
The Coxville Curse Part 1: Chapter 2: One Hot Librarian Researches Big Black Cock


The Coxville Curse Saga 
Copyright 2017 by Stormbringer 

The Mrs. Kindle encounter with Melvin is based on three pinups drawn by the Pit. The Betty and Samantha encounter with the slave Prospero is based on The Plantation comic written and drawn by the Pit. It is unfinished, ending with the two sisters sneaking back to the barn at night. With the Pit's permission, I incorporated the Plantation and pinups into our Two Hot Blondes comics. 


September 25, 2009: The night after the shadow man came into the dreams of the sleeping women of Coxville. The day of the big game between the Coxville Cocks and the Bartown Beavers. The day that changed everything 

Bobbie Sue Kindle wanted to moan with disappointment when she felt her husband cumming inside the condom. She collapsed on his chest, grinding her pussy back onto his shriveling penis. He had been presently surprised to find his wife climbing on top of him this morning. She inserted his penis inside her and he sucked on one long nipple while she slowly rode him. All too soon, he tapped her thigh so that she could lift herself up as he put a condom on. When it was on, she lowered back down onto his prick and he was cumming before she even got warmed up. 

"That was a nice surprise," he said. "What got you so worked up?" 

"Nothing," she replied, kissing him on the lips. "I just wanted to make love to my wonderful husband this morning." She didn't want to tell him about the dark shadowy dream lover taking her from behind while holding her long blonde hair and spanking her ass as he pounded her with his big cock. Her thighs were sopping wet when she woke up. She couldn't remember ever being that horny or having a dream so filthy. "I'd better get my shower." 

"Do ya hafta? Let's stay in bed all day." 

Bobbie Sue sighed, "It's Do-you-have-to, dear, not do ya hafta and sorry, but I'm needed at the library." 

David sighed. He loved his wife, but being corrected by her all the time got annoying. "Why couldn't you have been a math teacher." 

Bobbie Sue smiled climbed off him. They were childless and she had no problem strolling nude through the house to her bathroom. It wasn't the master bath, but she preferred being the only one who used this shower. She stepped into the shower and quickly washed. She moaned with arousal as she soaped around her nipples. They were still hard and sensitive, sadly more from her 
erotic dream then from her morning sex with her husband.  Bobbie Sue stepped out of the shower and turned the water off. 

She checked herself out in the mirror as she toweled herself dry. Bobbie Sue was a natural blonde and her small pubic patch matched her long blonde hair perfectly. She had bright green eyes and a fit figure. Her breasts were large and impressive like most of her friends and acquaintances. An unusually common trait in this county and the men didn't complain. Her breasts were DD, conical, and curved upwards. She maybe had the most perfect figure of any woman she knew except for Coach Summers. In high school, classmates had teased her calling her Big Boobed Bobbie Sue or the shorter Boobie Sue. The stupid nickname stuck and she confiscated many a caricature from students with Boobie Sue written on it. 

Bobbie Sue dressed in sexy, but practical underwear, a pink skirt, and a white blouse. When her hair was dried, she put it up on her head with two pins through it. She applied some light makeup, purple eye shadow that contrasted well with her green eyes and some red lipstick. She added some jewelry to the ensemble, her wedding ring, some earrings, and being a woman of faith, she never left home without a cross around her neck as well as her cross bracelet. She'd spent many years learning in private school under the nuns from the sisters of mercy convent outside of town. 

"Bye," she yelled to her husband. "

See you at the game." 

Bobbie Sue was a woman of many hats. She volunteered at the public library, taught English at Coxville High, and worked as an editor/researcher for the Coxville times. She enjoyed keeping busy and had no plans of slowing down until they decided on starting a family. Today was an inservice day at school and she had offered to work at the library. They called her this morning, begging her to go in early as the heavy fog had stranded half the staff and the library was always busier when school was out though Bobbie doubted they'd be busy with this fog. Nobody would be traveling unless they had to. 

She was halfway to the library when she got a call from Mr. Grant, the editor of the Coxville times. "Hey, Bobbie Sue, I'm getting reports that lightning destroyed the oak in front of town hall. Can you go check it out?" 

"I can, I'm on my way to the library now. I'll swing by." 

"Great," said Mr. Grant. "My mother seems to think that lightning hit the same tree on this very day back in 1959. See if you can confirm that for me. If true, lightning striking the same tree fifty years apart would make an interesting piece for the paper and maybe even an entire history of the tree." 

"I'll see what I can do, Mr. Grant. We should be busy today, but as soon as the rest of the staff can swim to work through this fog, I'll be able to sneak down to the archives." 

"Call me when you have some info. My mom's probably wrong about the date, but it's worth checking out." 
 Bobbie Sue hung up the phone just as she was entering the traffic circle before town hall. The fog was thicker here than at home, so thick, she couldn't even see the tree. A police car was parked on the circle and she could make out the lights flashing. Bobbie Sue pulled up behind it and nodded at the cop as she strolled up to the tree. Lightning had indeed blasted it to ruin. She stared at it feeling a little sad, it had been a beautiful tree, standing proudly before town hall for all her life as well as her mother's life, grandmother's, and so on. It was too foggy to snap a picture, so she decided to get back in her car and drive the rest of the way to the library. 

Bobbie Sue was not surprised to see Melvin waiting outside the library door. Melvin was a scrawny black senior at Coxville High. An Urkel looking nerd from a neighborhood filled with mostly scary black thugs. Blacks were segregated to the West side of town and they'd largely stayed there. There weren't too many in Coxville and the Westside only had a couple hundred blacks living in trailers, old houses, and some low-income housing. There were more blacks in Coxburg, which even had a ghetto, but whites avoided that part of town and they mostly avoided Westside. Westside was officially called Freetown which replaced the uglier niggertown. 

"Good morning Mrs. Kindle," said Melvin, standing, and hefting his backpack behind him. A black man from Westside was either a thug or a jock and some were both. Melvin didn't fit in either category and hid out in the library reading or using the computers being too poor to afford one for home. Bobbie Sue had considered buying him a laptop, but believed his mother would quickly pawn it. The boy was pure genius and one of the few blacks in Coxville guaranteed to go to college on a scholarship. 

Bobbie Sue let Melvin inside while she went to turn on the lights. He quickly disappeared and she forgot about him. Her predictions came true and they weren't busy. The library director made it to work before any customers aside from Melvin even showed up. By the afternoon, the fog had lifted entirely. Bobbie Sue was able to walk over to town hall, snap a picture of the shattered oak tree, and return to the library to use the archives. 

The Coxville Times were on microfilm at the public library. Coxville wasn't modern nor efficient and the microfilm were unlabeled. Bobbie Sue considered volunteering to organize the system, but her husband would kill her if she took on yet another project. She would have to put a roll on and go backwards through time until she found 1959. She spun the film backwards stopping to check where she was each time. 

From 1999, Penelope Adams wins state pageant. She is the sixth Coxville native to hold the title. 

From 1995, Coxville women's breast size blamed on recessive genes and above average hormone levels. Larger breasts started showing up on Coxville women born around 1960 with larger than average bosoms manifesting in their early teens. The gene is believed to have been passed down by an unknown ancestor in the mid nineteenth century… 

From 1991, Jenny Cox forced to step down from Miss USA pageant. Jenny was to represent Coxville and the state at the Miss USA pageant, but was forced to resign after revealing that she 
was pregnant and had married her sweetheart Harold Summers. A former Miss Dairy, Miss Poultry, and Miss Coxville County, Jenny Cox is studying education… 

From 1988, Mayor Smith to Playboy, "Get out of town." Despite the mayor's refusal to allow Playboy to do a "the women of Coxville" pictorial, several female residents have agreed to meet Playboy photographers in Coxburg for a future spread.  Playboy first became interested in Coxville when three Coxville natives at different colleges showed up in a "Women of Dixie" pictorial. Believing this was an odd coincidence, playboy began visiting the town… 

From 1985, Lin Clarke, a graduate of Coxville High, to star in a new teen comedy "Breast In Show." Miss Clarke left Coxville for Hollywood just last year and has already had several unaccredited roles… 

From 1979, Mayor Smith rejects Westside penis survey by state university researchers. "There's nothing unusual about our colored citizen's penises," said the Mayor. Despite the Mayor's claims, abnormally large penises have been reported on Coxville natives since the early part of the century. One theory states that a selective breeding program of slaves by the Cox family resulted in large genitalia on male slaves... 

From 1977, Freetown inhabitants to be bused in to attend Coxville High. For the first time, Freetown black students will be allowed to attend Coxville High with white students. Previously, Freetown residents relied on the nuns from the Sisters of Mercy convent to educate them… 

From 1971, State Legislature denounces Coxville. "Why is Coxville so intent on keeping blacks segregated from whites?" stated House Majority Leader Davis. 

From 1965, County council vows to fight anti-miscegenation law passed by the state. Councilman Smith vowed that it will remain illegal for whites to marry any negro, mulatto, quadroon, or octoroon as long as he's a councilman. 

From August 1944, A boy born in Freetown(Niggertown) to Wayne and Elsie Long was believed deformed with three legs. The midwife took the unnamed boy to a doctor who was astounded to see that the boy had a penis as long as his legs. 

Bobbie Sue paused over the last article. Her boss at Coxville High was Principal Long and she wondered if he was the same boy. The age was certainly about right. Long had just turned 65 and she couldn't remember the date, but the month on the newspaper was the same as the month the teachers had thrown Long a little birthday party. She giggled nervously reading the full article. Bobbie Sue couldn't picture old man Long with an enormous penis, but for some reason she shivered, giggling again. Bobbie Sue had overshot her target date and she slowly moved the microfilm back until she found September 1959. 

Lightning Strikes Coxville Oak Tree 

"Bingo!" said Bobbie Sue. "Holy Crap, it is the same date." What an amazing coincidence she thought and began to read the article, frowning when she read the part about a thick fog covering 
the town after the lightning strike. The article also included a disturbing picture. The black and white sketch showed a darkened figure hanging from a tree branch on the oak tree. A crowd was watching the hanging. 

Yesterday, lightning again struck the oak tree in front of town hall exactly fifty years after striking the same tree in 1909 and one hundred years after the slave Prospero Black was hung there. Prospero, an escaped slave, recaptured in New Orleans using the name Zombi was returned to the Cox plantation, is said to have cursed the town before he was hung. According to legend, lightning struck and snapped the branch Prospero was hanging from just after he had died from asphyxiation. A weather expert in Coxburg has stated the multiple lightning strikes on the same object is not that unusual and the dates are probably just coincidence. 

"But lightning striking the same tree every fifty years is an amazing coincidence," said Bobbie, sitting back in her chair, and rereading the article. The thought that a fugitive slave was lynched on that tree didn't make her feel sorry that the tree had been destroyed last night anymore. And the idea of a curse placed on the town intrigued her. Bobbie was a skeptic of anything that didn't fit in with her faith and certainly didn't believe in curses. A smile suddenly spread across her lips. She'd had another project planned for years. Bobbie Sue wanted to write a book. She'd put it off for years and honestly had never had an idea worth pursuing, but a Coxville Curse was an intriguing idea. Mr. Grant just might need to wait on his story. Bobbie Sue continued her journey back in time skimming through the microfilm. 


From 1917, Negro boys continue to be born with deformities. Doctors baffled. Every negro boy born since 1909 has been born with a male phallus much longer than normal. 

From December 1909, Two negro boys born with unusually large penises were taken by the parents to experts in Coxburg. 

From September 1909, Lightning strikes Coxville Oak fifty years after the fugitive slave Prospero Black who called himself Zombi Damballah was hung on the same tree. 89-year-old, Hettie Parker recalled the hanging. "They hung that evil slave for using black magic to corrupt old Col. Cox's beautiful young daughters, Samantha and Betty. The Col wanted to make an example of Prospero for the other slaves, but it was all a trick. Before they hung that devil, the Col ordered the townsfolk to fire on the watching slaves. Macduff, an uppity nigger if I ever saw one was the first to fall from a bullet fired by Betty's husband Caleb Summers. Lear and Puck fell next. By then the slaves were in the cornfields running and they kept running though many were hunted down the next few days. That bearded black devil watched in horror as his fellow slaves were gunned down before turning to look at us whites. He began chanting words in the language of hell and you could feel evil spewing forth from his vile mouth. Good Father Murphy held his cross up and began reciting the 23rd psalm as Summers smacked the horse the nigger was astride and that evil nigger began to hang. As he choked, that devil phallus of his hardened up and spewed its evil on the ground before the tree. I swears it's all true. Satan hisself sent a storm to save his servant, lightning striking and breaking the branch holding Prospero's swinging body, but the devil's servant was already dead. We was running in fear by then, trying to get to 
our homes followed by a thick evil mist the devil had conjured up allowing dem negro slaves to escape. Betty and Samantha were taken into the convent to be saved by Jesus and the good sisters there. I'm glad that nigger devil hung." 

Coincidentally, a thick mist rose up after last night's lightning strike also. The mist in 1859 allowed many of Cox's slaves to escape the massacre which killed at least two dozen, mostly male slaves. The survivors built a community on the island in Lake Cox and lived there for over three years until the Union army occupied the Cox mansion in 1864 where they returned to work for the Yankees. Remains of their settlement still exists on the island. 

Bobbie Sue stared at the article in awe. Black magic, curses, slave massacres, strange mists, and lightning strikes. This was the stuff of best sellers! It was getting late, but she wasn't about to stop researching. She stood up and left the basement archives heading back into the library. "We're gonna close early for the game Bobbie Sue," said the library director. 

It's going to, not gonna, thought Bobbie Sue, biting her lip to keep from correcting her boss. "I'll shut the place down then, I'm doing some research in the archives." 

"You're not going to the game?" 

"No, I've discovered something pretty interesting," said Bobbie, flipping through the pages of the phone book. "I'm really focused right now and want to keep doing research." 

"Anything you want to share?" 

"Not yet," she replied. "I'll be right back, I need to make a call." Bobbie Sue left the library and walked back towards town hall. She stared at the remains of the old oak now being scooped up by a bulldozer. She flipped her cell phone open and made a call. A man was lynched on this spot, she thought. Slaves were gunned down all around me. She shivered as someone answered her phone. 

"Sisters of Mercy convent." 

"Hello, my name is Bobbie Sue Kindle…" 

"Yes, Mrs. Kindle, the English teacher. How may I help you?" 

"Yes, I'm researching a bit of history that involves the Sisters of Mercy. Do you have a resident historian?" 

"The mother superior knows more than anyone. She's with Sister Nancy tutoring the African American boys or should I say boy. Only one showed up today in the fog, but she should be done by now. I'll see if I can get her." 

