pussy made a farting noise as her juices squirted out around his shaft. Her pussy was soaked, doing its job coating his cock. “I see Todd’s little dick didn’t open up this pussy none. It feels like I’m fucking a virgin.” 

Kitty felt like she was losing her virginity all over again, but without any pain this time. Her insides felt stretched to their max, but there was no pain only intense pleasure. She was grateful, Samson was being patient with her. She reached under her body and between her legs to spread her pussy open for him. “Yes!” she moaned. “Samson! Your cock feels so good in my pussy. You’re so deep inside me.” 

“Deep?” he laughed. “You gotta be kidding me. You still got six inches to go, girl. I’m going to have to resize this little pussy of yours.” 

His cock had forced Kitty down on her belly, her large breasts holding her torso off the ground. She was moaning in pleasure, but his words brought her back to reality. “What! Oh god,” she screamed, thinking, Resized! I’ll never be able to fuck a white boy again and enjoy it. 

Samson grabbed her hips pulling her pussy back onto his cock while he fucked her hard with half his shaft. “Uh Uh Uh, Fuck!,“ he grunted. With one powerful yank, he buried his cock in her pussy. “Yeah, that’s better, opening this pussy up real good now.” 

“Oh! Shit! Aaaahh!!! Fuck!!!” screamed Kitty as Samson’s cock head forced its way through her cervix and into her womb. Kitty felt her pussy stretch to accommodate Samson’s foot long cock and she truly felt resized. He collapsed on top of her and they rolled over onto their sides. He held her leg up and began working his cock in and out of her pussy. She groggily lifted her head to look at him, he stared back at her, their faces just inches apart Then they were kissing, tongues dueling for supremacy as he slowly fucked her into submission. 

Samson suddenly grabbed her body and rolled onto his back. He pulled her body up his until his cock sprang free and she moaned in resentment. He held his slick cock, hard and rampant as it ever got, up for her to see as she straddled his body, her ass resting on his hard-abdominal muscles. Kitty looked down her breasts and belly and the enormous cock sticking up just past her pussy. “Look at it Kitty,” he told her. “I bet you didn’t think all that was gonna fit inside you. You was built for big nigger dick. Get up and ride it, girl.” 
 Kitty stared at it in awe. She giggled suddenly. She rode horses professionally, bouncing up and down in the saddle. She pictured herself in her riding outfit while mounting Samson. “Well I hope you’re ready. I can ride better than any girl in school.” She stared at his cock and couldn’t help thinking that he was right. She had taken the while thing. What’s happening to me, she wondered. Am I really built to fuck big black NIGGERS!” 

Kitty sat up facing away from him, lifted her hips, and slowly lowered her pussy down around Samson’s big cock again. This time it slid in a lot easier, the head banging against her cervix, but there was no pain. She started riding his cock, bouncing up and down in his lap as fast as she could. Her big tits flopped up and down. She felt her pussy squeezing down hard around his dick, hugging his shaft, milking it for his cum. “Oh oh oh! Fuck!” she moaned. “Your cock is so deep in my little white pussy! Uh. I’m c-cumming! I’m cumming on your big black cock. Oooo-oooo oooh!” She screamed as her pussy clamped down around his cock, seeming to vibrate like crazy as she had her first true orgasm with a man. Waves of pleasure permeated her body. Kitty screamed her joy to the world as she felt true sexual satisfaction for the first time in her young life. 

Her orgasm added fresh lube to his shaft and loosened up her cervix so that as she slammed down in his lap, his cock head forced its way even deeper inside her. “I think it’s in my womb,” she gasped. “It’s so deep!” Kitty’s pussy hadn’t even quit spasming from the last orgasm and suddenly it was blowing up around his cock again before clamping down over his shaft. Kitty was stunned, such pleasure shouldn’t be humanly possible. “I think I’m cumming again!!! Aaagg!!!” 

Samson was still young and not that experienced. There was no way he could last feeling her pussy going crazy around his shaft. Oh. Fuck! He thought. Her pussy’s so good! I’m about to CUM!!! “Ugh! Fuck! I’m blowing my load girl. Right in your pussy. AAARG!!!” 

Kitty screamed. “No. Wait! Pull OUT!” She tried to jump off him, but her legs were too weak to lift her off the giant cock. Instead, she slammed back down into his crotch. Her last orgasm hadn’t even stopped and suddenly she was cumming again. Samson’s cock was jerking, pumping his seed inside her womb. She felt his blasts of cum striking inside her and then her womb was ballooning up as it filled and his ejaculate was squirting out through her cervix, around his shaft and pouring out her pussy. “AAAA!” she screamed. Oh god! I can’t take anymore, Kitty thought. She felt dizzy. She was still cumming. Samson’s cock was still pumping wad after wad of cum inside her pussy. Kitty’s eyes rolled up inside her head. 

