

The beautiful weather was provoking to take a stroll at the garden. Hayley thought as she walked gingerly looking at it's mesmerizing beauty. Who would have thought that Adrian Grey was fond of flowers. If she wasn't wrong, she could identify every type of flower in the garden. She knew them since her mother had been a florist for seven years. She had left her siblings taking some quick lunch because they had an Afternoon class to take. The tutor was so friendly and she liked her a lot. Only that she noticed when Adrian was around she would throw him one or two quick glances and he would stare back at her. It left her wondering if at all they had any history together. And if not, who wouldn't stare at that sexy arrogant beast anyways! 

It had been four days since their encounter at his room. Sipping on her cold coke, she recalled how she had stayed at his bathroom close to ten minutes only to find him dead asleep. She wasn't sure how she felt about it. He had fallen asleep on her after their almost sexual encounter! Would he even remember about it? But a part of her was somehow glad. But she still felt a certain shiver in her body when she thought about it.

 The following day, they had collided with Adrian and he had spoken as if nothing had happened. He could not remember anything. He had been drunk after all. Pushing everything behind, she picked up her cellphone from her pocket which had been repaired finally thanks to Russell who had taken it to get fixed the previous day. Going through her music list, she pressed on her favourite jam when suddenly a text message popped on her broken screen.

' 𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢. 𝐵𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙 '

The text message made her Flinch. Only one person called her Angel. She had to inform Adrian about it. Luckily, he was home that day. Rushing inside the house, she bumped into Maria.

"Nanny, where is Adrian? I need to talk to him," 

"He is in the basement dear. But don't go...,"

Before nanny could finish her sentence, she had already disappeared. She knew what nanny wanted to say but this was serious. No one was allowed inside the basement apart from Adrian and his men. Opening the big metallic door, she heard a husky angry voice and halted her steps. Suddenly a male voice screamed at the top of his voice.

"You do know what you did can not go unpunished! Right Marcus?" She heard Adrian voice say in an angry tone. She peeped through the half opened door only to see a man sprawled on the ground crying in agony. She could see blood all over his face.

Beside Adrian was who she recognized as Leo, his second in command and two other more men. She had never seen this side of him. The man she saw in front of her was a cold, ruthless human with a hard heart. How could he beat up that man in such a manner. Picking up her steps, she had to retreat and go find solace somewhere else not untill the door made a click. She was bursted. She could not run away even if she wanted to. Suddenly a hard arm grabbed hers and made way through the door.

"Sir, look what I found!" Leo said smiling at her with his cold big blue eyes. She knew that was not a nice smile . She was in big trouble.

Turning his eyes from his culprit, he met hers. 

"Miss Archer! What are you doing down here?"

Regaining her composure, she replied her hand still on Leo's hold. "I wanted to talk to you," 

"And it could not wait? Don't you know it is a big offense to be down here?"

"Let me punish this bitch Adrian! She has got the nerves!" Leo said holding her hand tighter making her groan in pain.

Drumming his hands on a nearby desk, Adrian growled in anger "Let go of her leonardo! I will teach her a lesson myself. You two!" He said to his other men. " Take Marcus out of here! And you Leonardo, you have my mother and sister to pick up! They are coming over for dinner. Leave the girl to me!"

Hayley stood there in panic waiting for her fate her heart throbbing three times than normal. She knew Adrian was involved in illegal business, but she never would have thought he was capable of this! Beating someone mercilessly. And now it was her turn! Picking up a whip from his desk, he headed towards her. And this was it! He was going to whip her like he had done to that poor guy.! She closed her eyed tightly shaking like a rained on figure waiting for him to land his first whip! But nothing came. Opening her eyes slowly, she met Adrian looking at her the whip no longer at his hand.

"You thought I was going to whip you?" He suddenly spoke up. " I do not beat up ladies miss Archer. Not unless they have gone way overboard. But Instead, I give them a different kind of punishment,"

"Wh..a..t punishment sir?" She stuttered.

"Well, first things first. Why are you down here? It better be something important,"

For a minute she had forgotten about Andrew's text message. Thinking about it, she no longer wanted to tell him about it. What if he unleashed his anger on him. She would handle it herself. But she had to come up with another excuse. 

Thinking of a better idea, she finally said, "I ah..The tutor wanted to have a word with you urgently,"

"Are you kidding me! That would not have waited huh?"  

All of a sudden a helpless anger simmered in him. He grabbed her hand directing her to a door that was part of the basement" I was in a very important business and you had to come in because of that?" He said as he dragged her towards the door.

She knew how to control his anger. It had worked before, and it had to work now. "Adrian!' 

"What did you just call me?" He halted and turned to face her.

"I.. sir..I did not mean that!"

"And what did you mean miss Archer! I am your fucking boss and you have no right to call me by my name! Are we clear?"

Stairing at her angry boss, she knew what she was about to do was foolish. But it was just an idea to get out of the situation she was in at the moment! Smashing her lips into his, she waited for his response. It did not take long because the next minute he had already wrapped her on his waist, kissing her hungrily before he came to a stop.

"You think kissing me is going to make me forget about your punishment," He let out an annoying laugh. "I am sorry miss Archer but Adrian Grey does not allow women to play tricks on him! Especially little annoying stupid hooligans like you!" He spat out!

She could feel the stinging tears threatening to spill all over her face. Why had she been so stupid to make such a move! She had only embarrassed herself! His words! They still rang on her mind! He could only see her as a stupid little nobody. He could not stoop so low for her. Not that she liked him or anything, but it still hurt her feelings. She knew she was not welcome there. She was there out of pity. It was time to change that! Andrew! She thought. Maybe it would be easier living with him! She had to get out of there!

No more words exchanged between them, he locked her up in the little cell, and headed out of the door.


The girl was clouding his mind. She was doing something to him that he could not fathom. Her kisses were extraordinary. Her touch was affecting him in a way. He knew she thought he had forgotten about their encounter at his room. But how could he? He must have been drunk but his senses were okay. He had not wanted to take advantage of her. But he could not stop himself luckily she had excused herself to go to the bathroom. He understood she felt uncomfortable. She had intentionally delayed at the bathroom and not wanting to make her more uncomfortable, he had pretended to have fallen asleep! And not once had she calmed his anger down!

How long would he keep on denying that she was a God sent! His mother had been pressing him to get a girl but he was not ready yet. It had been five years since Emily but he felt as if he was not ready. He had to forget about Miss Archer. If only he had not seen her on those streets and asked her to come work for him! She would not be there clouding his mind! He was a boss and he could not let a girl weaken him!

He may look like a strong man with power who could get any girl to his side, but deep inside, he could not trust any woman for him! Back at the basement, locking her up was one of many moves to convince himself that she could not control him. Her kiss had almost affected him.

He had to avoid and let her out of his mind. And to remove the ache he had in him for her, the tutor would help for now after the classes. He knew she was attracted to him! Forgetting the guilt he felt about locking her up, he opted for a cold shower. For now he would concentrate on his Mother and sister who would be there in a few hours.


Hey guys..So, the thing is, my book is not complete and I can not post everyday! If I did, my book would not turn out perfectly. What would you suggest? Should I first complete it and post it after I do? Because I'm getting pressured by not posting everyday? 

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