The good Sisters had helped the poor black residents of Coxville for over a century. In a town that opposed integration more than anywhere else in the South, the Sisters for many decades 
were the only ones willing to teach the county's blacks to read. "We are all god's children," was their motto. The mother superior got on the line a few minutes later. Bobbie Sue was delighted to hear that not only did the mother superior know of Father Murphy, but she seemed to think that his journal had been donated to the library. Bobbie Sue thanked her and hung up the phone more excited than ever. 

Bobbie Sue walked back into the library and ran into the director. "I'm taking off now. You'll remember to lock up and shut the place down?" asked the director. 

"Of course," she replied. "Can I get the keys to the rare book display? There's a journal that I want to check out." Bobbie Sue waited while the director removed the key from her key ring. "Thanks," she said, palming the key. 

"Just be sure to get it back to me and be careful. Some of those books are falling apart." 

"No problem. Have fun at the game. Go Cocks!" 

"Go Cocks," whispered the director. The women were using their library voices. "All the patrons have left except for Melvin." 

Bobbie Sue nodded. She locked the door after the director and headed towards the rare book display. She spied Melvin at one of the computer terminals down an aisle. "We're closing up Melvin," she called to him. 

He turned to look at her, pushing his glasses higher up his nose. "Aw man, I was just getting started. Can't I leave when you do?" 

"Well I'm doing some research and might be here for hours. Don't you want to go to the game?" 

"Naw, football bores me. I just don't see the fascination with moving balls around fields, diamonds, or courts. Can't I stay here… with you? He he he." 

Bobbie Sue winced. She had a lot of respect for Melvin's mind, but his voice was high pitched and grating. He was the kind of person so annoying you just wanted to punch him and apparently Melvin did have some problems with bullies at school. "Alright, just let me know when you're ready to leave and I'll let you out." 

"Thanks Mrs. Kindle. He he he," he giggled for no apparent reason. 

Bobbie Sue's eye ticked. His laugh was worse than his voice. She nodded and headed towards the cabinet. Father Murphy's journal wasn't readily apparent. It was tucked in the back of the old books, covered in years of dust. The book was leather bound and had a gold cross on the cover. She blew the dust off the book and opened it. Something fell out of the book at her feet. Bobbie Sue reached down to pick it up and saw that it was an old tintype photograph. When she turned it over, she gasped in horror. 

The picture showed the hanging. 

The picture encompassed the entire oak tree and the dark form of Prospero Black was visible hanging from a rope. She could see the backs of onlooker's heads. A priest she assumed was Murphy was staring at the hanging man's penis which was hard as a rock and though it wasn't clear in the picture, the man's penis appeared to be a monster. Two beautiful blonde women were crying behind the hanging man and appeared to be trying to reach the slave, but a powerfully built white man was holding them back. Bobbie Sue shivered. The slave's body wasn't straight, his legs were kicking. He wasn't dead yet! 

Bobbie Sue gulped and felt a little ill. She headed for the reception desk, looking down the aisle at Melvin, suddenly glad another person was in the room with her even if it was a skinny wimp like Melvin. She sat down in a chair behind the desk and flipped open the book. Most of it was irrelevant to her story though she did find this passage interesting: 

June 1855- Phineas Cox showed me around his plantation today while his two lovely daughters Betty and Samantha Cox prepared our dinner. What I saw disgusted me. His slaves were out in the fields working on the cotton crop and in several places, the male slaves had dropped their britches and were plowing the female slaves from behind like animals. The females appeared to be loving it and were thrusting back into the slave's thrusts with as much lust as the males were showing. I have always found slavery a deplorable thing, but seeing this sort of behavior reaffirmed my belief that Africans were subhuman, little better then animals. I crossed myself when the nearest male slave pulled his still spurting phallus from a woman and all I could think of was the black bulls back home in the fields of Derry. Col Cox laughed at my discomfort. He explained to me that the first Cox had come to settle this county in the mid-1600's and started a farm. To help him on the farm, he purchased several slaves and the males had phalluses about this big. Col Cox held his hands about seven inches apart. Then his son bought some more endowed slaves both female and male and mated them with the sons and daughters of the original group. Their children had phalluses about this big. Cox spread his hand an inch further apart and he kept spreading them another inch every several generations. And this is the end result, he held his hands out towards his slaves as another male pulled down his pants and a huge foot long penis began rising to attention. A buxom Negress took him in her mouth to speed him along. I informed Col. Cox that interfering with god's design would bring ill luck. He scoffed at me and told me that his most perfect creation had escaped him several years ago. A slave named Prospero, Cox having named all his slaves after Shakespearean characters, had escaped his plantation and Cox had a bounty out across the South for anyone who could bring Prospero back unharmed. Then Cox held his hands apart at a length impossible to believe to show me the length of Prospero's phallus. "Testicles as big as cannon balls too," Cox told me. "Big and heavy and full of more seed then a bull. He would have been my best breeder." I vowed to make a quick effort to leave this foul place as soon as possible after dinner while Cox stared at his slaves rutting like animals with a smug grin on his face. 


Bobbie Sue blinked her eyes. She wouldn't have believed the story except for the tintype photo showing what looked like an arm sticking out between Prospero's legs. She recalled the 
newspaper articles about the large size of the black resident's penises. Could it possibly be true? She returned to the journal and moved ahead to get closer to the time of the hanging. She found an intriguing entry about Caleb Summers capturing Prospero. 

From the Diary of Father Murphy 

Caleb Summers asked me to bless him. He said he felt a taint on hisself at what he'd seen with his own eyes in New Orleans where they captured Prospero. He was but a shell of the man he had been since the hanging. The former strapping young man had gained a paunch and was losing his hair. He repeatedly asked to see his wife, but I refused. Caleb had married Betty Cox and was set to build his own plantation out near the lake when a messenger came telling Phineas Cox that the escaped slave he was searching for was living in New Orleans. After nearly seven years of searching the poster: Wanted escaped slave named Prospero. No distinguishing features except for a 14" phallus, had hit pay dirt. Caleb quickly volunteered to bring back the fugitive to make his father-in-law happy. I'm sure he wouldn't have been so eager if he'd known he was bringing back a devil that would corrupt his beautiful young wife and her sister. 

Prospero was living in the quarter of New Orleans where the free people of color dwelt. Caleb Summers brought along Zeb Swallows, Jake Kindle, and James McGuire to help him bring back the slave. The messenger had informed them that they would find the slave in Congo Square on Sunday night. This is what he told me: 

We needn't have asked directions as the music coming from the square led us directly to it. We rode our horses watching the steady stream of blacks, creoles, mulattoes, and much to our surprise plenty of whites and judging by their dress the whites were well off, all approaching Congo Square. Being mounted we had a better view of the square and I could see that the blacks had formed a circle with dancers in the center and men beating drums around the edges. Everyone was swaying, clapping, or stomping their feet. Of the renegade Prospero, there was no sign. 

Suddenly, the crowd fell silent. There was not a noise from hundreds of people. A hushed murmur started when the crowd parted and a black woman stepped into the circle carrying a huge snake. She wasn't young, around sixty I'd guess, but she moved like a much younger woman and I could see that she had been a great beauty when she was younger. "Who is that," I asked a nearby negro. He looked at me in surprise. "Why that is Marie Laveau, our priestess," he replied. 

Marie Laveau continued to dance around the circle with her snake. A roar went from the crowd which parted and another black woman stepped into the circle. She was absolutely stunning and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She resembled the older woman so much, I knew she must be her daughter. Then the young woman dropped her robe standing proud in her nakedness and forgive me father for I could not take my eyes off this beauty, black though she was. She held her arms up to the sky as the drums started again and a chanting arose from the crowd. Marie held out the snake to her daughter who took it and the foul creature wrapped its sinuous body around the poor 
woman but she reacted like it was giving her pleasure. She stepped backwards with the snake, the crowd parting and the beautiful young woman disappeared. 

The crowd wailed in one voice and there was a disturbance where the girl had disappeared. They began chanting, "Zombi Damballah, Zombi Damballah" Over and over again the crowd chanted. I saw Mcguire crossing himself and I followed suit. Where the disturbance was occurring, a head began rising above the crowd. A bearded black man slowly rose up sitting on a wood throne on a wood platform being raised by the Negroes. He was nude and sat astride the throne like a king. His massive cock fell between his legs. Zeb whispered, "Looks like we found our missing nigger." 

The crowd passed the platform around from hand to hand, making it appear to be a ship listing on a sea of black, brown, and white flesh. All the while they continued their chant of "Zombi Damballah." The platform turned to face Marie Laveau and a woman rose up from the crowd. Hands lifted Marie's beautiful daughter up and onto the platform where she kneeled at Prospero's feet. She was still nude, but the snake had disappeared. A clay jar was handed up to the nude woman who took it and dipped her hand into the contents removing it and showing her hand to the crowd. They wailed again at the sight o
f her hand covered in a dark purplish jelly. She did the same to the next hand, holding it up for the crowd to see. Then she took her slick hands and began coating Prospero's evil black cock. The crowd fell silent again as the mighty phallus began to rise and harden. When it had grown as large as a boy's arm, the woman kissed the bulbous tip and began stroking it with her hands. The platform moved to the edge of the circle. 

Marie Laveau then began removing her clothes and she looked impressive for one her age. When she was nekked, she held her hands up to the sky. "Ici me Damballah créateur de toute vie," she shouted. The negro nearby placed his palms together as if praying. He translated her words. "Here me Damballah, creator of all life." "Nous attendre à recevoir votre bénédiction. Montreznous votre amour puissant Damballah. Nous baptiser avec vos graines"  Marie kneeled before the raised platform upon which her daughter was masturbating Prospero's dark cock. 

A dozen young women moved into the circle, dropping their clothes and joining Marie on their knees before the platform. "What did she say," I shouted at the negro. He replied, "We wait to receive your blessing. Show us your love mighty Damballah. Baptize us with your seed." And then Prospero's cock blew. 

Marie's daughter had thrown her head to the ground just as his phallus exploded. Now I had seen bulls yanked off for their semen and I'm telling you, there was more seed shooting from Prospero's cock then I ever saw come from a bull. It shot out from the head in wad after wad, flying over the daughter's prostrate body and breaking up over the kneeling black women. His sperm rained down upon them, splattering against their bare skin. It was indeed a baptism and as the thick seed touched them, they began moaning, crying out in pleasure, until they fell to the ground, writhing disgustingly in ecstasy. 

When I looked back up at Prospero. Marie's daughter had taken his cock in her mouth and was sucking it back to erection. When he was hard, she began stroking him again. The "blessed" 
women, except for the voodoo priestess Laveau, moved back into the crowd and another dozen took their place. The process repeated itself and after they'd been blessed, another dozen took their place. Prospero's cock was jerked off a total of six times and there was no lessening in the amount of his ejaculate. I knew that old Colonel Cox would be pleased with this prime specimen of his family's breeding program. 

Things moved quickly after that. Prospero's throne was slowly lowered, disappearing into the crowd. "Don't let him get away," I shouted at the men. We moved the horses forwards into a rapidly dispersing crowd. We need not have worried. Prospero hadn't gone anywhere. Marie's daughter had climbed onto his cock and was bouncing in his lap. Prospero's bearded face was buried in a bosom that rivaled any of the Cox family women. There were plenty on onlookers, including many whites and many were touching themselves sinfully. I didn't know at the time how she could have taken such a monster inside her. I thought black women must a been different or something. Now I know better seeing as how my wife and her sister took it… and loved it." 

"You did indeed see the devil's work, Caleb," I told him. "Let us never forget that there is evil in the world. What happened next?" 

"Well father, we waited and watched the two Negroes fucking like rabbits and as soon as the Negress climbed off him, we grabbed him. Prospero didn't put up much of a fight. It was almost like he was expecting us. I manacled his hands behind his back and was throwing him over my horse when the remaining crowd started crying out. That's when I saw her. Laveau reappeared. "You cannot take Damballah from us, white man," she shouted. We ignored her until the voodoo priestess pointed at one of her followers, a dark skinned black man in tattered clothing. He screamed and charged us. Jake just pulled out a revolver and shot him in the chest. She pointed at a woman this time. The woman screamed and charged, but Jake shot her in the face. I realized this would go on forever, so I took out my gun and pointed it at Laveau. That taught the old witch a lesson and she finally quit sending her followers after us. She just watched us as we rode off and I could see the hate in her eyes." 

"Clearly what you witnessed was a satanic rite, Summers. You're a brave man and Christ loves brave men," I told him trying to comfort him, but even I was unnerved by what he had seen. "Did anything happen after that?" 

"Not much. We grabbed a hold of an extra horse for him to ride, but I never removed the shackles for a week lest he cast some spell on us. We tipped broth into his mouth for food. We never put clothes on him and had to watch that big cock of his swell up all the time. It'd get hard several times a day and it seemed to pain him that he couldn't take care of it. Once I said to him, "We'll be back on Cox plantation in a couple days Prospero, better not give the Colonel a hard time. None of that Zombee Dumbala shit. Your name is Prospero Black." 

"I knows my name, Summers," his head was down, but his eyes stared up at me. 

"You call me, master, nigger." 

"I knows my name, massa. It is Prospero. It would be a sin on my soul to take the name Zombi Damballah. Papa Damballah is the creator of life. I am no god, massa." 

"No you ain't boy. There is only one true god and it ain't no Dammed balla. Why in god's name were they calling you that then?" 

At that point Prospero held his head up and looked at me all uppity. "They were not calling me Zombi Damballah, they were calling my cock Damballah. My cock is the black snake, symbol of Damballah, creator of life. It deserves to be worshiped and I am but it's wielder, it's humble servant, subservient to its will, the will of god." 

"You're crazy is what you is." But then I watched as his cock hardened again and it remained hard, thrust up over the saddle for half a day before it finally lost its steel. I didn't feel right after that talk and I avoided Dambal… Prospero unto we got home. Cox was away and I was eager to see my beautiful Betty and bury my head in her bosom to lose the taint of the evil I seen In New Orleans. We let Prospero dip himself in the creek and then tied him in the barn to a pole. We didn't want any of the other slaves to know he was back. I then went to see Betty." 

Summers wasn't meeting my eye and I knew he was holding something back. "Is there anything you aren't telling me, Mr. Summers?" 

"I- I couldn't do anything." 

"What do you mean?" 

"With Betty. We ran up to her bedroom and eagerly stripped our clothes off. Betty was a lusty woman and we were trying to have a baby, but I couldn't perform. We kissed and I played with her tits- sorry father- but the image of Damballah kept appearing in my mind. I didn't feel like a man. I didn't feel I could please her with my inferior penis. I'm a white man and I felt inferior to a black man." 

"It's not your fault my son. The Cox family didn't know what they were getting themselves into when they started that godforsaken breeding program of theirs." 

"Father, it's been a year and only now has my penis started acting normal again. I've met a nice woman and I still want to start a family." 