I’m passing out, were her last thoughts. Passing out from pure sexual pleasure. 


Todd had spent the last hour walking around with a hard on. He texted Kitty for the second time and waited ten minutes. When there was no response, he tried calling her, but she didn’t answer. He was expecting his victory blow job and Kitty had never disappointed him before. She kept her promises. 
 Finally, he decided to try her house. He drove out to the Summer’s home, parking behind Mr. Summer’s car. Kitty didn’t own a car and her mom tended to ferry her around. At first, he walked around the side of the house and peeped over the fence. The Summer’s large pool dominated the backyard. He and Kitty had made out many times in that pool. Just the thought of his girlfriend in her tight bikini was doing nothing to help his erection. He looked up above the pool to the second floor, but Kitty’s bedroom light wasn’t on. 

Todd headed back around the front and rang the bell. He waited patiently, tapping his foot, hands inside his varsity jacket until Mr. Summer’s answered the door. “Oh, Hi Todd. Great game tonight,” said the balding, pudgy man. 

Kitty certainly didn’t get any of her looks from her father. No Kitty’s looks, naturally blonde hair, and buxom athletic figure all came from her stunning mother. Todd could never figure out how a guy that looked like Harold Summers could have scored a wife like Jenny. Kitty's mom figured in as many of his masturbatory fantasies as Kitty did. Jenny never wore a bikini as skimpy as her daughters. All her swimsuits were more conservative, but there was no hiding that body.  “Thanks, Mr. Summers. Is Kitty home?” 

“Nope, the girls aren’t home yet. I thought Kitty would be with you.” 

“That’s strange. We were supposed to meet up, but she isn’t answering her phone.” 

“Well Jenny couldn’t find her keys and hoped Kitty had them. I wasn’t about to wait all night for her to find them. I just called, but my wife isn’t answering her phone either. You wanna come in and wait?” 

“No thanks. Just tell her I’ll see her at school if she doesn’t get home any time soon.” 

“Jenny and I had plans. I guess it looks like we both are getting stood up. Good night.” 

“Bye.” Disappointed, Todd walked back to his car. He’d wasted half his night waiting for Kitty. He decided to go find his teammates, they would be out drinking somewhere. Hopefully Kitty would call and he wouldn’t be stuck with his right hand for a date. 


Jenny Summers felt dazed and confused. Just over a half hour ago, she had been feeling icky walking through the men’s mildew smelling shower with just the bottoms of her feet touching the tiles. Now she was laying on those same tiles, covered in the black coach’s sperm, legs spread wide to receive a black cock longer than a foot and thicker than her wrist. And she had asked to be fucked by it! Looking at that black monster poised to enter her pussy was giving her second thoughts. She could see his big sperm filled balls dangling underneath the huge shaft. She hefted those big balls and now that she thought about it, she hadn’t seen a vasectomy scar on them. “But I thought a vasectomy meant…” she said, but the Coach ignored her and continued lining his big cock up with her pussy. She thought about squeezing her legs shut to stop him, but 
instead the hand with her wedding ring finger went between her legs and spread the folds of her labia open for him. He surely wouldn’t lie about getting a vasectomy. Would he? Maybe the scar was just faint? Maybe vasectomies didn’t leave scars? She could still taste his sperm on her tongue and it was the thickest richest sperm she had ever tasted. She’d given her husband a blow job a half dozen or so times over their nineteen-year marriage, but her obviously fertile husband didn’t taste as rich or produce anywhere near as much cum as the Coach’s big black balls. The consistency of the black man’s sperm was a lot thicker. Thick gelatinous globs covered her breasts, face, and chin, even mixed with water from the shower, it was a lot more viscous then Harold’s little teaspoon of runny sperm. But why would a man lie about a vasectomy unless he wanted to get her pregnant. Jenny shrugged it off as a product of her suspicious mind and decided she’d have to ask Nurse Swallows if she knew anything about vasectomies when she got a chance. 

A long strand of semen was still dangling from the big head of Coach Black’s cock as he pressed it down against the opening to Jenny Summer’s tight white pussy. I can’t believe I’m about to fuck the hottest white bitch in Coxville! he thought, grinning as light sparkled on her wedding ring. He knew from experience that once his cock was fully embedded in her, married Jenny Summers would be his. He looked down at her magnificent body and wondered not for the first time how a wimp like Harold Summers had ever scored a major babe like this. 

