

Over the following weeks, things happened so fast for Ken and his crew.
Kimberly managed to get the exact DNA coding for Alphas thus feeding the tracking devices with his exact 
electrical signals that were inside his body thus making is possible to trace him wherever he went.
Ken had no choice than to continue safeguarding Alphas whose sexual charms knew no bounds. During 
that time, Ken had to even endure having to see Alphas have sex with his own wife several times and 
could do nothing about it.
Alphas also continued having sex with some ladies in his company some who were his own bosses. None 
could resist his charms. Even Achara admitted to her team that indeed the boy was such a charming boy 
who could get virtually any woman he wanted.
“Be careful not to fall in love with him, otherwise we will get rid of you.” Kimberly warned her one evening. 
Achara however just smiled, shrugged, shook her head and walked away.
Alphas was even a charmer to men too. He was social and friendly. Victor became very close to Alphas 
since Alphas who had mastered the art of driving the test vehicles would share tricks with anyone on how 
to handle the vehicles.
No one knew where the fuel that was being used was coming from since it was obvious it was not available 
anywhere in Kenyan Petro stations.
It once happened that Victor invited his wife to a function that was attended by his colleagues some of 
them who came along with their wives too. Alphas who had gotten so attached to Achara decided to go 
along with her to the function not knowing that she was working as an undercover to help her team to 
unravel the mysteries behind GLOIL company.
“This is my friend and colleague, victor.” Alphas introduced Achara to Victor.
Victor who was with his wife introduced Alphas, “This is my friend Alphas, also a colleague.”
“Nice to meet you!” Alphas said while shaking Karina’s hand, Victor’s wife.
That was the beginning of Karina’s admiration for Alphas. She instantly got infatuated to this tall, slender, 
lean, brown man whose voice was as charming as his own physique. From where she sat, she could hardly remain still.
Alphas could also see the girl was charmed. He even admired her too. With her typical long dress that was 
touching the ground, her full chest that was showing despite her cardigan, Alphas could make it that the 
girl had a great shape under that dress.
Achara who was just there trying to gather more information knew the more people Alphas got close to 
the higher the chances for him to get more information and the better for them. She had no problem with 
Alphas admiring another woman and she even made it easier for him.
“Honey, I feel nauseated, can I go outside for some fresh air?” Achara asked Alphas.
“Let me come with you.” Alphas told her.
“Just enjoy the party, I am ok. It is your party, a social party.” Achara told Alphas. She walked outside 
without even letting Alphas say anything else leaving him seated all alone.
Florence joined Alphas briefly but Alphas’ attention was all on Karina.
When an opportunity came, Alphas approached Karina.
“Victor is such a great friend of me.” Alphas told Karina.
“Yes, he has told me about you several times.” Karina told Alphas.
“He is such a great driver too.” Alphas said. He was full of praises for Victor. Victor had no problem with 
Karina talking to anyone since he fully trusted her. He underestimated Alphas’ charms.
By the time the party was over, Alphas had obtained Karina’s number.
The following few days were enough for Alphas to win Karina. Karina was the naïve woman who had never 
had sex with another man except her husband. The more Alphas chatted with her, the more she got 
infatuated and thought of trying it with another man. She was confused and Alphas was leading her all 
KARINA: But this is wrong, I have never done it and will never.
ALPHAS: Not like I am breaking your marriage, just some adventure. I will make you get what you have 
been missing.
KARINA: What is it that I have been missing?
ALPHAS: I can even see it in your eyes that you miss some great loving.
KARINA: My husband is ok for me.
ALPHAS: This is between me and you.
KARINA: Stop this you devil!
ALPHAS: God created sex to be enjoyed, not just for procreation.
KARINA: I am ok with just procreation.
ALPHAS: How many children?
ALPHAS: Congratulations, Victor is a bull.
KARINA: And you?
ALPHAS: Countless, I don’t know how many children I have.
KARINA: Gosh! Are you a brother to King Solomon?
ALPHAS: Yes (He was joking) it is why I am also wise and charming.
KARINA: You are tempting me to try you.
ALPHAS: I can tell you never tried another man.
KARINA: Why should I? besides, I got married while I was a virgin.
ALPHAS: Get another man and you will know how great it is to venture.
KARINA: My husband is almost home.
ALPHAS: Let me make a date with you.
ALPHAS: You shall lie to Victor that you have gone to visit your aged parents, then I shall pick you and take 
you out.
KARINA: You think am that stupid to agree to you?
ALPHAS: No, I know you are wise, and it is why I want you.
KARINA: Bye! (She logged out of WhatsApp fast)
“Hi darling….” Karina said standing up to hug Victor who had just arrived.
On the other end, Alphas began chatting with Sherry who was also still yearning for his dick. 
Evelyne was monitoring all his conversations and it had been easier for her since her app was upgraded 
by Kimberly, she had made a lot of progress towards discovering who were behind that project. What 
they were still decoding was how they kept referencing to a place called “North star, where holy oil comes 
But what was even more interesting, Alphas had rose to be a senior driver and he was told he shall be 
driving the bosses instead of doing taxi work. He would only do taxi work when free. That was a plus for 
Evelyne and her team. It also gave Ken a lot of work to ensure Alphas remains alive long enough for 
Evelyne and her team to trace where “North star” was.
One Saturday morning, Alphas received a call from a new number. He gladly received the call.
“Hi, its me, can we meet in town?” It was Karina.
“Wow! what is it with a new number?” Alphas asked.
“Because I do not want to leave a trace of ever having met you.” Karina said.
“Ok, let us meet…” Alphas was speaking when Karina cut him short.
“Kiambu, paradise lost. I am more comfortable there. I was once there with my family when I was still 
single. Please be there when I get there.” Karina said.
“Ok.” Alphas said.
Karina terminated the call.
Alphas called Florence, his boss.
“Today I will not be available I am meeting someone.” Ken told Florence.
“It is ok, we are working on something and then you will come over probably at 7 pm to take us to the 
North Star, this is the first time you are taking us there so you better keep time.” Florence told Alphas.
“Fine, I will be there.” Alphas said and terminated the call. He got inside his vehicle and headed for 
Paradise lost.
Ken too got in his pick up and headed for paradise lost just in case someone attacked Alphas. He was alert 
to the fact that Alphas that day was taking his bosses to North Star and there was no way he could afford 
to miss that.
As Alphas drove towards Kiambu, he was all smiles. He felt some weird satisfaction winning someone’s 
“Sorry victor, today victory is mine…” Alphas muttered to himself.

>>The story continues>>

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