"I believe we have grounds for an annulment, Mr. Summers." 

"Thank you, Father." Summers stood to leave. He turned to me and asked," Father, how is my wife?" 

"Sister Betty is well. Sister Samantha still struggles with her demons nightly." 

"Forgive me father, but that slut can burn in hell for all I care." 


Bobbie Sue reread the part about Congo Square in New Orleans and swore she heard the crowd cheering as Zombi Damballah was raised above them on his platform. The crowd cheered again and she realized she was hearing tonight's game. The high school was over a mile away, but the noise was still loud. The Cocks must be doing pretty well, she thought. This is a home game and they wouldn't be cheering that loudly for the Beavers. 

Bobbie's husband would be cheering on the Cocks. She sent him off a quick text, explaining she was involved in some research at the library and would be home late. She wanted to see if Father Murphy mentioned anything about the hanging and the curse or what exactly happened to the Cox sisters. 

Bobbie Sue flipped back through Father Murphy's journal trying to find the part about the hanging. She glanced up from her seat at the circulation desk and caught Melvin staring at her from his seat at a computer down the aisle across from her. Students stared at her all the time, even the black ones. She liked catching them to make them uncomfortable. She went back to the journal and soon found the date of the hanging exactly 150years ago today. 

Here's what it said… 

I heard they had caught Prospero Black fornicating with Cox's daughters. I quickly mounted my horse and rode with a gathering crowd to see the hanging. Colonel Cox had quickly ridden back to his plantation when word reached him that his prize nigger bull had been recaptured. Apparently, he had burst into his barn only to find his two daughters slobbering all over Prospero's black nigger cock. Rumors were rampant. Hettie Parker claimed to have seen witches circling the barn last night. Others claimed that the daughters hadn't just fornicated with Prospero, but that they drained the seed out of nearly half a dozen of Cox's prime negro bulls. 

The Plantation's population could rightly be considered that of a small town and it seemed nearly everyone was making a beeline for the oak tree before the Cox mansion. I could see Prospero sitting proud and tall on a horse with a rope around his neck, chest bare and wearing trousers, but what struck me the most was the sight of the girls. I crossed myself and felt a stirring in my loins. Betty Summers was being held by her strapping young husband, Caleb. Nearby, the other Cox daughter Samantha Small was being held back by another man. The girls were wearing next to nothing. Sheer white silk night clothes covered their voluptuous bodies. The swollen mounds of their breasts were visible under the silk and I tried not to stare. They also wore white stockings that had gotten torn at some point. Both women were struggling in the arms of their husbands and appeared half mad. At some point, I assumed they had been foaming at the mouths for their chins were crusted with a flaky white substance as were the exposed areas of their breasts. "What is going on here?" I demanded. 

Caleb appeared to have conflicting emotions on his face as he held his struggling wife. He looked distraught, sad, horrified, and angry. "I caught my wife and her sister servicing that 
nigger's cock," he practically screamed at me. 

"Surely that's impossible," I muttered in disbelief. Proper white Southern ladies wouldn't sleep with a black male slave or even a free black for that matter. 

"It's true, I caught the whores," said a voice off to my side. I turned to look and saw the old Colonel himself riding up. He was leading a contingent of slaves, nearly a hundred, men women and children. They were marching along the cornfield on the mansion's West side. Armed overseers were mounted and leading them to witness justice come to Prospero Black. Many of the townsfolk had guns too. The Colonel looked down at me and spoke. "I was selling some goods in Bartown when Caleb came to tell me that he had captured Prospero and tied him up in the barn. We rode back as fast as we could, but it was after midnight when we arrived. Caleb led me to the barn to see my prize black bull and what did we see when we opened the doors? I didn't see no slave tied up and waiting punishment by his master. I saw a nigger sitting like he was a king on a bale of hay with my two daughters slurping on his cock." At that point, Prospero snickered as he waited to be hung. Cox stopped talking and glared at him angrily. 

"How did he escape," I asked. 

Cox scrunched up his face which made him look like pure evil. He spat on the ground and dismounted his horse. "He claims that my daughters untied him." 

"Surely, that can't be true," I replied. 

"It's true," yelled Samantha. "I freed the black master." There came a collective gasp from the crowd. Samantha continued. "My black master rewarded us by letting Betty and I service his divine cock." 

"My womb is filled with his divine seed," shouted Betty. Caleb suddenly spun his wife around and smacked her hard across her cheek. She fell to her knees clutching her face in pain. His face looked as pained as hers. 

"As is my womb." Samantha surveyed the crowd, still struggling in her husband's arms. "I pray that my black master has made me gravid and that I shall bear him a son." 

I hadn't even realized it, but I had taken out my sturdy wooden cross and was holding it out towards the mad women to protect me from their evil. "How can this be?" I whispered to myself. 

Hettie Parker answered me. "They are bewitched. Hang the NIGGER!!! Hang all the niggers." 

"Hang him, hang him," shouted the still growing crowd. 

I could truly feel the presence of evil, but to some extent I believed it was coming from Phineas Cox. He had brought this on himself. He and his family had bred these slaves. The Cox family had created the monster that had brought down their beautiful daughters. "Betty, Samantha," I said trying to calm myself. "Are you bewitched? Did this black devil cast a spell on you?" 
 Samantha threw back her head and laughed. "My black master is no devil. He is a superior male. They have covered his cock to hide this truth from you. Remove his pants and reveal Damballah and you will see why I am his slave." 

"Repent and I can save you," I told them. 

Betty and Samantha both laughed. "Enough!" shouted Cox. "Line the slaves up," he told his men. 

I glanced as he lined the slaves up to watch the hanging and noticed something odd about the males. They were all bald. The only males with hair were the children and Prospero who also sported a thick dark beard. "Why are they shaved?" I asked. 

Cox grunted and looked over at me. "I'm told they all shaved their heads this morning. Othello told the overseer that they were dedicating themselves to the service of Damballah. Even the Christians went back to their heathen ways. My man whipped Othello good, but the slaves refused to stop shaving their heads." 

"How did they know Prospero had been recaptured and was in the barn?" 

"Witchcraft," said Cox. "They just knew." He shrugged as if to say the question was irrelevant. 

"Or one of the workers in the field saw him being led in." I still refused to believe that witchcraft was involved in this even though Prospero deserved to be hung for his crimes. 

"They tried to rescue him," said Cox, pointing to a group of half a dozen bald slaves, surrounded by men with guns. "But what they found was my two daughters had already freed him. He gave them my daughter's bodies for their pleasure as a reward." 

"That can't be true." 

"I have taken their nigger cocks in all my holes," screamed Samantha. "And it was DIVINE!" 

I stepped back and held my cross up again. Merciful god save us. These women were bewitched! Two hundred years ago, my church would be burning them for their crimes. Worse, they were still under his spell. "Kill the black devil and your daughters may yet be saved," I calmly told the Colonel. 

"I'll do the honors myself," said Cox. He slung his rifle across his back and walked over to slap the horse. 

"Prospero Black do you repent? Do you admit that you are a sinner and in league with the devil? Do so and I will pray that god will have mercy on your soul." I stared at the proud black slave- no, he wasn't a slave. This man could never be enslaved. I clutched my cross tightly until the knuckles on my fingers turned white. 
 "I will no repent for ma god loves me," he replied, haughtily. "I am no allied with yo devil, white man. You created me," he said, nodding his head towards Cox. "This is yo doing." 

"Are you willing to die with your sins still upon your soul?" 

"I be no afraid," he said, looking down on me. "When I die I will become one with da land. I have planted my seed upon this place and I shall make it mine." 

"Get on with it," I told Cox. "A storm's coming." Dark clouds were rolling in fast and the wind was picking up. "Commit his soul to hell." 

"Then it's time," said Phineas. "Oh, and there's one last thing I want you to see before you die." Cox turned away from the doomed black man and looked to his men and the townsfolk. "Kill them. Kill them all." 

I gazed at the old man in shock and then I heard a gun go off and then another. I turned to see smoke rising from several rifles. The people were opening fire upon the slaves. Three of the ones who had tried to rescue Prospero were down. They were shooting at women and children also, but mostly the men. The slaves stood frozen in shock at first before they turned to flee into the cornfield. Luckily for them, the stalks were tall since it was so close to harvest. Armed, mounted men followed them into the corn and shots continued to ring out. At least two dozen blacks lay dead, mostly the shaven headed followers of Prospero, but there were also some women and at least three children. I turned my eyes back up at Prospero. He looked shocked, stunned by what he was witnessing and there were tears rolling down his cheeks. And then he started chanting. 

Oh Damballah, kreyatè nan lavi yo," he said. 

I stepped back for clearly this was the language of hell. He continued to chant, mumbling. His words were dark and evil. I could sense a demonic power in them. I held my cross up towards him. "Stop him," I shouted at Cox. Then I began reciting the 23rd Psalm. "Yea though I walk through the valley…" 

Cox had been gleefully watching the end of his family's centuries old breeding program. He turned and looked up at Prospero before slapping the horse on the rump. The horse leaped away, leaving Prospero swinging. I stumbled in my prayer as the horse nearly ran me down. Impossibly, with a noose tightening around his neck and strangling him, Prospero continued speaking his curse. 

Events were happening quickly and I recite them while they are still fresh in my mind. Caleb Summers had released Betty as did Samantha's husband when Cox gave the order to fire. They pulled their pistols out and fired at the fleeing slaves, joining the blood crazed mob in their slaughter. The Cox daughters were screaming hysterically, running towards their still swinging black master. Samantha reached him first. She threw her arms around his legs as if to lift him up and I wondered if she were trying to save him or snap his neck, but instead she ended up pulling his pants down and she fell to the ground sobbing. As his pants fell, Prospero's big nigger cock 
swung up and out. It was fully erect as he strangled and the biggest I'd ever seen on any of Cox's slaves. There was a flash behind me as someone took a photograph of the hanging. 

"Padonnen yo, papa yo, yo pa konnen sa y'ap fè." Were the last words he ever spoke. I watched as Prospero's eyes rolled up in his head and his tongue stuck out. Prospero died then swinging from the oak tree with Cox's two nearly nude daughters crying hysterically at his feet, but that wasn't the end of things. The moment he died, that big bull cock of his ejaculated. I'm ashamed to say, that my carnal desires have gotten the best of me when I was younger, before taking my vows of course, and I have seen my own ejaculate before, but the amount shooting from Prospero's cock could have filled a pail. It fell to the ground and where it hit, steam began to rise from the earth. The steam thickened, turning to mist, turning to a cloud. It was a heavy fog and the fog quickly surrounded the tree, spreading outwards from the oak. Everything it touched, disappeared from sight. It was unnatural. The fog quickly spread into the nearby cornfield and the shooting slowly came to a halt as the gunmen could no longer see any slaves to shoot at. 

The townspeople started fleeing the mist. The was a flash and a boom that sent people to their knees in the dirt, ducking for cover. I heard a crack and could just make out the branch Prospero was hanging from breaking off, dropping his body to the ground. Then the heavens opened up releasing a torrential downpour as more lightning flashed in the sky and I joined the crowd, fleeing for the relative safety of their homes, though I headed for my church to seek the safety and comfort of the almighty god. 

When I awoke the next morning, the fog was gone and the town looked normal. Caleb Summers brought his wife and sister-in-law to me. They still looked distraught, but had calmed down. They hadn't bathed, their hair was unkempt, and they still had that white crust on their chins. Luckily, to keep my lust in check, white shifts had been thrown over their scantily clad bodies. Caleb gave their custody over to me and I promised that I would take them to the convent and say prayers for their safety daily. He then informed me that Colonel Cox had shot himself last night. Caleb told me that the old man had retired to his sitting room, taken out the pistol he had used during the Mexican war, polished it for over an hour, and then stuck the barrel in his mouth, pulling the trigger. 

I told him I would be by to say some words over the old man's body. Suicide is a mortal sin and I feared the devil had taken his soul for it, but I could almost understand why he did it. 

While it is still strong in my memory, I commit to paper the words of Prospero the negro devil as he spoke them while in the process of being hung… 

Oh Damballah, kreyatè nan lavi yo……. 


Bobbie Sue read and reread the words of Prospero, but she could not make any sense of them. It would take a genius to decipher this…. Yes! A genius was precisely what she needed. 

"Melvin," she called. He jumped with a start and looked up from his computer. "Can you come 
here a moment?" 

"Of course, Mrs. Kindle," he answered her in his nasally voice. The skinny little black teen stood from his desk and briskly walked down the book filled aisle towards her. "What can I do you for?" he asked when he arrived at the circulation desk. 

"I want to know if you can translate this for me?" She handed the journal over to him and he glanced down at the words Prospero had spoken as they tried to hang him. 

"It doesn't look like any language I recognize." He squinted at the words, his eyes looking larger than normal through the lens of his eye glasses. "A bit looks French. I don't know. I can give it a try." 

"I'd appreciate it. Let me make a copy of this page." 

"Anything for you Mrs. Kindle. He he he." 

Bobbie Sue winced at his grating laugh. She put the journal page face down on the copier and made a copy of the curse. She examined the copy to make sure she'd gotten it all and handed it over to Melvin. "Here you go. Now put that genius brain to work." 

"Will do. He he he." He saluted her, spun around, and marched back to his computer. 

Her eye ticked again as she went back to the journal. She began leafing through it hoping to find out more information. It was mostly concerned with the faithful of the county, revenue generated from the convent's services, etc. She did find a few interesting pieces of information. 

November 1859- Phineas Cox's younger brother, Franklin arrived today to take possession of the Cox Plantation. 

January 1860- Franklin Cox returned today with some captured slaves that had fled his older brother's massacre. He had them whipped and put them back to work. 

June 1860- Samantha Cox Small gave birth to twin boys today. The sisters helped her as best they could, but it was a difficult pregnancy. Though mulatto, the boys favor their father and are as dark skinned as a full-blooded negro. The always difficult Samantha gave them their father's last name of Black, though she did give them good biblical first names. The boys will be called Lazarus and Isaac Black. The good sister who acted as midwife confessed to me that she was shocked by the size of the boy's phallus's. She jokingly told me that she almost cut the first boy's penis off believing that it was his umbilical cord. 

June 1860- Betty Cox Summers gave birth to twin boys today just two days behind her sister. They resemble their cousins both in their dark skin and their large penises. Betty is the much more agreeable of the Cox sisters. She shamefully admitted to not knowing which slave had fathered the children and after staring at the long dangling penises of her sons, she chose the surname Long. In a way, what Betty finally chose to name them was worse then her sisters 
children's names. She named the boys after her father and her husband. They are Phineas and Caleb Long. Old Phineas Cox must be spinning in his grave to have his half breed grandson named after him. I will see that all four boys are raised to serve god and not their evil father. Perhaps when they are old enough, I will send them out among the slaves to preach the word of god. The slaves may listen to one of their own and end their pagan ways. 