Jenny leaned up watching his cock head pushing her labia in. The last time anything anywhere that big had been near her pussy was her daughter’s head when she was giving birth. God he’s huge, she thought. I still can’t believe how big his cock is. I didn’t know penises got that big. He’ll split me in two with that thing. Jenny gulped in nervousness as her pussy finally opened wide enough for the tip to fit in. 

“Shit! You got one pretty pink pussy, Jenny. It’s already hot and wet for my black dick.” Black wasn’t kidding either. He’d never seen a pussy more eager for his cock. Her pussy lips were dripping with juice and quivering with anticipation. Muscle spasms just inside seemed to be trying to pull him in deeper. The bitch was starving for a fucking by a real man. 

Jenny’s fingers moved from holding her pussy open for him to reaching down to grab the base of his cock just under the head.  There was a gap of several inches between her fingers he was so thick. “Jesus! It’s too thick! I don’t think I can take it all,” she moaned with apprehension. 

“That’s just the head, baby. You got a long way to go.” There was no way the Coach was going to stop until he was balls deep in her sweet pussy. He grabbed her legs and pulled her into his cock, her back sliding along the wet floor. Inch after inch forced its way into her pussy.  Her vaginal muscles were still trying to pull him deeper. He reached a point only five or six inches in and her pussy suddenly froze, trying to hold him in place. 

Jenny moaned and gasped for air on the shower floor. It was starting to feel good, but she couldn’t take anymore. “Mmm, Coach,” she moaned. “You’re as deep as Harold’s ever managed, but you’re so thick and hard. Oooo! It’s good, but I don’t think I was built to handle another inch.” 

Coach Black laid down until he was holding himself up over Jenny like he was doing a push-up.  “Not anymore,” he growled, flexing his ass and slamming his hips forward. Jenny gasped in shock and threw her head back as she screamed. There were tears dripping from her eyes from having her cervix opened by his cock, but for the most part it was a scream of pleasure. He pulled his hips back and slowly slid his cock in until his balls slapped against her thighs. Yeah, the bitch was ready to get fucked. Her pussy was squeezing his cock again trying to stop him from pulling it out. Her vaginal muscles were now pulling on his entire shaft, wanting the head in her womb. He chuckled wondering how Harold would react when his wife kept trying to pull him deeper into her needy pussy, hungry for more than he could ever give her. 

Jenny’s eyes had rolled up in her head as the huge cock head battered its way into her womb. There had been an intense burst of pain, but it hadn’t lasted long. Now it felt good, incredibly good. Her body had never reacted to sex like this. She was writhing under him, her hips humping up into his thrusting cock. Coach Black was doing push-ups over her, pulling his cock out and slamming it forwards, picking up speed as her pussy stretched open around his cock, thoroughly coating every inch of his shaft with her arousal. “It feels so good!” she screamed. “So big! Uhn Fuck!” 

“God damn! Yo pussy’s so tight. That’s it girl, keep opening up for me. I’m about to beat yo back out.” The Coach increased his speed fucking her as hard as his hips could move. 

Jenny’s body was wracked with so much pleasure she couldn’t think straight. Nothing mattered anymore to the mind numbed blonde wife and mother other than the massive black cock thrusting in and out of her pussy. She did everything she could to assist him, spreading her legs as wide as they would go, angling her back and lifting her pussy so that it was at the right angle to receive his thrusting cock. It wasn’t long before the pleasure balloon inside her body inflated too far and it burst. “Coach!” she screamed on pleasure. “OH!!! You’re making me CUUUM!!!” 

The Coach buried his cock and held it still as the hot married white woman trembled in orgasm, her pussy quivering around his cock. He stared at her face, loving the look of intensity, the look of awe, of disbelief written on it. When she was finally done orgasming, his big hands grabbed her hips and lifted her as he kneeled, then stood. His muscles strained and flexed as he lifted the sex crazed woman up and down his shaft. A weaker man couldn’t have done this, but Coach Black was not a weak man. Shit, this pussy is so good,” he thought. Jenny’s head was thrown back as she squealed in pleasure each time he pulled her down on his cock. One of her hands was squeezing her own breast, pinching her nipple. She looked so sensual, so slutty. “You like my cock, huh?” 

“God, YES! Fuck YES! Uh. Fuck ME!” 

“UNG!” The Coach grunted as his balls slapped hard against her thighs. He was fucking her as fast as his muscular arms could manage. “I own this pussy now, Mrs. Jenny.” 

“OH, GOD! Fuck me with your BIG BLACK COCK!!! YE-E-EEEES!!!” 

