

The weather outside was not promising. It would rain in a couple of minutes. Hayley had now resumed her duties and was presently working on the garden. Luckily, Nanny, Mrs Grey and Alexandra had not known about what had happened that morning. Poor Russell! She felt guilty about it! She had met up with him later on with a beaten up face! He had not talked to her. She deserved it! She had taken advantage of his kindness. She would try her best to apologize later.

Alexandra and her had chatted after breakfast and she was really a nice person according to her judgement. She now had a friend. It was long since she had someone to talk to. She did not have a social life anymore after her parents passing. The only friend she could have count on had left the country with her parents.

Humming the song that was playing on her music play a voice coming from around startled her.

"If Rian finds us here, he will kill us both you know!" The feminine voice said.

"You know he can not do that! Moreso , he is at work! I just excused myself to come see you!" A male voice spoke.

"Okay then! I missed you! You left me hanging that other day you came at our house!" 

She had now recognized the female voice. It was Alex, Adrian's sister! Who was she talking to! 

"We can not continue seeing each other like this Alex! Adrian will catch up! Someone might see us!" The male voice said.

"But..What about we tell Adrian about us," 

"Us! There is no us Alex! Adrian can not allow this! I do not do relationships! I will only heartbreak your heart. You're a beautiful woman! You're too young for me! You will find someone better ..,"

"I want you Leo! I do not want someone else!" Alex bursted into tears.

Leo! Adrian's second in command! She loathed that man! He was the devil's incarnate! The way he had grabbed her hand painfully at the basement! She could not trust such a man! Why did Alex have to get involved with him! Moving closer, she could now see them standing on a tree nearby. 

"C'mon baby. We will talk about it some other time! I have to get back to work! Okay?" Leo said kissing her on the forehead.

"I only get that?" Alexandra asked.

Grabbing her, he took her lips and kissed her hungrily. She watched them as they kissed, her mind jumping to someone else.

𝑜ℎ 𝑛𝑜! 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 ℎ𝑖𝑚! She scolded herself. 

"Come to my room tonight! We will be leaving tomorrow," Alex said breaking off the kiss.

"I will try baby! I have to go," Pecking her once more on her lips, Leo disappeared.

Creeping back without making some noise, Hayley walked back to her spot before Alex could notice her. It wasn't her business anyways. She put back her earphones and got back to her jam.


"Boss! We got an email from an unknown source. We can not track it," Lincoln said. 

"What does it say?" Adrian asked.

"'s a threat message! The person wrote that you're going to pay for killing his cousin and refusing to hand over his girlfriend," 

Son of a bitch! He of course knew who it was from! Andrew, Hayley's ex.

"Who said you can not track the email?" 

"Yes sir..It's encrypted," 

"Okay, you can leave Lincoln," Adrian excused him.

Standing up from his swivel chair, he ran his hands through his hair. If this bastard got his hands on Hayley, he would end up hurting her. He was not afraid of him. He could protect himself! This was not the first time he had gotten a threat! And he always ended up victorious. He needed to talk to Miss Archer. He needed to protect her. And for him to do that, she had to make a choice of staying at his place.


"I told you I would come for you Angel," Andrew said cupping her cheeks.

Her whole body was sweating! How was she here! She could not remember anything! She was now in a wide room which she could not presume what it was. All she could see were dark pictures on the wall.

"How did you...How I'm I here Andrew?"

Taking a cigar from his pocket, he lit it and took a puff, "It doesn't matter Angel. All I did was shoot that bastard of a man who had you!" He let out a wicked laugh.

"What! You shot Adrian!" 

"Yes, baby! Why? Are you mad?" He asked angrily choking her neck. 

He added, "I hope that he dies!" 

"Andrew! I can't breathe! You're hurting me! Stop it! Stop it! Stop!"

"Hayley! Hayley! Wake up!" Someone called her name as she shot from her bed panting heavily.

It had been a dream! 

"Calm down! It was only a dream," The person spoke as he brought her into his arms. Adrian! 

She rested her head on his bare chest as her heart throbbed loudly. Andrew had shot Adrian on her dream! He almost choked her to death! 

"Thank you..I'm okay," Hayley said.

"Will you be okay?" Adrian asked getting up from her bed.

"It was just a dream. I will be fine," She replied pushing a strand of hair on her face.

"I can stay, if you want me to," Adrian abruptly said.

As much as she wanted him to stay, she couldn't control herself over him. His presence would make it worse. It would be very hard for her to see him next to her with that nice body that she couldn't stop thinking about. He was only doing this out of pity. She knew since she told him about what she had been through, he only felt pity towards her sad life. 

Taking a deep breath, she replied. "No! I'm okay,"

"Okay fine! I'm only a few steps away if you need anything,"

"Okay," She mumbled.

She watched him as he walked out of her room! Pushing the thoughts behind her, she covered herself and shifted back to sleep hoping she would not have a bad dream again! 

"Don't forget to get me those cookies, okay?" Anna said to Hayley. She was heading to the market to get some groceries. 

"Okay, baby! See you later," She pecked her little sister and left.

Russell was not on duty. She had hoped it had been him so that she could have apologized. But she would find him later. The market was not far away from the mansion. She had to hurry up because the groceries were needed for lunch before Mrs Grey and Alex would leave.

Picking up some broccoli on a stand, Hayley noticed a man looking at her suspiciously. He immediately looked away and pretended to pick some fruits. Paying for the vegetables, she started walking back to the car waiting for her. The same man started following her. Fastening her steps, she began running. She had left her phone at home! She wouldn't call anyone! Her heart throbbed loudly as the man almost caught up with her.

She couldn't find her way back! It was her first time at the market. Who was he? Why was he following her? Suddenly a hard arm caught her wrist, her vegetables spilling on the ground. The hard arm covered her mouth before she could scream. 

Spinning her around, she could not recognize the person! He started dragging her towards a thin alley. He was so strong for her. Pushing her in a van, he ordered the driver to drive. 

"Who are you! Where are you taking me!" Hayley shouted.

The man threw daggers at her and put a cloth on her mouth! 

Suddenly, the car came to a halt! They were now in a place that she recognized! She had been here before! Only that she couldn't remember!   
Dragging her inside the door, he led her to a room and locked her in.

"Open the door you piece of shit!" Hayley shouted knocking on the door furiously.

It had to be one person who had the guts to do this! She now remembered why the place seemed familiar! She had been here before! To deliver some packages!

Suddenly the lock on the door made a sound and the man she was expecting entered a smile on his face!

"Hello there Angel,"

To be continued...

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