Bobbie Sue flipped forward a few months and got to the part where Caleb Summers told Father Murphy about the capture of Prospero and asked for an annulment.  There was nothing more of interest until she hit pay dirt several years later. 

August 1864- I stood on the walls of the convent and watched as the smoke rose around the Cox Plantation. Betty and Samantha stood near me. Goodly Betty was crying, but Samantha remained impassive. The other Sisters had gathered to watch as had the four mullato boys who were once the sons of Betty and Samantha, but were now the sons of the church and god. Nearly four years old, they had grown like corn stalks and looked several years older. Samantha refused to take her vows and still wore the white robes. Betty had committed herself to god and wore the gown of a true Sister Of Mercy. At the time, we all believed that the Mansion was burning, but later we discovered that the Yankees had only burned the surrounding buildings. They had ridden out that morning, freeing the slaves, who were busy looting nearby farms. The crops were also burning, and I cursed the drought that had left the fields dry. It was then that Sister Betty slowly approached me. "Father," she said. "I'm ready to confess my sins." I had always longed to discover what had happened in that barn the night Betty and Samantha freed Prospero. Now I would know. Maybe there would be a clue as to how the devil had bewitched the two young women. I was so eager to know, I immediately led her to the confessional. 

The next page was titled, "The Confession of Betty Cox." 

Excited, Bobbie Sue began to read, but she was interrupted. "Excuse me, Mrs. Kindle," said Melvin. He had approached her silently and she wasn't aware of his presence. 

"WHAT!" she snapped. 

Melvin was startled and he took a step back. "S-sorry to disturb you, but I translated the page for you." 

"What?" she said again, friendlier this time. She glanced at the wall clock. "It's only been fifteen minutes!" 

Melvin shrugged. "I put my brain on it. Well, that and google. He he he." He handed her the paper and she glanced at it eagerly. It was still in gibberish to her. Exasperated, she asked, "Melvin, what is this, some kind of joke?" 

The paper read: 

oh Damballah, kreyatè nan lavi yo.  lakansyèl sèpan ki la, koulèv la nwa. 
 plant pitit pitit ou sou peyi sa a.  Me pitit fi yo nan Èv ap plantureu ak fètil.  Me yo jwenn rekonfòte sèvi siperyè koulèv la nwa nan Damballah.  Pou vè yo blan nan pitit gason yo nan Adan ap kite yo vle.  Oh Damballah, kreyatè nan lavi yo.  Muri bellys yo nan pitit fi yo nan Ev.  Avèk pitit pitit an koulèv la nwa nan Damballah.  Ak pouvwa yo kreye nouvo lavi sèvi ou.  Oh Damballah, kreyatè nan lavi yo. 

"Padonnen yo, papa yo, yo pa konnen sa y'ap fè." 

"No Mrs. Kindle, I have the English translation right here." He held up another piece of paper. "The language was Haitian Creole, but the problem was that the author had written it down from the memory of hearing it and with no knowledge of the proper spelling. Most of the words were completely wrong. I had to sound them out and take guesses as to how they were spelled." 

Bobbie Sue might find Melvin grating and annoying, but the teenage boy had just phonetically sounded out misspelled words in a 150-year-old journal, translated them to a language he wasn't familiar with and translated it into English. In 15 MINUTES! His brain was truly amazing. She smiled at him nicely and he smiled back. "Can I see the translation?" 

Melvin handed her the translation. 

oh Damballah, creator of life. the rainbow serpent, the black snake. plant your seed upon this land. May the daughters of Eve be buxom and fertile. May they find solace serving the superior black snake of Damballah. For the white worms of the sons of Adam will leave them wanting. Oh Damballah, creator of life. Ripen the bellies of the daughters of Eve. With the seed of the black snake of Damballah. And may they create new life to serve you. Oh Damballah, creator of life. 

The last line irked and angered Bobbie Sue, a good Christian woman of faith. 

"Forgive them father. They know not what they do." 

How dare he mock Jesus like that and set himself up like a messianic figure. Bobbie Sue reread it. "So, there is a Coxville Curse," she said, out loud. 

"What's this all about?" asked Melvin. 

Bobbie Sue looked up at him. "Alright this is between you and me. I'm hoping to get a book out 
of this." And Bobbie Sue told him everything she had discovered so far. 

"Fascinating," said Melvin. "Of course, there's no such thing as curses, but still a fascinating piece of our history." 

"I don't believe in the curse either. For whoever does these things is an abomination to the lord," she quoted scripture. "But what does it mean?" 

"It's clearly sexual. He he he." Melvin practically giggled when he said it. 

"Is it? I'm sorry, but can you leave me alone?" Bobbie Sue couldn't stand to hear his laugh anymore. She was grateful though. "Thanks, you have been a big help. I'll be done soon and then I'll give you a lift home." 

Bobbie Sue looked at the words again. The first lines were clearly beseeching his pagan god. 

Plant your seed upon this land. 

That sounded very much like he was praying that the land would be fertile. Nothing unusual there. 

May the Daughters of Eve be buxom and fertile. 

She'd heard that before or at least the first part. C.S. Lewis referred to Christian women as the daughters of Eve in his Narnia books. The Christian women of this county were certainly buxom. Bobbie Sue looked down at her own huge breasts. Of course, buxom women seemed to run in the county's genealogy. 

May they find solace serving the superior black snake of Damballah. 

That line was certainly disturbing. Prospero referred to his large penis as Damballah. Had he cursed the town that it's white Christian women would find happiness giving themselves sexually to black men? Bobbie Sue shivered. Of course, it was nonsense. There wasn't one interracial relationship that she was aware of in the entire county. So much for that part of the curse. 

For the white worms of the sons of Adam will leave them wanting. 

Bobbie Sue sat back in her chair. Translation- the small penises of white Christian men will not satisfy their women. She shivered again and couldn't help picturing her own frustration with her husband's continued inadequate sexual performance. Other women openly talked about their own frustrations, but Bobbie Sue never joined in. Jenny Summers, Nurse Swallows, Bianca Blackwood and other teachers often griped in the teacher's lounge about their husband's disappointing sexual performances. Come to think of it, Bobbie Sue had never heard one woman in the county bragging about her husband as a lover. Sure, some were romantic. Some were attentive and generous with gifts, but never ever anything about their skills as a lover. So, this 
part of the curse had come true. She snorted and kept deciphering. 

Ripen the bellies of the daughters of Eve. With the seed of the black snake of Damballah. And may they create new life to serve you. 

So, the black men are gonna knock you up, she thought before correcting herself. The white Christian women will be impregnated by the black men. Another piece of nonsense. No interracial relationships, no interracial children. Unless, Prospero was not cursing the land, but Cox's daughters? The seed of his black snake had knocked both of them up and with twins. She heard Melvin's voice in her head saying, fascinating, and she had to agree. 

Bobbie Sue was eager to find out what had happened in the barn so she went back to reading the journal. 

The following is an excerpt from "The Coxville Curse" by Roberta Susan Kindle, published one year after lightning destroyed the oak tree in front of city hall. It is a dramatization of The Confession of Betty Cox as discovered in the journal of Father Murphy. 

The Confession of Betty Cox. 

Betty Cox Summers was out strolling the front lawn of the Cox Plantation. She wore a pink and white dress with a brooch on a scarf around her neck. Like all the Cox women, she was blonde, naturally fit, and had the large breasts one of her Germanic ancestors had bequeathed to all her descendants. She heard her name called and turned to see her sister racing towards her from the barn. They were twins and bore a strong resemblance to each other. Samantha was wearing a blue and yellow dress and where Betty wore her blonde hair up on her head, Samantha wore hers tied down in a bun. Betty was always the more proper of the two, a true lady whereas Samantha had a wild streak clearly evident by the lower cut bodice of her dress. Samantha looked excited and a little dazed. She'd eaten in a hurry because her chin was covered in a thick white cream Betty couldn't identify. "Samantha," she chided, motioning to her own chin. Samantha grinned and very unladylike, scooped the cream up with her finger and into her mouth. 

"Betty," called Samantha, "You gotta come see the new big black nigger stud that daddy bought today." 

"Oh!" Betty looked at her sister disapprovingly. Samantha held a very unhealthy fascination with their father's nigger bucks. She'd been caught several times watching the bucks fornicating like dogs in the fields while the other slaves worked as if it were the most normal thing in the world for two people to fornicate out in public. One night when their husbands had gone off to market, and there was a big thunderstorm, Samantha had shared Betty's bed. Her twin had whispered to her that she often wished her husband, Joshua Small, had a penis like the slaves did. Betty had been mortified, but her sister had a point. Her own husband, Caleb, had a penis a third the size of her father's least hung slave. Samantha went on about how the negress women were always 
screaming in pleasure whenever a negro buck entered them. "I just lay there still when Joshua enters me," said Samantha.  

"Me too," confessed Betty. 

"Come on, Betty." Samantha took her arm and pulled her. "He's in the barn and he's bigger than any I've ever seen." 

"I don't want to see a slave's penis," said Betty, allowing herself to be pulled by her sister. "And why is he in the barn?" 

"I don't know." Samantha led her sister towards the barn not far from the manor home. "Just be quiet. He was sleeping when I found him. They got him tied up to a pole." 

Betty frowned. Why tie a slave up? He must have done something bad, like try to escape. Otherwise, he'd be locked in the slave's quarters. Some slaves were working in the cotton field beside the corn field. A group of males rose up and stared boldly at the Cox Twins. "Samantha, look the males are bald!" 

"Oh, who cares what the slaves do as long as they do their work. Now shush." Samantha opened the door. "Close your eyes." 


"Just do it." Samantha led Betty over to the restrained slave.  Her prim and proper sister was about to have a life changing moment. The same life changing moment, she herself had had earlier when Zombi had asked- no ordered her to suck his cock. Her belly still felt full of his warm seed. "Open your eyes, Betty. 

Can you believe the size of this filthy nigger's cock? It's enormous." 

Betty looked at the slave who seemed to be sniffing the air. Then she looked down to see what her sister was so excited about and she gasped in shock. "Oh my god," she said. No wonder her sister was so impressed. It dwarfed her husband Caleb's penis several times over. Even hanging down, the buck's cock was half hard and more swollen then her husband ever got. Caleb had disappointed her last night, crawling into her bed and burying his head in her bosom. He had seemed to need comfort more than sex and his penis never stirred. He wouldn't say what was bothering him. She had missed him and was climbing the walls with her arousal, but there was nothing she could do to make her husband hard for her. Even as she stared at the hung slave, his cock was growing and rising a little. 

"Let's kneel down and get a better view," said Samantha. 

Betty nodded and knelt with her sister. The slave's cock was between them. She too had seen the slaves in the fields fornicating and it always made her uncomfortable, but this cock was different. She could understand her sister's fascination with it. "It's so big, Samantha. I had no idea…" 

"Touch it, Betty." 

Betty's hands were in her lap, but she pulled them back as if shocked by her sister's words. "I couldn't!" 

"Do it," said Samantha, reaching out and taking Betty's hand. She brought her sister's hand up to the slave's shaft and placed it on the stiffening cock. "There, now that's not so bad, is it?" 

"No," said Betty staring in surprise at her little white hand on the huge dark cock of one of her father's slaves. She softly caressed the underside. Her sister's hand came up and hefted the slave's big bull balls. "Samantha, it's so long, thick, and heavy!" Betty could see the large rounded head slowly emerging from the foreskin. Her hand ran further down the shaft and tickled the underside of the head. 

The slave slowly spoke in a deep voice. "Rann li difisil." (Make it hard) 

"I- I- I want to get this nigger cock hard. I want to see how big it gets." 

Prospero looked down at the young blonde white women showing their appreciation for Damballah. He spoke again. "Ou se cho, retire abiye ou yo." (You are hot, remove your dresses) 

Samantha hefted Damballah's heavy scrotum. "Me too! Betty, it's so hot in here. We should disrobe before we ruin our new dresses." 

Betty quit stroking the slave's cock. It was hot in here. The barn was roasting. She stood and Samantha rose next to her. The slave was looking at both of them and Betty stared back as she turned so that Samantha could undo the laces on the back of her dress. She did the same for Samantha. They assisted each other in removing their cumbersome dresses. Betty had the strangest feeling that she was stripping for the slave and not because of the heat. Neither sister tried to cover their bodies from his eyes.  Betty stripped down to her pink stockings, a garter that held them to her girdle and her neck brooch. Her big breasts fell freely over her girdle and her blonde pubic hair was visible beneath it. Samantha matched Betty except that her stockings and girdle were blue. Samantha also let her hair down. The slave clearly liked what he saw. His cock had grown to its full size and was pointing upwards. "You were right Samantha, I feel so much better now that I'm out of that tight restrictive dress. Look at his hard black monster cock. I do declare, but it looks to be about half a yard long." She grabbed his shaft just beneath the head. Her fingers didn't touch it was so thick. 

"I know! Isn't it amazing. He's three times larger than my husband." Samantha once again began hefting the slave's huge testicles. They were so heavy and full. 

"Damballah kenbe espèm oswa dechaj anpil pou ou." (Damballah holds much semen for you) 

"What's he keep mumbling?" asked Betty. 

"It doesn't matter, some savage nigger language no doubt. I want to find out how much thick 
cum is in those big balls of his." 

"I shouldn't, but I want to see how much semen is in those balls t

oo." Standing half nude before a restrained slave and discussing his big cock was the last thing Betty Summers had expected to be doing this afternoon. 

"Adore Damballah ak bouch ou." (Worship Damballah with your mouths) 

Betty did another thing she had never seen herself doing, even with a white man. She leaned down and ran her tongue around the head of his cock. "Let's get this huge nigger cock really slick," she told her sister. 

Samantha was already on her knees, licking the slave's testicles. His balls were sweaty and dirty, but they smelled oh so manly. Lord, they tasted so good. 

"Samantha montre ou renmen pou Damballah ak frè l 'yo. Souse kòk chante m 'yo." (Samantha show your love for Damballah and his brothers. Suck my cock) 

Samantha pulled the slave's cock down away from Betty's flickering tongue. She wrapped her lips around the head and took it into her mouth. She'd always been amazed by the size of their family's slave's cocks. She'd even had sinful dreams about them, but she never would have acted on them. Now for the second time today, she found herself unable to resist it. She had been so excited after sucking him that morning that she had needed to find her sister to share in her new-found love. For she now loved sucking on big huge black monster cocks. She took him deeper in her mouth sucking his shaft for all she was worth. 

Betty was shocked and awed by the sight of her sister sucking that black monster and surprised at how skilled she was. Samantha looked so beautiful with it in her mouth. So perfect. Like it was the most natural thing in the world for a white Southern belle to suck on a slave's black cock. "Samantha, you look absolutely angelic sucking on that monster." 