Jenny’s orgasm tossed her body so violently, he almost dropped her. Coach Black pulled the 
trembling woman into his arms and rose to his feet, his hand gripping her tight ass cheeks. Her incredible bosom mashed against his hard-muscular chest.  He lifted her up until the tops of her breasts nudged the bottom on his goatee covered chin. He stared up at her as her head lolled a bit and she slowly looked down into his eyes. The look of adoration on her face was one he’d never forget. 

Jenny stared down at the Coach, their eyes locked for what felt like several minutes without either speaking. “Oh My God!” she finally said. “No one’s ever made me cum so hard.” Her blue eyes drowned in his dark eyes and vice versa. Jenny had met the Coach last summer when he took over for the previous retiring coach. Black was somewhat famous being a pro football player and she knew who he was. She hadn’t liked him at first. He was conceited and arrogant. He couldn’t take his eyes off her breasts when they were introduced. He was fond of belittling Harold and he favored his black players over the white ones, clearly preferring Samson West to Kitty’s boyfriend Todd. Coach Black was a rude, arrogant, bully, and probably a bit racist, but if she’d known how incredible sex with him was, she’d have fucked him the day she met him. “To think we could have been doing this all along,” she muttered. “Kiss me.” She lowered her head and their lips mashed against each other.  It was a kiss filled with passion and lust. She let his tongue enter her mouth and their tongues dueled as the kiss went on for several minutes. Jenny Summers gave herself to him in that kiss, thanking him for the two most intense orgasms of her life, no longer caring how wrong this was, that she was married, a mother, a coworker, a church going Christian, or that she was a white woman with a black man. No all she cared about was the strong black hands squeezing her ass cheeks as her black lover began lifting her up and down his cock again. She kept kissing him as he picked up speed. She was still kissing him when she came again. She trembled in his arms, moaning with pleasure, her lips squeezing his tongue between them. 

“Now your turn to do the work,” said the Coach. He lifted her off his cock laughing at her squeal of displeasure. Black kneeled before her, kissed her on the belly button and then laid back on the floor. “Come ride this black dick,” he said, putting his hands under his head. 

Jenny straddled him and lifted his cock as she lowered herself over it. It was still a tight fit, but her pussy was stretched and it slid in easily. She wondered if her pussy would ever return to normal. If it didn’t she wouldn’t even be able to feel her husband inside her. She lowered herself down, moaning as his cock buried itself completely inside her. Jenny sucked her lower lip into her mouth as she ground her crotch down against his. I never imagined sex could feel SO FUCKING GOOD! She thought. After several minutes of just luxuriating in the feel of him inside her, she began to bounce in his lap. 

“Yeah. Get into it Jenny,” said the Coach, grinning his delight. “Ride that dick!” Her back was arched, thrusting her magnificent tits before his eyes and he just stared at her hard nipples. Little bumps surrounded the puffy areola. Her breasts were slick, glistening in the light from the shower’s water, and here and there, still covered in globs of his seed.  Jenny was slowly riding his shaft, staring at him with an ornery look on her face. She looked different, changed. The Coach’s grin broadened as he realized what was different about her. Married, prim and proper, Jenny Summers now looked slutty and wanton.  He’d broken her. His cock had released her inner slut!” 
 Jenny ran her hands over his hard-black stomach and chest, so different from Harold’s pudgy pale freckled stomach. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on Coach Black’s body. She laid down on top of him, writhing her body against his before arching her back and sucking on his black nipple. Jenny laughed and sat up again, grinding her pussy into his cock. She started bouncing again. If felt different fucking him. Now she was the one in control. She was the one using her pussy to get his big black cock off. She liked the feeling. “Yeah. You want me to ride you like a BIG BLACK BULL,” she purred. Oh, it’s just so huge! She thought. My pussy is so sensitive. I can feel his cock throbbing. I can feel his pulse. His heart beating inside his big cock. It was triggering another orgasm. Jenny reared up, pushing down on his stomach, bucking up and down in his lap to bring on yet another big orgasm. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she shouted. “AH! AAAH!!! AAAAAHHH!!! I’m cumming so hard!” 

“Fuck yeah!” 


“OH SHIT!” groaned the Coach, grabbing her thighs, and bucking his hips up into her pussy as she rode him. 

Jenny’s eyes flew wide open in shock. His cock was bucking against the tight walls of her pussy and it felt like someone had turned on a hose inside her womb. Oh NO! she thought panicking. He’s cumming inside my unprotected womb. She hadn’t felt a man cum inside her for eighteen years. She’d made Harold wear a condom since Kitty was born. Kitty had been unplanned. They were attempting the rhythm method, but Harold had lost control. She’d let him go without a condom while she was pregnant and loved feeling his little penis squirt inside her despite disliking the mess. She’d forgotten that and the little pleasure her husband had given her was nothing like this. Coach Black’s cock was like an erupting volcano, spewing its hot lava, it’s hot seed inside her unprotected womb. Jenny’s body was trembling again. “Wait! Wait! Wait!” And then it happened. “OH MY GOD! I’m cumming AGAIN!!! UH! UH! UNNNH!” 