"Koulye a, ou a, Betty, tou de nan nou." (Now you too Betty, both of you) 

Betty kneeled beside her sister and the two took turns sharing his cock. There certainly was enough to go around for both Cox sisters. Samantha pulled back until the huge cock plopped free and pushed it over towards her sister's mouth. Betty forced the huge head in her mouth and fought not to gag as the bulbous cock head pushed its way down her throat. She took as much as she could, not wanting to show Samantha how inexperienced she was at this and not wanting to disappoint the slave. When she couldn't take it down her throat any longer, she pulled back and said, "The head must be the size of my fist," to cover up her lack of skill. She licked around the head trying to catch her breath while Samantha licked along the shaft. The sisters had both their hands on the huge shaft and there was still plenty of black cock sticking out around their fingers. 

"Ou ta vle vlope tete ou otou kòk chante m 'yo." (You wish to wrap your breasts around my cock) 

"I want him to titty fuck me with his big black cock," said Betty, squeezing his giant shaft between her enormous breasts. 

"Why Elizabeth Cox Summers," said Samantha with an amused look on her face. "I've never heard you speak like that." 

"I've never felt like this before," said Betty, squeezing her tits together tightly while bouncing on her knees. She licked and kissed the end of his cock while it slid up over the lower half of her face. "I don't know what's come over me." 

"I know what's come over you Betty or should I say CUM over you." The more experienced of the sisters was watching Prospero's cock swelling up as it titty fucked her prim and proper sister. The dark black cock was turning even darker as it grew. The veins became more prominent. The knobby cock head as big as her fist looked like it was about to explode and no sooner had the thought entered her mind, the head did explode. It exploded in a torrent of cum that rained down over Betty's forehead and hair. 

"Aargh!!! Suck the nigga cum out of my balls," groaned Prospero as Damballah spit its seed. "Souse espèm lan negro soti nan voye boul m '." "Taste my seed white woman" "Gou pitit pitit mwen an blan fanm." "Kòm grenn lan nan Damballah plen vant ou, ou pral vin, sèvitè l ', esklav yonn nan mèt ou a nouvo nwa." (As the seed of Damballah fills your belly, you will become his servant, the slave of your new black master). 

Betty barely heard the slave growling. Half his words were English and half his negro gibberish. Her eyes were crossed as she watched the huge cock spurting. A wad fell on her tongue and its taste sent a shock though her body. The still spurting cock was slipping down between her breasts, sliding under her nose, cum shot out from the head, falling onto her outstretched tongue and sliding down into her mouth. "Taste his hot cum, Betty," said Samantha as sperm poured down Betty's chin. "It's to die for. Yes Betty, eat that huge load of black cum." 

Betty was practically blinded by the never-ending stream of erupting sperm and couldn't see her sister. The cock continued sliding down until it was shooting directly into her mouth. Then the head pushed inside. Betty gulped as fast as her mouth filled. It seemed like it had been cumming for over a minute and it was still shooting enough to make her gag. Betty pulled back until it sprang free of her mouth. "His cum tastes so good," she moaned as she pursed her lips over the tip of the still ejaculating cock. She looked down the huge shaft. Just underneath it, she could clearly make out the tops of her buxom breasts. They were covered in semen. The black man's sperm had splattered down on her breasts and almost run down to her painfully erect nipples. 

"Suck it down Betty. Get every drop," said Samantha, jerking his shaft to make sure it drained every last bit of seed into her sister's hungry mouth. 

"Kounye a ou pral obeyi." (Now you will obey) 

Betty's belly felt full of his seed. She'd never tasted anything so good. She wanted more of this slave's amazing black cock. She would do anything for it. Anything he asked. "Who are you?" 
she asked, looking up at the bearded slave with awe. 

"I'm Prospero Black." 

"The runaway?" 

"Yes, now untie me so that I may fuck that white pussy of yours and yours to," he said, looking at Samantha. 

The sisters hurried to untie Prospero. He stumbled free of the ropes, rubbing his wrists where the rope had cut into him. He stretched. The Cox twins stared at him in awe. "His cock's still hard," whispered Samantha to her sister. 

Prospero heard them. "That's because it's not done with you," he said. "Get on all fours Betty, I'm gonna pound that pussy of yours really good." 

"Please be gentle," begged Betty, obeying him and getting on her arms and legs in the straw. "I've never been with a real man, only my husband, Caleb." 

Samantha came up behind Prospero and smashed her breasts into his back as she rubbed his broad shoulders and muscular arms. "Betty, get ready for the best fucking of your entire life." She watched him line up his giant cock with her sister's pussy and decided she wanted a closer view. Samantha kneeled on the hay beside them and stared as the bulbous cock head pushed against Betty's engorged and dripping labia. "Yes, push that fat black bull cock into her tight little white pussy," she cried in glee seeing her prim and proper ladylike sister about to be fucked by a nigger. She watched as that giant steel hard cock practically bent from her sister's tight pussy's resistance to having something so big forced inside it and then his cock straightened out as her pussy finally opened wide enough to take it. "Amazing!" she mumbled, wishing he had decided to fuck her first. After sucking his cock earlier, he had promised that she would feel him inside her pussy, but first he wanted her to bring him the wife of Caleb Summers. It seems her brother-in-law had pissed him off when he recaptured Prospero. 

"Oh God! It feels so good!" screamed Betty, loud enough that Samantha feared someone passing the barn might hear them. "Lord it's so deep!" Samantha stared as Betty took nearly the entire negro cock. He was so thick; her pussy was stretched to the point the hole nearly reached her anus. Samantha almost found it intimidating. 

Betty suddenly fell on her head, bucking her ass up into each thrust of Prospero's cock. Each time the black man pulled his shaft out from her pussy, it dripped with her juices. Betty moaned in pleasure each time he pushed it back in. "Oh! Oh! I thi-ink I'mmmm," she squealed through gritted teeth. "CUMMING!!!" 

Samantha watched her sister's labia quiver around the shaft stretching it out. Then her sister's orgasm began flowing down the shaft, to coat Prospero's pubic hair and testicles until it started dripping from his balls. 

Prospero grabbed her hips and pulled her into his lap. With great difficulty, he fell down until Betty was on top of him. The muscular black slave wrapped his beefy fists around Betty's ribs and began lifting her up and down his cock. "Still cumming! Yes, fuck me with your big black cock," screamed Betty having an intense orgasm that seemed to last for an eternity. 

Prospero pulled down, impaling the lovely blonde on his thick shaft. Towards the end, just above his balls, his cock appeared to bunch up, before forcing its way through her cervix. Betty's facial expression went from one of sexual ecstasy to one of intense concentration. Sweat beaded her forehead. Samantha hovered behind her looking sideways at her sister and down at the big black cock now completely embedded in Betty's pussy. "It's in my womb," moaned Betty. "Oh god! It's so big!" 

"You're doing fine, sister," said Samantha. "It can't be that bad." 

"Can't take it anymore," cried Betty, sliding her ass back up Prospero's chest until his mighty cock sprang free. Samantha quickly bent her head down and sucked the tip of Prospero's soaked cock. She bobbed her head rapidly along the shaft, not caring that only seconds before it had been in her sister's pussy. "Then you try it," said Betty. "It's your turn to ride this big black nigger cock. We'll just see if you can handle it." 

Samantha straddled Prospero the second Betty rolled off. "I'm sure I can." Samantha lowered herself over the head, feeling a great pressure against her vagina and then the fat head pushed inside her. "I've been wanting to feel one of these in me the moment I first saw slaves fucking in the fields." Prospero grabbed her ass cheeks and lifted her over several inches on his cock. "I love how my tiny white pussy stretches around his thick black monster cock." 

"You're so slutty, Samantha," said Betty, leaning down to watch the thick black shaft disappearing into her sister's pussy. "Ride that black stallion." 

"Yes, I'm a slut for his cock, Betty," she moaned as her pussy took more of his shaft with each bounce. Her big breasts were dangling in the black man's face. He sucked her nipples. "I feel it Betty," she screamed. "His big black cock is gonna make me cum. Here it comes. YES!!!!" 

Now it was Betty's turn to watch her sister's orgasm run down Prospero's shaft to drip on his balls. The extra lubrication was all Samantha needed and his entire cock pushed inside her. "You took it all, Samantha," cried Betty. 

"I know. It's in my womb now, but I love it. I love having my white pussy stuffed full of black cock. I didn't know sex could be like this." 

"You's my slave now, bitch," growled Prospero. 

Betty was offended at the boldness of the nigger. How dare he. Who does he think he is? However, her sister answered him. "Yes master. Yes, my black master. Cum inside me! Yes, it's so deep. Give me a big black baby boy." 

"Take my seed, slut," said Prospero, his meaty hands squeezing Samantha's huge breasts. 

"No Sam, don't let him cum…" But it was too late. Betty watched in horror as the fluid leaking from Samantha's pussy turned white. A black slave had just cum inside her sister. 

Prospero rolled her over onto her back and sat back until his cock plopped free. Betty could see right between her sister's legs and it was a sperm filled mess in there. His white semen flowed from Samantha's pussy in a torrent. "Wow, my pussy feels so full of cum," said Samantha licking her lips. "Your black cock is amazing." 

Did her sister feel no shame? wondered Betty. Betty felt angry. She was furious at her sister. What if she got pregnant? Why wasn't she concerned? I'm so glad it's not me

… and then Betty realized that she wasn't angry at her sister for letting him cum inside her. She was angry that it hadn't been herself that had received his seed. Betty wanted to feel his sperm filling her pussy and womb. She'd never been more jealous of her liberated sister in her life. If she hadn't panicked earlier, it could have been her pussy that was leaking cum. She was about to get her wish. 

The barn door flew open and five male slaves stood staring at the scene in front of them They were bare-chested and naked, but for worn tattered trousers. All had shaved their heads to make themselves more serpentine looking to serve the serpent god. The Cox twins recognized the slaves. They were Macduff, Lear, Puck, Othello, and Henry. Three of them pulled their long floppy cocks out of their trousers. 

"I don't need rescuing," said Prospero to the slaves while he rubbed the knobby head of his cock on Samantha's pussy. 

"I can see dat," said Macduff, his cock slowly rising to attention along with the others who one by one lowered their pants. For two centuries the Cox family had been breeding their slaves for size, endurance, and fertility. That breeding program had culminated in Prospero Black whose cock had returned an African god to the world. The male slaves on the Cox plantation had no control over their sexual drives. They needed to fuck. They needed to cum at least several times a day and usually more. Their women were completely subservient to them, opening their mouths, pussies, and asses to any slave that wanted them. But never had any of the slaves expected to see the beautiful white Cox twins, the daughters of their hated master, lying half naked in the hay, wanton and reeking of sex, having just fucked and sucked one of their own. 

"You niggas ready to do some work?" asked Prospero. 

"We're always ready to work," said Lear. "Got my tool right here." He grabbed and shook his swelling cock. 

"My tool needs some lube," added Puck. His cock was nearly a foot long and sticking straight out. 

"Oh my!" said Betty, realizing this was her chance to get her pussy filled with cum. "Well hello 
boys, come on in and show me your tools." 

The next few hours became a blur for the Cox twins. The slaves split into two groups with three each taking Samantha and Betty. Prospero placed Samantha on all fours and pushed his massive cock into her ass while another slave shoved his cock down her throat. Betty found two slaves squeezing her tits until one slid his cock between her breasts before asking her to suck it. She took his cock deep down her throat, loving it and eager to finish him so that she could take the two-other foot long cock pointing at her cheeks. 

"Spread dat ass open for me slave," ordered Prospero. 

"Yes master," said Samantha. "It's so huge. It hurts so good." 

"We just getting started. That's just da tip." 

Betty winced listening to her sister getting her ass fucked, but she was too distracted to care. Three massive black poles were now being rubbed around her mouth vying for attention. 

Samantha was staring cross-eyed down the massive black cock being shoved down her throat, while Prospero was trying to force his cock in her ass balls deep. She too, had another massive cock patiently awaiting it's turn. 

Betty was pushed down on all fours and found a cock entering her pussy from behind. The slave pulled her back into her lap and another cock was being banged against her mouth until she opened up and took it inside. The other slave brought his cock up and she took turns sucking them while bouncing up and down the black cock deep inside her. 

She came several times before the slave she was riding pulled her back until his cock sprang free. She moaned in protest, wondering if she was ever going to feel a black man's sperm filling her womb. The slave she was straddling spread her ass cheeks apart and she could feel the head pushing against her anus. The head forced its way in, but Betty couldn't scream around the thick cock still in her mouth. Then things got worse as the cock in her ass was forcing and Betty clasped it, quietly slipping out of bed trying not to wake Caleb. 

Betty had worn her heavy conservative undergarments. It was difficult to remove and unattractive, hiding her figure. She hoped it would send a message to her husband, that she wasn't interested. She needn't have worried, Caleb climbed into bed beside her long after she was asleep. He hadn't even tried to wake her to see if she were interested. 

Samantha on the other hand had pulled a silk shift over her body and silk leggings covered her shapely legs from her toes to mid-thigh. She was nude under the shift and the thin sheer material left nothing to the imagination. Her shift was low cut and laced across the tops of her breasts. Betty immediately knew that her twin was making herself sexy and desirable for Prospero. Betty quickly struggled to get out of her heavy undergarments so that she could dress like her sister. Her shift was similar, but didn't have the lacings across her breasts. The lingerie was expensive and a wedding gift from an Aunt that owned a trading company dealing with the orient. The sexy outfits were intended to stir the loins of their husbands so as to impregnate the sisters to bring more Cox babies into the world. Now they would be used to stir the loins of a black slave. 

The twins held hands as they ventured forth into the moonlit night, eagerly heading for the stables and the black bull that was waiting there for them. "Samantha, I can't wait to wrap my lips around that nigger's black monster cock again," said Betty, grinning with anticipation. She was very much a changed woman from the one that had woken up yesterday morning. 

"I'll gladly join you on my knees to worship his huge nigger cock, Betty." Samantha tugged harder on her sister's hand, pulling her along. "Now come. Our black master awaits." 

Betty and Samantha opened the door to the barn. They found him sitting on a throne made of bales of hay and covered with blankets. He was still naked, his huge cock dangling between his legs, ready to rise again at the slightest stimulation. Prospero Black truly looked like a black god at that moment. The Cox twins slowly entered the stables, mouths agape at the sight of their black master. There wasn't anything they wouldn't do for him at that moment. 

"White man say dey breed me good," said Prospero. "Strong to work and good to breed." He flexed his arm and made a bulging muscle, while reaching between his legs to heft his swollen sperm filled scrotum. "200 years dey say. 200 years to bring Damballah back into the world. "Don't know dey made you too. Marrying strong fertile women with full hips to bare children and big full breasts to fill with milk to nourish them. Made ya too good. Dey white man nut e'nuf fo ya anymore. Ya need my nigger seed, my nigger dick. Ya want it, so come n' get it." 

Betty and Samantha flew to their knees before their black master. His words rang with truth. The Cox men had always looked for women of a certain type to marry. The always arranged to marry women from big families and bloodlines to ensure fertility. The men never married a woman they hadn't first inspected for health, fitness, and large bosoms. The Cox sisters were every bit as much the product of a breeding program as the plantation's black slaves. Every aunt and cousin still living had bodies like Samantha and Betty's from the time they were in their early teens long into middle age. The men of the county and outside it eagerly sought out any woman with a hint of the Cox bloodline to marry. 

The twins took Prospero's cock in their mouths, fighting over it and coming to a silent agreement 
to share. There was certainly enough for two women. While Betty sucked it, Samantha licked his balls. Then they would switch. He came first in Samantha's mouth. She gulped as fast as she could, but couldn't keep up with the volume. The moment sperm dribbled between her lips, Betty shoved her aside and took Prospero in her mouth. Her cheeks bulged with sperm and deflated twice before she gagged and sperm spit from her mouth. Samantha shoved its way deeper in her anus, another cock slowly entered her pussy. She fell back in shock on the man she was straddling. The slave she was blowing decided to straddle her and titty fuck her while she blew him. Betty now had a black cock in every hole. 

Samantha was getting the same treatment. Prospero had rolled around until she was on top of him with his cock still in her ass. She screamed as another slave entered her pussy and the third silenced her by shoving his cock down her throat. 

Betty had lost track of the orgasms the three slaves had given her. They pulled out and flipped her over. She mounted the one who had been in her ass while the one in her pussy now pushed his cock in her ass. The last black kneeled in front of her and she lovingly sucked on his big cock. 

Betty knew that this was a life changing experience for better or worse. The two in her ass and 
pussy came together and Betty threw back her head screaming, "Fill me with your sperm, my black masters." She finally knew what it felt like to take a black man's seed and it was wonderful, better than anything she could have imagined. 

The slaves knew that the plantation was practically deserted as Phineas Cox, Small, and many of the other white men were trading in the next town. For many hours they used the Cox sisters, using their bodies, forcing them into sexual slavery, possessing their bodies and souls. The barn echoed with screams and moans of pleasure for hour after hour. The slaves used their bodies, taking out their frustrations on the daughters of their hated master. One by one they began to cum. The male slaves switched partners repeatedly, each cumming three or four times in asses, vaginas, and mouths. No hole was spared. 

The women were used roughly and without compassion, but they weren't complaining. They soon realized that they loved being used and felt this was where they belonged. They were sluts for big black cocks. Sluts for their family's slaves and there were no regrets. 

Once the haze of sexual bliss wore off, the slaves relinquished themselves back to their duties, one by one slipping from the barn. The women watched their lovers/masters leave. The heavy scent of sex lingered in the summer air while the two slave master's daughters gathered their senses, recovering from the relentless orgasms that had bathed their divine bodies. 

Betty and Samantha leaned into each other as they rested on the hay. Betty's ass and pussy leaked a steady stream of sperm. Semen covered her head and breasts, yet somehow her hair still remained neatly tied up on her head. "Oh Sam," she said. "I am uncertain I can allow myself to forget what transpired today. Those niggers fucked me into submission." 

Samantha whose body was covered in as much sperm as Betty's, had two fingers in her pussy, slowly massaging her slit with the sperm of multiple lovers. "Betty, I feel the same," she replied. "Already, I feel compelled to partake of those massive nigger cocks. It's an insatiable urge I am feeling, but we should wait until the witching hour to sneak back down here." 

Prospero watched with an arrogant, but amused expression on his face as the sisters gathered their dresses and left the barn to get cleaned up. He looked forward to their return. 

Samantha and Betty had a house slave heat some water for them to clean themselves. The old black woman nodded knowingly when she saw the messy state the girls were in. She just grinned a toothless smile at her master's daughters and went to obey. The Cox sisters stripped off their soiled stockings and girdles. Naked they shared the small tub just like they had when they were children, taking turns with the rags to clean themselves and each other. Later, they took dinner in their rooms. Samantha's husband was still off with Phineas Cox and Betty just told Caleb that she wasn't feeling well and was retiring early. 

Betty awoke in the middle of the night feeling a presence hovering over her. Moonlight shined through the open window and as her eyes focused, she could make out her sister. Samantha held out her hand

her aside, but they had lost control of Prospero's cock. It continued blasting, hosing their faces and hair with semen. 

Samantha grabbed the base of the giant shaft, milking it for more sperm and trying to drain every last drop in her mouth. Betty wasn't about to be undone. Before Samantha knew what was happening, Betty had stood, straddled Prospero's lap and was yanking the cock out of Samantha's hand to guide it into her pussy. Betty orgasmed immediately as she slammed her ass down into the black man's lap. Her pussy was so stretched from earlier, that she took him easily. 

Samantha stepped back to watch her once pure sister riding Prospero's big nigger cock. She was wanton and slutty, pulling her black master's head into her bosom so that he could suck and bite at her nipples. 

That was the position they were in when the stable door flew open. This time it wasn't more slaves come to fuck them. The three were so immersed in pleasuring each other that none had heard riders approaching. Caleb Summer's stood aghast in the doorway. He was still in his nightclothes and holding a lit lantern. A half dozen mounted men were near him. Leading the party was the girl's father Phineas and Samantha's husband Joshua Small. Once a messenger had reached Colonel Cox informing him that his prize nigger bull had been recaptured, the slave master had raced for home. The last thing he expected to find were his beautiful twin daughters, both married, both proper Southern belles, and his pride and joy servicing the very same nigger bull's cock. 

Samantha gulped and stepped back. Betty and Prospero were too far gone to care. Both were near orgasm. She bounced more rapidly trying to get him off knowing their time was almost up. Prospero squeezed and tugged on her erect nipples more harshly so that she might cum. The white men had recovered from their shock enough to approach the interracial couple fucking, but it was too late. Betty threw back her head and screamed that she was cumming before the eyes of her black lover, her sister, her husband, her father, and a half dozen of his employees. Prospero grunted like a bull and like a bull his huge balls flooded Betty's womb and pussy with more sperm then it could hold. The eyes of the white males watched in horror as a torrent of white semen poured from their conjoined crotches. 

A whip lashed out to wrap around Samantha's neck, choking her and pulling her down upon the same hay where six niggers had possessed her body and soul that afternoon. Arms reached around Betty and pulled her off the black man's still spurting cock. She too was thrown on the hay. 

Prospero threw back his head and laughed as iron manacles replaced the rope that had bound him earlier. A livid Phineas Cox strolled up and slapped him across his bearded face, but he would not quit laughing. 
 "That man is the devil," shouted Caleb. "I saw it in New Orleans. His cock has bewitched them, Colonel." 

"We'll see," spat the old man. "Lock the sluts up in the cellar until tomorrow. Someone fetch Father Murphy to see if they are bewitched or if they're just a couple of nigger loving whores. Someone go ring the church bells. I want everyone at the Oak tree in the morning." 

Phineas Cox turned to his men. "There's gonna be a hanging tomorrow." 


Bobbie Sue shivered as she put the journal down. Betty's confession had been filthy. She couldn't think clearly. Her mind was filled with images of two big breasted blondes like her and Jenny Summers giving their bodies to a bearded black slave named Prospero. Jesus! What she wouldn't give for sex like Betty Cox Summers had described. She certainly wasn't getting sex like that from her husband. But none of it was true… was it? Blacks certainly didn't have big cocks… penises…did they? The journal made it seem true and the newspaper articles she had skimmed over had mentioned large phalluses on black babies. 

Bobbie Sue looked down the aisle at Melvin sitting at his computer station. He looked down as she glanced at him. He'd been staring at her again. She had to know. She needed proof that it was true. Bobbie Sue stood and walked down the book aisle towards the scrawny black nerd. Bobbie Sue hadn't realized how wet her panties had become reading the erotic confession of Betty Cox, but as she began walking she was acutely aware that they were soaked through. Her nipples were hard points sticking out through her bra and white blouse, embarrassingly visible. "Melvin?" 

The black teenager jumped up at her approach. He jumped up and hurried towards her, meeting her in the middle of the aisle. "Time to go, Mrs. Kindle?" 

"Almost ready, but I need to ask you something." 

"What is it?" he asked in his nasally voice. 

"This is a bit embarrassing, but I need to know for my book. You saw the story about the curse and all. Well it seems to indicate that African males are more well-endowed then white males at least in this county. 

Melvin nodded. "Yes." 

"Are you saying, yes go on or, yes it's true?" 

"Yes, it's true. At least in this county that is, but then I've never been out of Coxville. Well next year when I start college will be my first. Did I tell you what my major is going to be?" 

"Melvin, focus. Why do you say that it's true that African American males in this county are 
bigger than white males?" 

"Well, I've showered with nearly every boy in this school after gym class over the last four years and we're all bigger then the white men. My ten-year-old brother has a penis bigger than all the white men I've seen. The whites don't seem to like it. They segregate themselves from us in the showers, turning their backs on us and they wash quickly like they're in a hurry to get out of there. There's some sort of psychology involved, but I haven't studied psych… 

"Melvin! Please focus. I know that brain of yours works a mile a minute. I can't grasp my mind around this. How is it possible? God made all men in his image." 

"Well, I'd say we evolved and we know evolution is true with genetics. Big bosoms and large penises could be genetic and that gene could go recessive, disappearing for a period of time." 

"Human beings can't be changed. We were created this way." 

"Humans domesticated a wolf around 15,000 years ago and from that wolf, they bred dogs ranging from Chihuahuas to Bull Mastiffs. If we can change dogs through breeding, why not humans?  Why couldn't man be bred for penis size and semen production in 200 years?" 

Bobbie Sue looked at the skinny black youth in horror. "That's not how a good Christian thinks, Melvin." 

"I don't think like a Christian because I'm not a Christian. I'm a freethinking atheist and set my belief system based on evidence not faith. I'll be studying astrophysics in college and belief in supernatural beings and curses just ain't in our mindset." 

"Isn't in our mindset," she corrected. Once again, Bobbie Sue had a strong desire to punch the geek. Not only was he a whiny little nerd, but he was also a nonbeliever. She'd never known an atheist before and couldn't even think of anyone she knew who didn't go to church. "I don't believe you. I'm open minded, but I can't believe the races are that different. There's no way someone like you has a bigger penis then someone… someone like my husband." 

Melvin shrugged his bony shoulders. "Sorry Mrs. Kindle, but the observational evidence strongly suggests," he paused to push his glasses higher on his nose which magnified his eyes. "that no Caucasian males have penises larger than the smallest black male that I've seen in the shower. So, unless your husband is an anomaly then..." 

"Get your stuff, Melvin and I'll take you home." Bobbie Sue watched him spin around and scurry back to the computer station. He leaned over to turn the computer off before grabbing his backpack. He might be a genius, but the teen was a social retard. He wore big red glasses and red suspenders held his jeans up. Ugly brown shoes with white socks stuck out under jeans too short for him. Of course, his family was poor and perhaps that was all they could afford. Still, watching him, Bobbie Sue couldn't shake the feeling that there was no way in hell this kid had a big penis. Unfortunately, the jeans were baggy and she couldn't detect his bulge. How could she write about a supposed curse if she didn't confirm certain facts? "Melvin," said Bobbie Sue, 
standing up straight as she came to a decision. "I need to do more research." 

"Ooooh?" he said in a high pitched nasally whine that made her wince. "Sure thing, Mrs. Kindle. I'm not in a hurry. I like being here with you. He he he. Anything I can do to help? Need something else translated?" 

"No Melvin. I need to research certain facts. I need to see your penis." 

"WHAAAAAT!" The nasally whine was louder the normal. 

"Calm down," she waved her palms at him to soothe his shock. "I know this is an unusual request and somewhat unconventional and a little inappropriate, but I have to know. I just want to see if it's true. Take it out, show me, and we can go home." 

"Ooooh, I don't know." 

"I understand Melvin, but I'm asking you to do this for me as a favor or were you lying about all blacks being bigger than whites?" Bobbie Sue crossed her arms and tapped her foot. Time to put your money where your mouth is, nerd, she thought. 

"I wasn't lying," muttered Melvin, pulling his red suspenders off his shoulders. "I'll show it to you." 

"Thanks, I really appreciate this," said Bobbie Sue, watching him unbutton his pants. Her eyes widened when she saw the bulge in his underwear. As he pulled his pants down, she got her first glimpse of black cock. Bobbie Sue frowned and leaned closer. "Alright Melvin, I'm impressed. It's certainly big, bigger then my husband's, but it isn't the monster phallus I read about in the journal." Bobbie Sue kneeled and examined it more closely. It was definitely a nice large penis. It hung down about eight inches. It was bunched up, receding into itself. His testicles weren't the sperm filled fantasy coconuts she'd read about either. They were big though, combined about the size of a large orange. She brought her head closer and Melvin's entire body seemed to tremble. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing," whimpered Melvin. "Just cold. I've never seen it this small before." 

Bobbie Sue's brow furrowed. It wasn't that cold in the library, but Melvin was shivering. He wasn't cold, he was scared! Of course, she thought, Melvin was most certainly a virgin. This was probably the first time he'd ever shown his penis to a woman. His nervous state was making it recede. Her husband's prick got positively puny when he was in a cold pool. "Can you make it get bigger?" 

"I'll try." Melvin grabbed the head of his penis and tugged on it a couple times. It did stretch out another inch or so, but remained dangling limply. "Maybe if you tried? He he he." 

"No, I'm not going to touch one of my student's penises, Melvin." Especially yours, she thought. 

"Well then show me something. Let me see your breasts." 

"No, that's not appropriate either. This is only research." Mrs. Kindle arched her back and started undoing the buttons on her blouse.  "I'll take my top off, but not my bra. Maybe that will help." The white blouse came off exposing her large DD's contained inside a tight white bra. She watched Melvin's penis as she removed it. It swelled a little and his balls were swinging lower. "It's getting bigger. It's certainly the biggest penis I've ever seen. Maybe it is true. Melvin, try again. I want to see it completely erect." 

"Melvin grabbed it and tugged a couple times while staring intently at her breasts. "It's no use," he complained. His penis remained long, but floppy. "Unless you want to try it or show me your boobs, it's not going to work." 