“Fuck!” growled the Coach, through gritted teeth. “Milk them black balls with that tight white slut pussy, bitch!” 

Jenny didn’t particularly care for being talked to like she was some whore off the street, but when the man saying it is wracking your body with the biggest orgasms of your life, she was willing to overlook it. Her orgasm lasted as long as the others had and when it was over, she collapsed on Coach’s chest, gasping for breath. They kissed again, his tongue darting into her mouth, little mews coming from the back of her throat as his cock continued jerking, sending smaller jets of sperm into her womb. Thank god, he’s had a vasectomy, she thought. Jenny kissed him again and then slid forward, kissing his nose, eye lid, forehead. She felt his tongue slide along the top of her breasts, moving down to flicker over one distended nipple, before sucking her entire areola into his mouth. The man was insatiable, she thought, moaning. 

Jenny slid forward until his cock plopped out of her pussy. She sighed, looking back over her shoulder at it, standing proudly upwards, still huge and thick, cum continued spurting up from 
the big cock head to pour down the huge shaft. A torrent of semen poured from her now unplugged pussy, splattering on his pubic hair and running down around his shaft to drip off his balls. What have I done, thought Jenny. My husband would drop dead if he could see me now. 

Jenny rolled off the coach and fell spread-eagled on the tiled floor of the nasty boy’s showers, water from multiple showers hitting her body from all angles. The coach leaned on his side and ran his hands along her body.  His dark fingers moved through the wisps of blonde pubic hair before his hand slid over her flat belly and across her huge breasts. She shuddered as she watched his hand squeezing her bosom and pinching her nipples one after the other. “Your body is so amazing Jenny,” said the Coach. He noticed her lying there, breathing heavily, and asked, “Are you alright?” 

Jenny smiled. “I’m fine. Just tired. Who knew having multiple large orgasms could be so exhausting.” 

“You’re telling me, sexy. That tight white pussy of yours drained my balls dry.” The coach leaned over and kissed her nipple before pushing himself to his feet. “Let’s get cleaned up.” He reached down and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. 

“You bet,” said Jenny, “Old man Long is gonna be pissed when he sees the school’s water bill.” 

The married white wife and mother spent the next twenty minutes under the shower’s stream with her new black lover exploring each other’s bodies. He soaped her down, trying to get every bit of evidence off her magnificent body. Strong black hands wiped between her legs and thighs, over her ass cheeks across her back and stomach. Smaller slim white hands, one with a glistening diamond ring on it, symbol of her commitment to another man, ran across his hard-muscular stomach and chest, soaping his cock and balls until every bit of semen was off it. She could feel his cock twitch and swell as she cleaned it and again when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. 

Hand in hand they left the steamy shower. 


Kitty slowly came to her senses. Her cheek was pressed hard against a wooden plank. She groggily raised her head. “Uh. W-where am I?” Wow, I came so hard, my body went numb, she thought. Kitty pushed against the plank. It was the seat in the girl’s locker room. She was straddling it, breasts mashed down against it. Her whole body still felt tingly, her large orgasms made her pussy convulse and curled her toes. Her body still felt the aftereffects of that pleasurable orgasm and she felt great, except for this pain coming from her ass. “Ouch! Samson, what are you doing?” 

“I’m gonna bust a nut in this pretty little ass of yours,” said Samson. He was leaning back bracing himself on the seat with his cock thrust forwards into her asshole just above her still sperm dripping pussy. “Fuck. It’s so tight, I just got the head of my cock in.” 

“WAIT! I don’t even let Todd do me there!” 

“I ain’t Todd! You’re gonna take it if ya want this dick again.” 

Damn it, she did want his dick again. It was the only dick she wanted from here on out. “Oh. God. I don’t know. Just go slow.” 

“Ungh!” grunted Samson as his big cock bent in the middle trying to force its way into Kitty’s ass.  Luckily, it was still well lubricated from his sperm and her orgasms or it would have been more difficult. None of the women he’d ever fucked before had let his big thing near their assholes and it was always something he had wanted to do. He’d taken advantage of Kitty’s comatose state to get the head past her rosebud. But Kitty was different from the other girls. She was moaning a little like she was enjoying it. “YEAH! You like that black cock in your tight ass?” 

“YES!” she moaned. “I like your black cock anywhere. Fuck my ass, Samson! Fuck my tight ass with your big black cock! AAAAAHHH!!!” Kitty couldn’t believe how good it felt. Her ass shouldn’t have been able to take something this big or at least for it to feel pleasurable. His cock feels so good stretching out my ass, she thought, moaning loudly. “HARDER! Fuck that ass!” Her black lover was listening to her pleas. He increased his speed, his black cock sliding more easily in and out of her ass. His balls were slapping against her sensitive labia and clitoris. Kitty was actually pushing back into his thrusting cock. I’m like gonna cum from an ass fucking, she thought not believing it. “I love it,” she told him while he hovered over her slamming his thick cock in and out of her rectum. 

Samson couldn’t take it. Her ass was tighter then her pussy. It was sucking the sperm out of him. “Gonna cum soon,” he growled. “I’m cumming!!!” He thrust his cock forward, hearing Kitty gasp loudly as his cum flooded her bowels. He shot several thick wads before pulling his cock out and shooting the rest over her back. Looking down, Samson smiled seeing his sperm leaking from the ass and pussy of his rival’s girlfriend. 

Minutes later, they were showering together in a scene similar to the one Kitty’s mother and Coach Black had been doing a short time before. After drying off, Samson pulled his grass stained uniform back on and sat on the bench as Kitty still topless, pulled her red cheerleading skirt up. “God that was amazing,” she grinned at him. 

“You ready to dump that wimp Todd and date a real man?” he asked. 

“Todd who, boyfriend?” she replied. 

“We’ll be the first interracial couple at Coxville High?” 

“I don’t care. Just keep fucking me. We gotta use protection next time. Mom won’t let me go on the pill.” 

“I’ll pull out next time. Trust me.” Samson watched her finish dressing. It should be a crime 
covering up that perfect body, he thought. He gave her a quick, but passionate kiss. “I’ll sneak out after you,” he told her. 

Kitty opened the door and peaked down the empty hall. She snuck out unaware that she had already been observed. 


Jenny was leaning over to get dressed when the coach came up behind her and squeezed her breasts. She grinned at him and reached down with her wedding ring hand to grab the still swollen cock. “I can’t get over how big your black cock is!” 

“You keep playin’ with it like that and I’ll be ready to go again soon.” 

“Jesus! You’re amazing. Are you trying to kill me with this thing?” She gave his cock another squeeze and felt it swell even more. Jenny moaned as his fingers pinched her nipple and she was almost ready to go again, but then she noticed the clock on the locker room wall was at 10:08. “Shit! It’s getting late. We’ve been in here for almost two hours! I’ve got to get home.” Jenny sprang free of his arms, racing for her clothes. “Kitty’s going to be furious. She’s probably been looking for me this whole time.” 

“Whoa! Hang on!” said Coach Black, not wanting to see her go and not wanting to see her cover up her perfect body. 

Jenny bent down forgetting her underwear, her abused twat pointing at him as she pulled her white skirt back up her legs. “I’m sorry Coach, but I got to get home soon or Harold will be worried.” She grabbed her red “Cocks” top and pulled it down half way over her full bare breasts. 

“You know we’re gonna fuck again soon. Right?” 

Jenny’s answer was to spin around and fall to her knees. She looked up at him as she grabbed his cock. Jenny leaned down and took him in her mouth. She swallowed the entire shaft up to her fist which was holding the base of his cock. She sucked and slurped over her new toy, feeling it swell and turn completely hard again in her mouth. Jenny pulled back. “You can bet on it,” she told him. Jenny stood. “I need the spare keys.” 

“On the hanger inside my office.” 

Jenny grabbed Black’s set of keys and raced out of the locker room and down the hall. Her shirt still raised just under her nipples. Her belly and the bottom of her breasts were exposed. She headed through the gym and over to the girl’s locker-room. That was sweet of the coach to lend me his keys even though I left him hanging with another huge erection, she thought. I’ll just grab my things from the locker room and find Kitty so that we can get home. I hope she’s feeling better than before, she wondered. 

Jenny arrived at the girl’s lockers and put her key in the door, while trying to stretch her shirt back down. She opened the door a crack and could hear the obvious sounds of someone fucking. Her brows narrowed in anger. How dare one of her students use the locker room’s for sex? Someone was about to get suspended. 

Jenny stepped around the corner just as a female voice screamed, “I love it!” Gotcha, she thought. Jenny reared back in stunned horror. She was standing behind a black man fucking a blonde white girl from behind and that white girl looked just like… Oh shit… Not Kitty. Not with a black guy! What if he gets her pregnant? Wait! He’s not fucking her pussy. He’s fucking her ass! The little slut is loving it and Samson’s nearly as big as the coach. I wonder what it feels like to have something so big shoved up your ass? Samson yelled a warning that he was about to cum. I should stop this, she thought. No, I’ll just pretend this didn’t happen. 