"Alright then." Bobbie Sue sucked her lower lip into her mouth and thought. She stared at it, watching his penis actually deflate an inch. The skinny black nerd was still trembling, nervous about what he had asked. Bobbie Sue certainly wasn't going to show him her boobs. Wishing she had latex gloves, she reached out with her bare hand and touched Melvin's penis. It still didn't cooperate, shrinking further as Melvin trembled and whimpered. "I'm sorry," she told him. Bobbie Sue's fingers caressed the seven or eight-inch dangling penis. "I know I'm probably the first woman to touch your penis. You've got nothing to be ashamed of Melvin." She wrapped her fingers around his penis and moved it out of the way. Bobbie Sue lifted her free hand up and cupped his balls. She squeezed them, they were heavier then they looked. The weight in her palm grew as his balls pressed down on them. His balls were dropping down as he became less nervous, more excited. They were pretty big. Surprisingly big. Maybe each testicle was as big as her husband's scrotum, no Melvin's were bigger. Bobbie Sue's heart began racing. Now it was her turn to tremble a little. "Someday, some lucky woman won't be touching your nice penis just to do research Melvin. She'll be touching it because she likes you and you know what?" 

"What, Mrs. Kindle?" Melvin's question came out as a moan. 

"She's going to be a very lucky girl to have you Melvin." Kindle smiled at him, hoping she was settling his nerves a bit. She frowned. The weight of his testicles was getting even larger now. They were filling her small white palm so completely, one of his balls fell out of her hand. The fingers of her other hand were opening wider as his penis swelled. "Jesus Christ," she whispered turning her gaze on it. His penis had stretched out another two inches and nearly doubled in width. His penis was growing, getting bigger. Her fingers were still opening until there was close to a two-inch gap between them. His big shaft extended another couple inches and was now nearly sticking straight out. Her hand went from holding it, to sliding up the growing shaft to the golf ball sized head. She wasn't holding just a penis any more. "I'm sorry I doubted you, Melvin. You do have a big black cock!" Bobbie Sue's mouth hung open in surprise as she examined it closely. 

"Told you. I'm only about average, lots of the guys are bigger." Oh god, he screamed to himself. She's stroking my cock. This is so fucking amazing, but if she doesn't stop that soon, I'm gonna blow. 

"Average! But this thing is nearly a foot long!" Bobbie Sue could barely control her hand. She was practically jerking him off, her hand was moving so quickly. 

"Not quite a foot long yet," groaned Melvin as her hand quit jerking him and instead began squeezing the knobby head of his cock, feeling how spongy it was. He watched her squeezing it. He could see just the tip of her areola sticking out over the top of her bra. Above her pink skirt, the sides of a thong panty was stretched out over her hips. "It gets just a little bigger. Wanna see it?" 

"Yes," she gasped. "I want to see it completely hard." Bobbie Sue couldn't believe it could get any bigger. It was already hard as steel. 

Melvin put his black hands in her blonde hair. "Try sucking on it." Bobbie Sue gasped in surprise as he pulled her head forwards towards his cock. He took advantage of her surprise and pushed his cock head right into her mouth. His favorite teacher closed her eyes, not pulling back, but not sucking him either. She appeared to be undergoing an internal struggle. First, her hand began sliding along his shaft again. Then Melvin could feel her tongue flickering against his urethra, growing bolder until it was slurping all around his cock head. Lastly, Bobbie Sue Kindle began sucking on the tip of Melvin's big black cock while jerking him off with her hand. I only hang out at the library to look at this slut's big fucking tits, thought Melvin. Never in my wildest fantasies did I ever think this might actually happen. 

Bobbie Sue knew she should stop. She knew that things had gone too far. But damn, she was horny. Reading about the Cox twins' introduction to big black cock had stirred something within her. She didn't want to stop. She wanted to suck him dry. Who would have thought the skinny bookworm I see every day would be hiding such a snake in his pants? She couldn't help wondering what some of the bigger black boys in school might be hiding in their pants. 

"Mrs. Kindle, are you sure we should be doing this in the library?" asked Melvin. 

"Ssshh. Don't worry." Bobbie Sue kissed his swollen cock head while she talked. "Just be quiet, Melvin." She kissed and slid her tongue over the large crown of his cock head. "It's just us here." 

"AAAHH!!! Wow! That feels incredible." 

"Mmm, your black cock feels so good in my throat," she said, lustily. Bobbie Sue licked the underside of his cock and then took him back in her mouth. She sucked nearly half down her throat. Melvin hadn't lied. The black monster was getting bigger. 

"Your mouth's so hot. So wet," he moaned. "I'm gonna bust a nut!" 

Going to bust a nut, not gonna, she thought as she began sucking his cock faster. She wanted him to cum. She wanted him cumming in her mouth. 


YES! She thought as the first powerful blast of Melvin's seed struck the back of her throat. Feed me that hot black genius seed. This is the best stuff I've ever tasted, as good as Betty and Samantha described. His sperm filled her mouth and dribbled down her chin. Bobbie Sue gulped, swallowing load after load from Melvin's huge cock. Just like Betty and Samantha had done from Prospero Black's mighty Damballah exactly 150 year ago. Jesus, she thought. The library is built right where the Cox Plantation stable used to be. Not only is this happening 150 years to the day, but it's happening in the same spot. 

"Too sensitive," moaned, Melvin, yanking his cock back. "Thanks, Mrs. Kindle. That was amazing." 

Bobbie Sue wiped the sperm off her chin and stared at his still swollen cock as she slowly stood up. She stared at Melvin like a woman possessed as she unhooked her bra and her huge tits sprang free. Melvin's eyes bulged out as he stared at them. Next, she let her skirt fall to the floor. Bobbie Sue Kindle spun around and leaned against the book case. "Be a dear and pull my thong down." 

Melvin kneeled, grabbed the straps on her hips and pulled her thong down her long firm legs. His cock was fully erect again and sticking up straight between his legs as he stared at her firm ass. Not only was he seeing his first live nude woman, but he was seeing the woman of his dreams nude. "What's going on Mrs. K?" 

"Melvin, I need to do some more research." 

Melvin stripped off all his clothes in a flash until only his ugly brown shoes and white socks were all that he was wearing. Bobbie Sue Kindle leaned against the bookshelf and lifted her leg. He took over, cupping his arm under her knee and lined his cock up with her pussy. Standing in the middle aisle of the public library, Melvin pushed his cock head into the soaked pussy of his white English teacher. "Gosh Mrs. Kindle, your pussy is incredibly tight," he groaned, having difficulty getting more of his cock inside her. "It's like you're a virgin." 

"In a way I am, Melvin," she cried. His cock head was stretching her so wide, she thought her pussy might rip. It was a good thing she was producing so much lubrication for it. "I'm a virgin for a big black cock." 

"Not for much longer," he groaned as several inches of thick black cock entered her. 

"OH!! So BIG!!!" Bobbie Sue wanted to scream her pleasure at finally having a real man's cock in her. She hadn't completely lost her mind. She knew this was crazy. She knew that this was wrong.  She

knew that she just had to find out the truth and that this would be a onetime thing. She felt she could trust Melvin to be discreet and if he wasn't, well who would believe that a married white teacher would fuck a scrawny black wimp like him? "Melvin, don't stop please. I want it all, but you need to pull out when you get close. Okay?" 

"Okay, Mrs. Kindle." 
 Bobbie Sue glanced back at him. His eyes were huge, magnified by his powerful glasses. The gawky black youth's tongue was hanging out. She looked away, back at the books. She was ashamed at what she was doing with the unattractive teen, but there was no denying the pleasure his cock was giving her. Why couldn't he have looked like Coach Black, she asked herself? Now there was a powerful looking black man. "OW! I think you just hit my cervix," she whispered. "Did I take it all?" 

Melvin looked down at their conjoined crotches. "No there's still a few inches to go," he said, starting to push again. Shit! I'm not gonna last very long. Mrs. Kindle has a hot pussy and it's tight too. Either they're all like this or hubby has a pencil dick. If I play it right, I'll be tappin' this ass daily in no time. "He He he," he suddenly burst out laughing at the thought. 

"Ow Melvin. I think that's all I can handle." I guess it isn't true about all those black studs going balls deep in Betty and Samantha, she wondered, a little sad at the fact. Melvin's cock was throbbing in her pussy and he was still pushing. Bobbie Sue wasn't aware how much precum Melvin's cock was squirting on her cervix with each throb. Slowly, his pressure began to produce results as the precum softened her cervix and it began to open for Melvin's cock head. Bobbie Sue gasped as Melvin's cock head passed through her cervix and into her womb. Her entire body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes was permeated by an intense pleasure radiating outward from inside her womb. Melvin began sliding his cock in and out. Bobbie Sue gasped with delight. "Yes, Melvin! Fuck me. Fuck my pussy with your big black cock!" she cried. This was what she wanted. It was almost too much. Mrs. Kindle was receiving complete sexual satisfaction and Melvin was about to make her cum. "Aaahhh.: 

"You alright Mrs. Kindle?" 


"Mrs. K? Should I stop?" 

"Aaahhh! Not aah on your aaahh life, she gasped. "OH LORD!" The leg holding Bobbie Sue up trembled and if it wasn't for the fact that Melvin was propping her up and she was leaning against the shelf, she might have fallen. 

"Mrs. K?" Melvin was worried. It looked like she was having a seizure. 

"I'm going to cum Melvin. You're so deep inside my pussy!" 

"He He He!" His first time and he was getting a woman off. Melvin, you big stud. Your hot teacher is going to be your slut after this. "He He He." 

"Oh, GOD! AAAAAHHH!!! FUCK! YES!" Bobbie Sue's entire body shook with ecstasy. Her pussy spasmed around the big cock quickly moving in and out of it. Her vagina was milking it, trying to coax the sperm out of his balls, wanting his seed deep in her womb. No one's ever made me cum that hard, she thought in amazement. Especially not my husband! 
 "Getting close," moaned Melvin. 

"Pull it out," she gasped, whimpering as he slowly pulled his swollen cock from her pussy. Her pussy squeezed and tugged at it, reluctant to release every inch. Melvin stepped back and she slid down the bookcase to her knees. "That was amazing, Melvin." 

"Thanks. The feelings going away. I think it's safe to put it back in." 

Bobbie Sue glanced down at his erect cock sticking out proudly from his skinny little body. It did look less swollen and angry then it had a minute ago. "Alright," she said, wanting it again. She felt empty without it, like it had become a part of her. "It's not that I don't trust you, but you're inexperienced. Lay down on your back and let me ride it. Warn me when you're going to cum and I'll jump off." 

"Okay, Mrs. Kindle." Melvin laid down on his back, enjoying the view as his sexy teacher straddled him, reached down and held his cock up as she squatted over it. She

placed it on the entrance to her pussy and slowly lowered herself. It was as tight as it had been, but his cock slipped in a lot easier this time. 

Bobbie Sue was still weak from her mind-numbing orgasm. She sat for a moment in Melvin's lap, eyes closed, just luxuriating in the feeling of his foot-long black cock filling her up. She ground her crotch into his. Then she began to bounce, slow at first picking up speed. She could feel another orgasm growing, building as his cock moved in her. She smiled and looked down at her lover. Skinny body, ribs showing, big eyes staring at her in awe through their lenses. She quickly closed her eyes. She was fucking the cock and not the man. Mrs. Kindle moaned in pleasure and looked back down at her lover, his muscular body, bearded face, bright eyes staring at her intently as she rode his mighty cock. She reached down grabbing handfuls of straw with her hands. 

"May the daughters of Eve be buxom and fertile. May they find solace serving the superior black snake of Damballah. For the white worms of the sons of Adam will leave them wanting," said Prospero as he reached up to squeeze and knead Bobbie Sue's breasts. She slammed her pussy down in his lap, screaming her pleasure. 

"Ooo, Mrs. K? I'm getting close," said Melvin in a high-pitched whine. 

"Me too," she cried, riding his big cock for all she was worth. "Try to hold on, stud." 

"He he," he laughed. She called me stud. "I'll try, but my balls are aching." 

"Not yet, Melvin." Bobbie Sue slammed her pussy down and ground it into his crotch. It was going to be a big orgasm, but something was holding her back. Her entire body felt like it was on fire. "I need to cum again." She leaned down so that her ripe breasts were dangling over Melvin's face. He sucked one nipple into his mouth. Bobbie Sue moaned at the extra stimulation and her pussy twitched, but it wasn't enough to make the dam burst. She yanked her breast out of 
his mouth, leaned back and rode him fast and hard desperate to get off again. 

"Mrs. Kindle, I'm gonna blow. Can't hold back." 

"NO! I'm close. Don't cum yet," she begged in desperation. Bobbie Sue had never needed anything more in her life then to feel her approaching orgasm burst. 

Bobbie Sue looked down into Prospero's dark penetrating eyes.  "Ripen the bellies of the daughters of Eve with the seed of the black snake of Damballah," he said, just as his cock exploded. 

"I can't hold… CUMMING!!!" squealed Melvin like a young girl. 

"NO!" Bobbie Sue screamed in horror, but when the first powerful jet of black seed splattered the insides of her womb, the damn finally burst. "YES!!! That's it. Cum in me. Fill me with your seed. It's too good." Bobbie Sue's orgasm curled her toes and made her eyes roll up in her head. She ground her pussy into the base of his bucking cock trapping the entire shaft deep in her pussy.  Her pussy squeezed and milked his cock for every ounce of his seed. Her womb filled and expanded until sperm began to leak out her cervix. Semen flowed down his shaft and began leaking from their conjoined crotches, flowing over Melvin's balls and dripping onto the carpet. His cock bucked and another jet of sperm filled her womb. 

Melvin looked as dazed as she felt. "He he," he groaned. "You might be right, Mrs. Kindle," he said. 

"What's that?" 

"Maybe there is a god." He reached up for her breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples. 

Bobbie Sue smiled, still coming down from her orgasmic high. She looked at his skinny, elongated, black hands tugging on her nipples. Her eyes widened. "Sweet Jesus! Melvin, what have you done?" 


"You came inside me! What have you done? Dear god, what have you done, Melvin." Bobbie Sue jumped off his cock, watching the now deflated foot long shaft fall like an axed tree to his chest. Sperm poured like Niagara falls from her now unplugged pussy. 

"I warned you," he pleaded. 

"Well that wasn't good enough was it?" 

"You were the one in control." 

"Shut up, Melvin. God, look at this mess. It's going to take us an hour to clean all your sperm up. 

Go get some paper towels at the checkout counter. I'm going to go try to get some of this mess out of me." Bobbie Sue waddled over to the library's bathroom with her hand cupped between her legs to catch his still leaking semen. She entered the bathroom, sat on the toilet and used tissues to clean herself as best she could. Then she forced herself to urinate hoping it would leak more of his sperm out. "Jesus, but that little geek can cum," she griped aloud. Jesus, but that had felt good. I didn't know an orgasm could be so powerful, she wondered silently. The orgasm was so good, it was worth her risking getting knocked up even by Melvin. She'd been hard on Melvin, but truthfully, for a virgin, he'd lasted a long time. Longer then her husband ever had. As Melvin got used to having sex, he'd probably last even longer. How long will he be able to last when he fucks me the next time? "NO!" she said to her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Roberta Susan Kindle, you need to exercise a little self-control. You will not cheat on your husband again, especially with a black man, and especially with someone like Melvin. 