Jenny watched as Samson pulled his swollen engorged cock out and blasted sperm across her daughter’s back. She spun around behind the lockers, knowing they were nearly finished and deep in thought. I’ll just go wait by the car. She was worried that Kitty wasn’t on the pill, but then maybe that’s why she let him fuck her ass, even though such an act was unnatural and a sin. I wonder if Coach Black would fuck my ass? She kind of wanted to try it even though she would feel like a pervert asking him and he might think she was disgusting. 

Jenny hurried out the door while Samson and her daughter showered together. She left the school and waited by her car. 


Kitty came bouncing down the steps seeing her mom leaning against her car waiting for her. “Looking for these?” she asked, dangling her mom’s keys out to drop them in her hand. 

“Just get in the car. Your father is probably worried.” Jenny walked around to the driver’s side and got behind the wheel as her daughter got in beside her in the passenger seat. She glanced sideways at her perky daughter. She was glowing, radiant and had a grin from ear to ear. 

“Mom, Samson West asked me to be his girlfriend.” 

“What did he say when you turned him down?” Jenny waited for half a minute and when her daughter didn’t answer she said, “You did turn him down?” 

“Not exactly.” 

“Kitty, he’s black and this is the deep South. That kind of thing doesn’t happen in Coxville.” 

“But mom…?” 

“I said no and that’s that.” Jenny drove the rest of the way home while Kitty pouted. They were silent until she pulled into the driveway and added, “Stick with Todd. He’s already gotten into college and has a bright future. That Samson boy is trouble. The only way he’s getting into 
college is with a scholarship. Otherwise, he’s going to end up in jail like most of the other boys from Westside.” 

“Okay mom,” grumbled Kitty, thinking that she and Samson would just have to keep their love a secret. 

Jenny patted her daughter on the arm, feeling a little envious. I can’t believe I’m jealous of the little slut, she thought. If I had met the Coach when I was her age, I never would have married Harold. Jenny shivered with lust at the thought of getting the Coach’s big black cock daily since she was a teenager. 

Harold opened the front door and stepped outside. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick. I tried both your phones. Honey, we had plans for tonight.” 

Jenny ran her hand through the hair on the top of her head. “It’s been a LONG and HARD day, Harold,” she said, thinking about Coach Black’s big cock. “Really long and hard. I’m not in the mood for this.” 

“Well okay, but you still should have called.” The pudgy husband of the hottest woman in Coxville turned to his daughter. “Todd was here waiting for you Kitty. He wanted you to call him, but that was over an hour ago.” 

Kitty just nodded, shrugging like she didn’t really care. She kissed her dad on the cheek. “Goodnight daddy, I’ll be in my room.” 

“Goodnight Kitten,” he replied. Harold turned to his lovely blonde wife and put his hand around her waist. He had a shit eating grin on his face as he said, “Just because our plans got ruined, doesn’t mean our night does.” 

Jenny rolled her eyes. “Honey, I’m tired and I have a headache.” 

“But you promised,” said Harold almost whimpering. 

“Alright, alright,” replied Jenny giving in. I hate to see a grown man beg, she thought. Any other time she would have been thrilled. They’d had sex during the storm last night and normally that would satisfy Harold for a couple weeks. Harold wanting sex two days in a row would have been a pleasant treat, but after getting the fucking of your life from a hung black man, she wasn’t even sure if she would be able to feel Harold inside her stretched-out pussy. 

Hand in hand, the husband and wife walked upstairs. Jenny went into the master bath and changed for bed. She pulled on a lacy halter top so tight and thin, her breasts were visible. She pulled on cotton panties. She had been in such a hurry, she’d forgotten her underwear in the boy’s lockers. She hoped the Coach had grabbed them. Just one look at the cup size and most of the school would know they were hers. She brushed her teeth, the lingering taste of the coach’s sperm still on her tongue. It felt like there was a gallon of sperm still sloshing around in her womb and her pussy was still stretched out. If Harold had any sense, he’d know something was 
wrong.  What was she going to do? 

Jenny left the bathroom and walked into her bedroom. She caught her husband in the act of putting his condom on. He stood nude in their room. The rubber hanging loosely on his little penis. That is so not sexy, she thought. No flat stomach, no abs or pecs, no muscles at all, no ebony skin glistening in the light, no cocky grin on his face, and no big black cock sticking proudly out from his body. Jenny smiled and tried to look interested. She fell to her knees and pulled the small condom off his even smaller penis. “You won’t be needing this,” she said. 

“What are you…? 

Jenny’s lips closed around the head of her husband’s penis. She let her tongue swirl around the tip. 

“Honey, are you sure?” asked a very surprised and delighted Harold. “It's been so long since you sucked my cock.” 

“Seriously Harold? It's a penis, not a cock. Don't be so crude.” She put the little grape head back in her mouth. She thought of Coach Black again. Now that's a COCK, thought the young mother. I haven’t done this in years and now twice in one night, thought Jenny. If Harold even counts. Jenny swallowed his penis until her lips pressed into his pubic hairs. This is so easy. The head barely even enter my throat. I wish I was sucking the Coach’s big black cock again. She moaned, remembering how she had fallen to her knees in the shower and took that magnificent cock between her lips. 

Jenny looked up to see if her husband was enjoying it. She wasn’t surprised to see a goofy expression on his face. “Slow down honey, I’m gonna cum,” he gasped. 

Harold’s penis bucked in her mouth. What a wimp, she thought. I just started. Jenny pulled back and stuck her tongue out under the floppy penis she’d spent twenty years of her life with. There were only a few small drops of semen on her tongue. 

“Sorry,” said Harold. “I tried to warn you.” 

“It’s all right honey,” Jenny replied, smiling at him. She stood back up and walked into the bathroom, spitting the small wad of semen into a tissue. 

Harold called from the bedroom. “Thanks honey, that was wonderful. I love you.” 

“I love you too,” she called back, thinking that his semen didn’t even taste as good as the Coach’s. Harold’s was runnier, not as thick, or as white and the Coach had a vasectomy. Maybe getting snipped, makes it taste richer, she wondered. 

By the time Jenny left the bathroom, Harold had fallen asleep with a grin on his face. She slipped in bed beside her snoring husband, folded her arms under her head and stared up at the ceiling. I love Harold, she thought. I spent almost twenty years of my life with this man. I can’t believe I 
just cheated on the father of my child with a black man. But I can’t go back to just having sex with Harold. I need that big black cock. And what about Kitty? Now that she’s discovered big black cock, will she be able to give it up? I know I can’t. Jenny began to feel guilty and concerned about her family. She finally decided that Harold would have her love and devotion, but the Coach would have her sex. Since he couldn’t get her pregnant, if they were discreet, there wouldn’t be any consequences. Kitty she would just have to keep a close eye on. 

Having made up her mind, Jenny Summers rolled over and tried to fall asleep not realizing how much her life would be changing over the next few months. 


Kitty got out of the shower and walked into her room nude. Well, it took forever, but I finally feel like I got all that sperm off me, she thought. “I think I’ll check my messages,” she said to herself. Her laptop was beside her bed and her phone was sitting by it. She brought her computer out of hibernation mode and checked her messages on her phone. 

Todd only texted me seven times, she thought checking her messages. She looked up at her computer and saw she’d also gotten two emails from him. It’s not like he’s desperate, she thought. Loser, wants his victory blowjob.” She shook her head, wondering if she should text him back that she was dumping him, but decided to wait and do it in person. Todd you’re out and Samson your big black cock is in. 

I wonder, thought Kitty. She typed “big black cock” into a search engine. Her screen was immediately filled with images of roosters. Kitty laughed and changed the filtering parameters on her search to allow for adult content. The next images that appeared in her screen made her eyes open wider and gasp at all the large black phalluses that appeared. One was colossal, cut and bigger then Samson’s by a few inches. She clicked on the picture to enlarge it. The link directed her to LD’s website, father of Lorenzo “LD” Doyle, one of Samson's teammates, and the only Coxville native to move to Los Angeles to get into the porn industry. 

Kitty laid down on the bed staring at the screen filled with images of LD's big black cock. There were free samples and dozens of short video clips mostly featuring him with white women. He was billed as the most well-hung man in porn. There was even a dildo made from a mold of his cock for sale. I didn’t know black cocks were so big, she thought, slipping two fingers between her moist thighs. One hand rubbed over her breasts and her fingers pinched a nipple. “I wish Samson were here to fuck me again,” she moaned, staring at a clip of LD jerking off his huge cock. 

Kitty continued fingering herself, her need growing as her fingers moved faster. She stared in wonder at the black cock on the screen swelling as he stroked it until black see exploded from the head. Suddenly her back arched and she gasped in pleasure. “Cumming!” she gasped. 

Kitty closed her eyes, still slowly fingering herself as she began to fall asleep. The exhausted teen rolled over on her side, her finger still between her legs, the images of LD's black cock cumming on a constant loop still on her computer screen as she fell into a deep dream filled 

To be continued...

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