Bobbie Sue washed some of his dried semen off her chin and then returned to the aisle. Melvin was still nude but for shoes and socks. He had cleaned up some of the puddles of sperm, but not a lot. "Come on Melvin," she scolded. "It's your mess, get cracking." Bobbie Sue watched as he ripped off a single sheet of paper towel and swiped it through a puddle of semen that soaked the sheet entirely. She sighed, "Here, just give me the roll. I'll do it." 

Naked, Bobbie Sue kneeled on the floor. She wrapped a lot of towels around each hand and got to work cleaning his sperm up. She crawled towards the last puddle and found herself looking down at Melvin's ugly brown shoes. Her eyes ran up his skinny calves, to his knobby knees and to the fat black cock head that dangled down nearly to his knees. Her eyes ran up the shaft that had given her so much pleasure. Bobbie Sue reached out and gave his entire cock a loving caress that made it swell a little. "I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time, Melvin," she told him while staring at his cock. 

"That's okay, Mrs. Kindle." 

"No, I was acting like a bitch. The truth is that I'm very impressed with your performance." She squeezed his cock head making it swell almost double in size. "You were amazing." Her hand gripped his shaft and stroked up to the head then down to the root as it rose up to point at her. "No one's ever fucked me like you just did." She kissed the now fully reinvigorated cock on the tip. "You're much better than my husband." She took the head between her lips and sucked half his shaft down her throat. He groaned as she blew him. Bobbie Sue only swallowed him for a few minutes before pulling back and staring at the shiny black cock. 

"Melvin," she told his cock. "I think we need to do some more research." 

"More research, Mrs. Kindle?" asked Melvin. 

Bobbie Sue crawled backwards away from the foot-long cock pointing at her. She turned around until her rear was facing him. "Yes, Melvin. I need to know what a black cock feels like in my ass." 

"I want you to fuck my ass." Bobbie Sue put her head down on the carpet and found her cheek resting on a spot still wet from his semen. She reached around behind her with her hands and spread her ass cheeks open for him. "Do it. Fuck my ass." Not a very Christian thing to say, but she wanted- no, needed to- experience everything that Betty and Samantha had experienced. 

"Are you sure?" Melvin leaned closer to her ass and stared at her puckered little rosebud. "That's an awfully small hole." 

"I'm sure. If I can take that monster in my ass, I know that the Cox sisters probably did too and that their story is true. There's hand lotion in the bathroom." Bobbie Sue waited patiently while Melvin ran to the bathroom. Samantha and Betty had both taken black cocks up their asses that day in the stable or so Betty claimed. Now Melvin was returning, his hand effortlessly gliding along his giant shaft as he coated it with lotion. Betty and Samantha hadn't had the luxury of a lotioned cock when they'd had their asses taken 150 years ago on this very spot.  They'd also taken multiple cocks in multiple holes. Bobbie Sue was suddenly grateful Melvin was the only black around. If there had been three black teens at the library would she be demanding that they all stuff her with their cocks for her research? Yes, probably and for that she was thankful, but still her curiosity was a little piqued. 

Melvin returned and kneeled behind her. His cock hard, rampant, and slick with lotion. He pressed his cock head down on her rosebud. "You sure, Mrs. K? The head of my cock is five times bigger than your sphincter. If you prefer, I can calculate how much it would need to stretch out to..." 

"I'm sure, Melvin. Just push it in and if I scream and beg for you to pull it out, don't listen to me." 

"Well here goes nuthin. He he he." 

Bobbie Sue felt pressure on her sphincter and almost instantly regretted her decision. This wasn't a natural act unless you were from Sodom and look at what happened to them. She winced in pain and tears rolled down her cheeks as the pressure on her ass grew. Her sphincter pushed inwards and then slowly opened. Melvin's slick cock head pushed inside her as he came to "know" her in the biblical sense. 

Melvin worked his cock around a little. "Oooo, it feels good, Mrs. Kindle. Putting my cock in your ass sounded kinda dirty, but I like it. Your ass is tighter than your pussy. I'm gonna see how much you can take and then start fucking it." 

Bobbie Sue groaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Her hands dug into the carpet, but in her mind, she was grabbing handfuls of straw. She looked over at her sister Samantha, now with three of the biggest blackest cocks in all of her holes. Melvin moved his cock in deeper. "Yes, Master," she moaned. "Fuck my ass." 
 "He he he," giggled Melvin. His cock wedged in and he decided she had taken all she could. "You want it, you got it," he said, pulling and pushing on her hips, using her ass to fuck his cock. "I'm gonna fuck this ass good. You likin' this?" 

"Yes, my black master," screamed Bobbie Sue. She knew what was happening and who she was with, but she was so caught up in her fantasy, she pictured it was Prospero's mighty Damballah taking her anal virginity. She was responding to it just like Betty and Samantha had responded to it. "Fuck my white ass, master." 

She's my slut now, thought Melvin. You did it you stud. "He he."  For some reason, he gave her a playful smack on one ass cheek with the palm of his hand. 

"Oh god, I love it," moaned Bobbie Sue. She didn't know how it was possible having something so big in your ass could feel so good, but it did. Her pussy was dripping with arousal, desperate for something inside it. Bobbie Sue reached one hand under her and began diddling her clit and fingering herself. "Shit! I'm cumming!" she screamed. That was all she had needed to cum again. She quit playing with herself and used both hands to push herself up so that she could push her ass back into Melvin's cock. 

Melvin had hunched over her ass and was now slamming his cock in and out. She'd only managed about three quarters in the beginning, but her ass had opened even more as he worked on it. Currently she could take all but two inches. Eventually, he figured she could take it all, but unfortunately today was not the day. Semen welled up in his balls and before he knew what hit him, Melvin groaned. "Cumming Mrs. K!" 

Bobbie Sue was still pushing back into Melvin when she felt his cock explode. As her bowels flooded with sperm she remembered how amazing it had felt just a short time ago when his cum had sprayed into her unprotected womb. Bobbie's Sue's arms began trembling where they were bracing her up. Her pussy was spasming. Nothing was near the opening to her vagina except the tops of his ball sack slapping against her. A trickle of cum leaked out of her tightly stretched rectum, flowing down over her labia and clitoris to drip on the carpet. Bobbie Sue's
pussy went ballistic. Her arms collapsed as she came, her head falling on the carpet. Her own cum leaked from her pussy mingling with the sperm dripping from her ass. Bobbie Sue laid on the carpet in disbelief. Her head rested on her right cheek, she just stared at books on the shelves. Melvin had just given her a huge orgasm just by fucking her ass. 

"Ugh, that was great Mrs. K," said Melvin, slowly withdrawing his cock from her rectum. As he removed it the trickle became a torrent, white semen bubbled up from the gaping hole in her ass to pour down her pussy and splatter on the carpet. 

Bobbie Sue slowly recovered and pushed "Look at this mess." 

"Looks like we gotta clean up again," said Melvin. "He he he." 

"Just go wash off and I'll wipe this up." Bobbie Sue felt weak as she grabbed the roll of towels and began wiping the pool of sperm up off the carpet, but as she squatted, more just dripped down out of her ass. When Melvin returned, she told him to take over while she went to clean up. Bobbie Sue scooped up her clothes and spent the next twenty minutes, trying to feel clean, but she figured that wasn't going to happen until she got home and took a shower. She sent her husband a quick text stating that she would be home soon. She left the bathroom. Melvin was still nude and throwing sticky paper towels into a wastebasket.   

"Get dressed," said Bobbie Sue. The trashcan reeked of semen as did the floor, even the aisle, and for all she knew, the entire Coxville Public Library. Bobbie Sue, gathered up the trash bag and dropped it in the can outside on the sidewalk as she and Melvin headed to her car. 


Bobbie Sue tried not to glance over at Melvin as she drove him home. He was staring at her and she could see the dumb grin on his face out of the corner of his eye. "I'll drop you off at the entrance to the Westside, but I'm not going back there," she told him. Bobbie Sue hadn't been back in the Westside since she was in elementary school and her school bus stopped there. Beside the school bus stop had been a dirt area with old black men throwing dice. Stray cats and dogs wandered through overgrown yards containing broken down cars, old dilapidated homes, or trailers. Not originally part of old Niggertown was a newer condominium public housing community. It was almost as bad and usually lumped in with the Westside. If you wanted to buy drugs without driving to Coxburg, that was the place. Several times a year, town and state police would block off the two exits to the Westside while they searched for some drug dealer or other criminal. 

"So, we like boyfriend and girlfriend now?" asked Melvin. He was nervous and his voice went high as he spoke. 

Bobbie Sue winced, his voice grating on her. "Melvin, I'm a married woman. What happened back at the library will never happen again. It was research that was all." 

Bobbie Sue drove up and pulled over to the entrance to Westside. She could see several units down in the public housing. Even close to midnight, there were a dozen blacks hanging out, drinking out of paper bags. A car pulled up and one of the men leaned into the window, exchanging money for drugs. She wrinkled her nose with distaste, suddenly very happy for Melvin that he would be getting out of here. Now that she was parked, she looked over at him. The boy looked crestfallen. She was his first and someone way out of his league in looks, class, and race. Undoubtedly, he had convinced himself they were in love. Hell, half the school was either secretly in love with her or with Jenny Summers or with Nurse Swallows and some with all three. "I'm sorry Melvin," she said, soothingly and patting his leg. "Not that I didn't enjoy it, I loved every moment of what happened. You were amazing and you're going to make some brilliant girl you meet in college a very lucky woman." 

"But I'm your black master?" 

"I was just repeating what I read in Father Murphy's journal. It was research that was all. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but we'll always have that time spent in the library as our little secret.

Now it's time for you to go home." Bobbie Sue sat up straight and stared out the windshield waiting for him to leave. 

"Alright, Mrs. Kindle. I hafta ask though…" 

"Have to, Melvin." She corrected, not looking over at him. 

"Yes, I have to ask, do you believe there is a Coxville curse?" 

"Of course not," she replied. "There's no such thing as curses and obviously there aren't any white women having sex with black men in this town that I know of, present company excluded." 

"I've devised a little test to go with the curse hypothesis," he said. 

Bobbie Sue finally turned to look at her passenger. Melvin was sitting back and was playing with something in his lap. "Melvin, your cock!" Bobbie Sue looked at the huge foot long monster, once again hard and engorged. She leaned over and took the head in her mouth. 

"Oh yeah,, he he he," he giggle-groaned. "You failed the test. If there was a curse, you wouldn't be able to resist sucking my cock again. He he he." All Melvin had to do was whip it out and she'd open any hole for him. He didn't believe in a curse either, but he did believe that she had loved his cock so much, she was practically addicted to it. "That's it you white slut, suck your black master's cock," he told her, his voice taking on a deep and manly tone she'd never heard from him before. 

Bobbie Sue moaned in reply, taking his shaft deeper down her throat. Her thoughts were similar to Melvin's. All he had to do was take his cock out and she'd want it. Nothing in her entire life had given her as much pleasure as this cock had earlier. Even just sucking Melvin was better than actual intercourse with her husband. Now that she knew how good it was, how could she go without it? Not only that, but the teen was an inexperienced virgin. He was only going to get better with practice. Even now as she bobbed her head rapidly up and down his shaft, he was lasting longer then the first time she'd blown him. She wished the angle wasn't so awkward and her car wasn't so cramped. A bed would be so much more comfortable. Maybe someday, she could do this in her marital bed? She felt guilty thinking that, but that disappeared as his cock began spurting in her throat. She could feel it jerking, bucking as it pumped its seed. Her remorse over wanting to suck Melvin in the bed she shared with her husband was replaced by remorse over not being able to taste his seed. Bobbie Sue pulled back until the throbbing cock head cleared her throat. Her mouth immediately filled with sperm. She moaned gulping it down, loving the taste, better than any drink or food she'd ever had. Her mouth filled again and she swallowed. The next load only filled half her mouth, she gulped as the next load flowed over her tongue. Melvin grabbed the base of his shaft and jerked it, milking every bit of his seed into her hungry mouth. 

"Best night of my life," said Melvin, leaning back in the seat, gasping for air. 

Bobbie Sue gave his shrinking cock head a long kiss before sitting back up and wiping the back of her hand across her mouth. Her remorse returned. It was the best night of her life too. "Your cum tastes so good," she whispered, licking her lips. She watched as he tucked his now floppy cock back into his jeans. She found herself missing it, missing seeing it, touching it, sucking it, feeling it inside her, spurting it's seed into her womb or stretching her ass out, filling her bowels with hot cum. 

"We gonna fuck again, Mrs. Kindle," he told her and it wasn't a question. 

"No Melvin," replied Bobbie Sue, pointing a stern finger at her student. "We are going to fuck again. Correct English please." 

"Yes, we are. He he he." Melvin opened the door and stepped out of the car. He leaned down and looked at her. "So, does this mean we ARE boyfriend and girlfriend?" 

"Go home Melvin." 

"Kiss good night?" 

"Go home Melvin." Bobbie Sue shook her head and closed her eyes for a second. No doubt about it, they were going to fuck again, but she still wanted to punch the annoying little geek. 

"Yes, Mrs. Kindle." He stood, but leaned back down. "One last thing, Mrs. K. Of course, there isn't a curse, but maybe there never was." 

"What do you mean?' she asked him, curiously. 

"I don't think Prospero cursed the town. I think he blessed it. Something to think about. Goodnight." 

"Goodnight, she replied as he stood and left her car. She watched him in the rear-view mirror. He crossed the street to avoid the drug dealers and crossed it again once he'd passed them. She drove off once he'd disappeared into his condo. 

Bobbie Sue drove home thinking about what Melvin had said. Was the annoying little nerd correct? Was it a blessing after all? In many ways the curse did sound like a prayer. Even as he was about to die, Prospero was blessing the women of Coxville to find happiness and satisfaction worshiping his god. "Damn it, the little geek is right," she said to herself. Well, all of him certainly isn't little. Some of him is quite big. God, his cock is amazing. Bobbie Sue squirmed in her car seat. I'm already ready to fuck him again. I hope I don't have to wait long. Maybe, I can see him tomorrow? I need to get on the pill and fast. I hope it has time to get in my system before we fuck again? 

Bobbie Sue Kindle drove home, deep in her thoughts, fully aware that her life had just drastically 

To be continued...

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  1. Whaaaaat, just finished reading this and am so wet....
